: :. _..-.,. _ - _ _ _ _ __ _ _� �_,__
<br /> __ :.�
<br /> .... .. . . . .. . -- -- - - . .- - --- -
<br /> _ _ _ __. . . . _ _ _ _ _ __ ____
<br /> ..,. ... .. .. . ..: . , . �
<br /> ....____ .. .__.. _. .. .�_. . . . . � . . , . .. . . _ '�".� ,
<br /> � . -
<br /> . ` 'P"'"
<br /> ' �� _�(.`_y . , �--
<br /> ; payaht�aeaotdirty to Ma terma of tne notetcl. anA�ny cdder�Qum to,resmortiaetlon or reetructudnp of the notelsl. Q°f.p��g ° �� � • � � ''
<br /> < �� F�
<br /> � (b) The ropaymont in tu�J by Tcuatorfo)o!any end aD tuturo arid�Qftland loana ar sdvanca�whteh may bo mcdo by�o�aflelavy,at Iw opdon, � • � � `"
<br /> _ � et tlw n��et of,and to ar foi tM wcouni of Trustor(s), c�arry o}tham,tar any pvrpoQe,ptu9 ioiereat on e11 IoQna or advor�coa,undor any � `�•�
<br /> notets) or a8:sr lnsuumarKte) madif�,inp, reflanr.cinp, aztondlrtp, rensvrinp, roartEOrtizinQ, or rostrueturinp, ne+v e�d¢Unp, or edGiUona! �` �`�"r:..
<br /> indabtadness or eny p�rt tMnof,vl p�aEts �ccordinp to tAe tertn� o?tA�notels)or other instrum9ntloi: provlQed, howcwr,that th�totd � n
<br /> pdrutpal ind�bt�dnaaa ouiaYandiny and aacured hanby at�ny ons Um�wiil not exaecd tho sam ot: � ' ,��°
<br /> • (! 787.00D.00 l,�=clvfiva of lntarott ard Droteotiv��dwncet wthodz�d hsrain o►in ths loan apreementls): provldad funher,thet THIS • •
<br /> � (o17'ha npaym�nt in t�cq by Tn�stor(s!of a11 amaunta sdvanaed Dy BenaflGery et fta opUon,to or on beheit o(Trustor(s!as�rotecthra edvances � '
<br />. •� dutho�zed hsrein,in the tosn apreement(s),or in othcr(nswm�nt(o1 whiah sviQence�uch edvanaea,plua inrarest an e!I Queh advQncea,psyable � � ... +f--�
<br /> ea proNded in tAe noie(o!,loan epraemeM(s).or otAor insdumentfal. • � � -
<br /> . . ,�
<br /> [d1 Th�OsYrMnt in tutl o!aRy end afl otfur paat,p�easnt,or tutu»,diract o►conUnqent,debte end Ilehffitles ot Truator(e)to Beneficiary of eny . �
<br /> namro whataoavcr. . _ --
<br /> TNa Trust Oasd wiN be dus AnBI 01.20,,7 .o�upon the psyment tn tutl of eU sums secured hereby. . � � •�'�
<br />' TtustoKsl h�rohy wamnu Mtt Trustor(�)holds fee simpfe dtfe to ths�Fxov�dncrtbed property,that T�ustor(sl hea pood and Iswiul�uthority to , • � ��.�.�°`
<br /> x
<br /> dNd�nd�ncwnbet tho oarrts.tl�t tAo pro�erty ta hee and ctear of al1 Itena end encumbrancea,excepi encumbranccre o!rocord, and thst t � '•-�
<br /> TntstoKsl w+D wartant arb d�t�nd ths propotty,at Tmstorl�)oxponae, a�inat aU ddmenta whomcoevo. Truetorte)atso hereby wsiwa and • •
<br /> reIInquiahes all rfphu of dowsr,homsatead,diatributive ehare,and enemption In and w the above descrEbed property. ` � `'�"'""'
<br /> c�•. .:ei�.JO4_
<br /> Tastat�)and�a�of iMm fudrM eov�nents and a�aa whh Bo»fldary a�foAovw: � , �
<br /> ' ''�,_- -- -
<br /> �_'.�'._ ;--_.
<br /> r 7. To psy ali tlerw,jud�neam,or other as�ssQmorrca spdnr�the p�aperty,aruf to pay when due all aa¢ercmenta,texes,rente,feea,o�chorpea �' `""'�
<br /> upon t!»propsrty or under my tease,permit,ficenae,o�privilepe assfpned to Beneflciary es addlUonal aecurtry to this Truat Deed,includinQ .�•.�;�.� �.�-r:-
<br /> tAoae i�or on pubUc Qomatn. , ,. -�c;---�_,_ .
<br /> �.'+. .a, w. -
<br />� Z. To fnwr��nd kNp inwr�d Euiidtrg�s aM ottwr tmpmwmenW inc(udi�p fpRUros ard attachmenta now on or heraafter plac�d on ths propsrty ` ' �-'- :
<br /> to th�tatliFaotlon of Bsnsflcfery. Such fr�wrence wili be spproved by and Aoposited with Benoficiary,end ertdorsed wlth losa payabte clauco to �f'�"""�'��
<br /> Beaeftcta sums so roceived b Barteflcie m be used to a for roeonswation of the destra ed im rovemenu or if not eo y � Y� -'
<br /> �U• �Y V 4ft aY D Y Y P aDAtiod ma . ;"�':�- �
<br /> ba�ppYW,at th�optlan of B�neftolsry,tn paymerri of eny i�eLt�dness mawrod or unmetured secured by tNa Trust D�ed. •tt �'.�""� -
<br /> 3. To kep�II buitdlnq�,fbcwrca,etteahme�s,azd other tmpmvements now o�or hereafter plaaed on the proparty occupied end in pood repair, • •
<br /> rtuirrtenu+cc,a�d cat�diNon ub to neithe►wrmadt no►pertnit any eots of waste or any Impairment ot the vaiue of the property. Beneftciary may � ,, �
<br /> ' :;��:'��
<br /> entsr upon the W:�aty w ins�►�ot th�Qam�¢z ca pertorm any aota authoriied�erein or in the Ioan egreement(sl. , ' # _..
<br /> 1. In the evam Trustor(ol fa�to p y ' �` � , �` �.,
<br /> pay any Gena,judpmenta,eaaes:menta, taxea,rente, Taea, or cher es or maintein an Insuranae on the �, �
<br /> �topaRy.buRdin�,fi�ct�ares,e:tr�l�maMe,or ir,nprovemento ea provlded heroSn or in ffia Ioan aflreement(s).Beneflciary,et its optlan,may make '
<br /> �'. ',�.�':..
<br /> , ��D�sMa ar provid�irtsi:�ace,mslntenancs, or ropai�e end eny amounte paid therofor will become part af the princi p s 1 I�dabtedness � ^, � � ,
<br /> a�•rod hereC},�irtnbdt�teiy due and psyaE�o and bear irsteroat�t the dofe�(t rate prov(ded in the note(s)hom the deto of payment until paid.
<br /> Yho advoncosz:.i by Ber�aftaiary of any such ernounto will in no manner limit the dyht of 6aneHciary to dedare Trustorfal in default or exercisa -� ,u �
<br /> , o.:y of Bsn�ftciar�s oiher d�te and remediea. ,,��"., '� "
<br /> x
<br /> � °� .
<br /> �,
<br /> � �t�f�G`�r '!
<br /> 6. In th��vsnt Beneficiary is s party to any IltigeUon aHectira8 the property or the Pen of 4hi9 Trust Daed,includiny eny aot)on by Beneflciary to ;' ti � �
<br /> xeJ.ac�thts Tnut Qnd or arry wit in whieh Beneflciary i9 nar.ed e detendant pnetudinp eondemnntion and banktuptay proceAdinaa)Benoficiary .. ��� '
<br /> e�y ir�w�xpenses ard advanas os �� "-� :., .;�. --
<br /> _ ymeRts tor abstraat f¢es,ettomeya fees tto tle�exLent E..o:�e0 by lovrl.4osts,expe�es,ePP:ektal toas.cnd ,,,�,- �
<br /> otiw►ciwp�s axi eny�wurits ru alvuno�;.wi(f beco,-ne pert of tAe princi��ir.doLtcd:sesa s;,�rad E.cta;y.La 3rrursedIstaty dao c:sd psyaLk a:sd � '�. : '
<br /> `,Y b�a►(nt�tett�t th�Q�fsuit nte provlded in the noteta)Bom the date ot advance untit pdd. ,��� �� � . r4:��
<br /> c .f `�'.
<br /> R Atry awuds m�d�to Truatorfa)or thair auaasaaon by the exereise of emioent domdn ere hereby aasipned to Be�clary;aad Beneficiary is ��;, �--
<br /> � � h�nby�uthorti�d to Coltoot and epply ths sarns in payment of any indebtednesa,maturs or unmatured,aecured by thia Truat Oesd. ' y =
<br /> t �"-- `.. —
<br /> ,,.:'•.
<br /> 7. (n ttN mtR Ttustort�)dstsWb in th�psym�rrt wMn da�of any suma sscueed here4�y(ptinclyat,interest, advancemsnts, or proteotlw �
<br /> �� �dvancn), or fafa to p�dorm or o�s�rv�any cov�nanb and condi8ona corttiinsd heroin, (n the note(¢1, foan aproamentf�l, ot arry other I•`x��
<br /> (nstrw�nta.ar arry proa��dinp�is brouQht by or ayainst Trustor(s)undsr ar.y BaNcruptcy lawa,Bsneflciary,et Ita optlon,mry declase tM mtiro � e '��
<br /> inGbUdnw nd °"ep`f`�?"�� -Jf
<br /> a�cu hsr�by to b�imm�dlatsty du�end payabir and the whale will bear intereat at the defautt rete a�provided in tTw nots(s) � ' �..
<br /> �nd E�ftai�ry moy imrtwdl�t�iy suthoriz�TntstN W nurcis�th�Powss of SaN qnrrNd hetNn in th�mannsr provided in ttw H�bw�ka Trwt -'�T�:
<br /> DNds Aat,or,�t tfis opUon of ths Bsneflci�ry,msy toroclose the Truit Deed in the mannev�n:vlded by law tor the foreatoauro o!mortyapes on �r`
<br /> �wl Prop�rty.InaNidirp tM�poinbnsnt ot a R�eeivat upon ea�aru�ppuoaBon.notic��xy:,�horeby e�rs�sly weivad.wlthout ropstd to the ;-�,tv���"P`_?.
<br /> . �:alw of tAs proputy or th�cufHcientty theteof to Eltchsrqe�.e mdeDtedne�s securod hare�y or in tM toen aDreementls). Detey by BeneflCiary '��-"—
<br /> un�x�rdvnp ib dpfits upon d�fwtt wiN not bs con�tru�d u�w�iver tfieroof and eny act ot BeneNdary waivinp eny epecifl�d Qetault will csat be '��'• ��
<br /> constti�d a�a watv�r ot any►firiur�d�fMt It tho rooeeda urber tuoh aale or faraciosurs are insuf(Ident to �'���•_-__�--
<br /> MtebY.Tn�stot(s)Qo Mr P Yv P Y rp ry Patl the totd indebtednea m�ar.-ed ,:�:•,-.
<br /> �by s�to b� �nonall bound to a ths u sfd Caiance.�nd Beneflcia wiil bs entitled to e dsflcfenoy JuQ��. -���p✓ �a°�;-:---
<br /> .TTit.r• i' -'"�
<br /> a. Shoutd Bsn�flchry dsot ta a�rcis�tha Powu o!Sats p�snted hstein,Benefloiary witl rtaa4y Trustes who witl record,puhlish,and dNiv�r to '��...e2Y�f ��� �°`�
<br />. Ttu�to►q)�uoA NoUce o!Defe;rlt and NoUcs ot Sate n tAen�epulred by law and will in the ae�rrr.iner provlded by lew,eeli the property at the Ume �' �;
<br /> ...'�'�t<, ' � �.
<br /> wW ptaa�01 Cdo fGcod in the�oUac of 8cto, aithor ao a whd�or in aeparata lota,parca"3,or(tem�a�d in euoA order as Truatee will Qeem - . r '�
<br /> u�ent. Atry psnon msy bid st tfis�ds IncNtdlrva Trostor(s>.Truatee,or Beneflotary. ' ' • � •
<br /> �.u4: .
<br /> ...1.ti ,�.�f.•��.
<br /> ! Tfu�tot(d hsr�by n�uts�aopy o4�ny Notla of Defa�ilt or NoUc�of S�ls h�reunder to b�m�ifem�d csrNfled mail to Trustor(s)at tht - �. :�"
<br /> �ddtutta)tet fortA herein. . . , ,.. —
<br /> tm. 11pon dHaWt.Eanaftc�ary,a3tMr in poraon o�by a�nt,ve:zh or w(thout brinpinp any ocIICro ot proceediny and with or w:;hout ropud to th� �g�,�+��;;:_.
<br /> wlu�of tM property or tt»wHict�noy tfi�nof to dl�oharpo c?ta indebtadnaao oacurcd hor�.y,ie autl�o�ized end sritiUed to e�a upon an0 taks _.i��'��.._._ _�_--
<br /> poaonlon o!tM proputy in its own rwn�or On ths mme of tM Tturtee end do any act9 cr ezpend env c.m�s it deema nece9eary or C�:rable •
<br /> to prot�ot or pn�eNS tM v�u�of ths property or�rty interest therein,o�increa�e the income thsrefrom;a.�d with or without tetcinp po�escion � � �
<br />• of tM proputy i�authorlib to�u�for o�othsrwi�s eo0eot the rsnto,isauea,arops,proflte,end Income trereof,including those part d::a end � • �
<br /> uap�{d,arb�pply ttK t�r»�upon�ny ind�bt�Qness recured he�eby or in the loan apreement(�). . • •
<br /> !Jo rerr.edy horein confe�vmd upon or reeerved to Truatee or Beneflciery ia lntended to�e excfusive of eny othe►remedy herein or by lew � ��
<br /> D►ovid�d e�Wmdtt�d,but�ach wil!be eumulattv�,will 6e In eddiUon to every other ramedy�iven he►eunder or now or hereaiter exlsUnp ct taw ' �
<br /> os!n er�ity or by ete:uto,end mey be oxerciaed concurrenUy,independenUy or suacessivety. ' ��--
<br /> 11. Truaton�)acknowiWpss ihat Ms dutlea md obllyaUon�of Truate�wifl bs detertNned sotety by the e�ress proviatons of thls Trus4 Dee�or � ,
<br /> t!�N�Era�ics Ynut QNds Aat�nd Trustss wiM not be Ilabie except for the perforrttence of suoh dutlea and obliQeUons es are apeciflcalty set �� . �
<br /> torN th�nin,aM no Irtpii�d oowmrnt or obliQatlom vriil bs irtqosed upon Tnistse;Trustee will not be lieble tor any eatton Dy it in pood fsith �
<br /> �nd w�+an�hiy b�ved b�It to d�euttw�ized or within the disaraUon or riphts of powere conferted upon it by thia Truat Deed or state lew. I � ' ; --
<br /> 1�. TM int��ity and re�ponsibUity ofaT ite((o) onaUhrtoa o psrt of the consiQeraUon for the oblipatlons secured horeby. Shouid Truator(s) � ' �
<br /> I u7,transt�r,or comrsy tl»proawty► I�rein. wlthout pdor wdtten consent of Benefietary,Beneflciery,et Its opUon,may decime the ' •
<br /> � enttra indsEtedne�s immedleteiy dus end psy�bie end msy proceed in the enforeement of its riQhte aa on eny other default. i �
<br /> ; is. As�i�rrwnt o1 R��inc(udinp Procs�Qi af Mlmrv t�sra. Truttorb) hersby e�dpns,tremfero, and oonvey to Bsneftcfary�tl ronU, � �
<br /> i royal8et,borvsea,end dMay moneye or othet proceeda that mey irom Ume to time become due end payeble under nny mal estete loese ot �`
<br /> i under aml ail,�n,pravel,rock,o►otM►minerd tene of erry 9cind Inefudlnp peo2Aermal resource�now exlstlnp or that may hereefter eame into •
<br /> ; . i . . �P-
<br /> � � Ay 0:90087143; Pdm�ry Cuotomat(D I:00027A35; CIF/:38477 L�pd Dao.Datr.Febaary 28, /997 • ' 1 •
<br /> ' • FCSM 6011 Trust peed�nd Aastpnment of Rents Peas� � � . _____
<br /> ! • � :_:1�01,�.
<br /> -._ . . �. rn . _ .____ —.___ ' .
<br /> ' � _____. -...,1-.-... ...-::--.:.�,:– ..
<br /> �, . . • �
<br /> ., ,.. ,. . . . . . . . . � -
<br /> ::r..x.
<br /> . � �•
<br /> ._.:. , . ... -. �.. . .. , .� -. .� , ._ .
<br /> . � . . • . � . � . .. . . � " - - �� . _. . �
<br /> . . ' . , . . , - .� - � . � , . . :. ' ' ' • ' , . . . . .
<br /> . . . ,. , ' . � . • .� : �. . � . . . - . d'". . . .. .. . . . _ , . � . . � . � . '
<br />