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<br /> FR O.M
<br /> soriri Goet�:sche ts3r,�z1�} ��e �ta`te" nf �e�1ra���, � ��.
<br /> ���Y tl�OUtttp, )
<br /> TO � I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> and filed for Record this 18 day of Yey 19 2��
<br /> Th oms.s G.1A►E,sci. at 11:�0 0'clock A. ✓1�I. �.-�,�Q L.�c, �/-�-�
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, ,$ 1.1Q
<br /> �.r�o� �YY �er� �p t�je�e �re��r�t�: �
<br /> That John Goettsche,a sin�le m�n;
<br /> �� Hr�.11 County, and State of Nebr�ska
<br /> in consideration of the sum of �OTty—B'�Y6 H�ndred 'dY:d no/100��----------��—• DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid by ThOT,�B G.�3Td
<br /> of Hc►11 County, and State of NebTtz8ki3 do hereby �rant, bargain, sell, eonver�;
<br /> and conf�rm unto the said Thomas G.11tt2'd
<br /> the following described premises, situated in the Countr� of Hal�, an�' State` of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Nine (9} in Block Two f2) of Gilbert's Seaond Addition to Gr�nd Islr�nd,Nebr�,$ks,as i�ur-
<br /> �eyad,platted and recorded.
<br /> -------------------........
<br /> (�2•54 I.R. St�mps }
<br /> (Cance�led �
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the safne be?on�ins, and all the Estate, Risht, Title,
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includin� Dower, (�urtesy and Hornestead Rishts, of the said �Ohri CrOgt$SCh6
<br /> of, in, or to the sanze, or any part, theTeof.
<br /> TO H.IVE ✓IND TO .F�OLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, z�rito the said �YIOAISB G.ABTd
<br /> and to �g
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forer�er. .gnd j hereb� covenant with the saic� Thomt�,8 G.W�:rd '
<br /> that 1 hold said premises by �ood arcd
<br /> perfect title; �that 1 ha'VQ �ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and eonvey �e..same; that they are
<br /> exoept one aert�.in mort�age of �2204.�t� in f�,vor of The
<br /> r nd c ear o all liens an ine mbra ces wTza soever.$�lu�tttblC Building & I.o811 8ssoci�.tior� Of GTZa�'�d Island,
<br /> � �e�i aslka� v�hich rra,n e �ere�n here� s�$$ es and rees to as art of th� abave n�aed cansid-
<br /> P�' P`
<br /> er�.��ion; �lso su��ec �o unpa�i�i b�l�x�ce o�pavir� ��x. •
<br /> ✓lnd j covezzant to warrant and defend the said pre�nises a�airest the lawful claims of eebb�persons whomsoever.
<br /> except �.s above st�ted. .
<br /> SIGNED tTiis 1rJ�` day of If�ty ./1. �.�19 2Z
<br /> -
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF T OhTi G 0@�L SC h@
<br /> 1f. 13.Hi lbert
<br /> ��je �tate of ,�.e�ra��a, � SS. _
<br /> HSll Countz�,� Orz tlzis ��� day of g�y �4:�.H�19 22 ,
<br /> before me, �.B.Hilbert , a Aotary Publf e within and for said
<br /> Count�, personally came John GQettsche
<br /> to me paxep�d7a� known to be tlze iderctical person whose name i� af�cxed to the above instrument as �ranto.r and
<br /> se�ereZJ�,}-acknowledsed the execution of the same to be �g volurttarz� act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> v ' V.f�lt �t#tiP,�,6 ��PxFQ�, I have hereunto subscr�ibed my narne and afj"Lxed mz� of'ficial seal, at Grand Isl�nd, Nebr�.,aka
<br /> on the date last aboz�e written.
<br /> (3EAL) T�.B.F3i 2 b e rt
<br /> � Notar� Public.
<br /> .Mr� commission expires j[�TCh 15�1�2? -
<br />