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<br />�_ _.__::::_._ _____,-+fl�.g.$=B7ATE7bU7iNE"L�$iSTtpANP.�LINCOLN.NE9. .�. _ . .. .. ..4..Y . .. -
<br /> .-_.__,,- .. ._:... ._-:.... __._.__.... . . . - . . . .
<br /> FR O✓11
<br /> �C�j¢ �t�t¢ nf .�e�r���a, � ��.
<br /> Pe�.rl Reuting and Claude Reuti ng� ��rr (�OUritp, �
<br /> �.nd �s wi fs a.nd husba.nd
<br /> TO I hereby certify that this instrurnent was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> and filed for Record this 17 day of Y�,y rs 22,
<br /> Ac�. F.3till�r �nd �llsn M.3�illes at 4:�U o�c�o�k F•.��. ���.�Q� ���
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, �'1.14
<br /> �r�o� �YY �er� �p t�je�e �re�er�t�:
<br /> That Pe�rl Reuting �nd Cl�,ude ReuLing, .�avh in their ovvn right �nd �s wife �nd l�u�br�.nd
<br /> of H�11 County, and State of A�b�r�ska
<br /> in consideration of the sum of �OUS H�ndre�d Seventy-�"�4� � 00/�1�0���••���•"--�����—•���--�OLL.RRS,
<br /> in hand paid by ACFi �'.�tiller c�tid $11Cri M.3iilier
<br /> of H�11 County, and State of I�ebr:�al�a do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, conuey,
<br /> and confirm unto the said AQi� T.�Jiiller �.nd �llsn �.3tilier.aa 3�int tenan�$;not t3nants 3n common
<br /> the followin�s deseribed premises, situated in the County of Hall, and State of .Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lvt J�tuQba�r Seven (7} in B1ock Number 3eventy-7'our (74} fn Whe�ler °and Bennett'�t Third Addition
<br /> to the �ity of �'r�sud Isl�►nd,Nebraskr�.as surveysd,platted �and recvrdard.
<br /> .•�..�........��—•—..-„e�,
<br /> ($.5 0 Z:R.Sta►mp a }
<br /> tc�C��i�
<br /> , . . r�• ..... ..+�..ii .�.�.q���
<br /> Tosether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belon�ino, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title,
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includin¢ Dower, @'urtesz� and Ho�nestead Ri�hts, of the said PeaY'l RC11fiifLlg 'PiTid
<br /> Clt�ude Reuting
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or anz� part, thereof.
<br /> TO H.qVE J1ND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenar�ces, unto the said AC�t S.�tiller �.nd $�len
<br /> �[.3�iller,as i oir�t tenent�,�ot t�nants f n e ommon,or th�: $urviv or of either nd to theiz
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .gnd 1►e hereb� covenant with the said AC�. T,Mi21er and �llan M.��.11�fz"
<br /> I t,hat �►� hold said premises by �ood and
<br /> perfeet title; that Wa haoe �ood ri�ht and lau�fccl authority to sell and eonvey b�e same; that they are
<br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances wlzatsoever.
<br /> .gnd !�a covenant to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of �i.persons whomsoever.
<br /> SIG✓VF,D tlais 16~ daz� of Iit�y+ .1. D._19 ;�;�
<br /> Paari Reu�fng
<br /> W.B.�Iilbex't Clr�ude ii�ets��ing
<br /> ��je �tate Of ,�e�ra���, SS.
<br /> �j�� County, On this 16« day of jLi�.�Ti �r�: 19 ;Z;� ,
<br /> before me, p.E.�iilbCTt � a NOt�ly pt�b11C within and for said
<br /> County, personally came pggT2 RCULi11g r�nd Claude RBUt2ri�
<br /> to me �eree�xdZ�r�+7cnown to be tlze identical person g whose �zame s gr� a�xed to the above instrument as �rantor gand
<br /> severally acknowledsed the execution of the same to be thefr volac�ttarz� act and deed for the purposes the�•ein expressed.
<br /> �Jn �i#nr,�,� �l�exeuf, I have hereunto subscribed m� name and af�ixed my of�icial seal, at (}rg�22d I83�1d���bt&Bk8
<br /> on the date last above written. �g�;�� t.B. Hilbert I
<br /> ✓Votary PubZic.
<br /> .M� commission expires Y'r1TC 2'1 1r5 �192?
<br />