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<br /> FR D.M
<br /> ��je �t�te nf .�e�ra��a, � ��.
<br /> Ch�rlps Boldt und Au�;usta Bol�t, ���� (�OUlttp, �
<br /> husb�,nd ard c�vife
<br /> TO � I hereby certify that this instrur�a,ent was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> ' and filed for Reeord this 6 day of ebruary 19 2��
<br /> � at 2: 3G o'clock P.✓tii. ���.� � -
<br /> P. Lo dt
<br /> i c h�rd 1 Re�ister of Deed .
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, ,$ l. lq
<br /> �.r�oi� �YY �er� �p t�je�e �re�er�t�:
<br /> That ��1wries ��oidt �,nd Augustw Eo3dt,husband wria wife
<br /> of Hall County, and State of Nebr�ska
<br /> in consideration of the surn of Ei.�;nty-Pl�ht hundred fifty (�8�350.OG�----------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid b� Rich�,rd I301dt
<br /> of H�11 County, and State of Ne oruska do hereby srant, bar�ain, sell, eonvey,
<br /> and confirm unto the said R1 Ch�ird Lcldt
<br /> the following described premises, situated in the County of Hall, and Stc�te of Nebrtcskd, to-wit:
<br /> Tr,e @!'sst H�.lf of thP Southvrest Quarter (W� S'���) r�nd thP Southwest Quarter of i,he 2iorthwe�t
<br /> Qu�rter ( �19�5�;'�) �ecticn Seven (7)� T'uwr�ship Fleven (11) ,North Rwn�e Ten ( 10),V7est� 6th P.�d.
<br /> (w 9. 0 C I.F�. St�;rr<p� )
<br /> (Cancelled )
<br /> Tosether with all th� tenements, laereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonsins, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; including Dower, Curtesy and Hornestead Ri�hts, of the said Ch�.rles BOldt ;�.rid
<br /> Au�ustu Doldt�hus°��.nd �.nd �uife
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H.lVE ✓!ND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurte,nances, unto the said Richard 33Uldt
<br /> and to h18
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns foreuer. �rad th�r hereb� covenarct with the said i�ich�rd 1:soldt
<br /> that They hold said premises by �ood and
<br /> perfect title; that th�y ha p g �ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that they are
<br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> .gnd they covenant to warrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> SIGNED this ,jd daz� of FpbruwTy •g. Dy 19 Z�
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF Churl�:s Bolcit
<br /> Wni Suh
<br /> r
<br /> xu�uat�, BaZdt
<br /> ��je �t�te of ,�e�ra��a, � ss.
<br /> Hall County,� Orc this 3d day of Febru�.ry ..Q.J2._19 2a
<br /> before me, �l l ll�m uuhz' , a i�i 0 taaly P ub 11 C within and for said
<br /> Countr�, personally came Ch�r1Ps �3oldt t;.nd Au�ustc+, noldt�husi�cr,nd u.rd wife
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persons whose name s are afy'ixed to the above instrument as �rantor 8 and
<br /> severally acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be t I1e 1 T volu�ztary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> Jlt �it1tF,�� ��PxPD�, I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and af�Bxecl my ofJ"'icial seal, at G rund I�1;,:,nd �ebr
<br /> on the date last above written. (SEAL) �PA'i SLIhY'
<br /> Notarr� Public.
<br /> .My commission expires Februdry 9-�927
<br />