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<br /> __...._--------_�� .._,�-.�_ ,_ __, �_ __. __ _ _____ °--- -._ _
<br />` BSHSB-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � �- � �� � ' � T �_ � � � �� �
<br /> ... .. ._. __. ,.._. ._,......._..`.�._._�._.. _ �.._..____.�.__�_�M_.�_.�
<br /> ..,. -_, ...�. _ -v _ . _.. ..
<br />_______._ . _.. ._ --.� 1 ST�TE OF NEBR.qSK✓1,
<br /> ss.
<br /> �1t�,Tc�,. �i.�ieflin dnd �V.J.H!;fliri Ht�ttll County, Entered in Numerical Index
<br />� and filed for record in the Re�'i�ter of Deeds' ofj"ice of said
<br /> TO � H'arrant� County, the 17 day of ApTil 19 22 , at 10
<br />�I Deed
<br /> Th� Nebr�eka W�sley�n University i o'clock and 40minutes, A..M.
<br /> ������ ��
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> Bz� Deputy,
<br /> ��o�n ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> That 1�e Clara A.HRflin r�nd i�...T.�ieflin her hugbr�nd � -
<br /> of the Countz� of I,�n.e�ster , and State of Nebr�sk� , for and in eonsideration of the surri of
<br /> OnCThoUSdIId----�..--------------------------------------------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convez� and confirm unto T$Q �CbFuSk� �148�6y�:ri-'UA�V CTS�'�� .
<br /> of the County of L�i22Cci8$eT , and State of N@bTrxBk�. , the followi.n�' described real estate situated
<br /> in GT�tt1d Islaridi in HSll Countz�, and State of Rebraska to-wit:
<br /> ,
<br /> The �feet Thi.rty Three (3�� feet of Lot Seven f7} � of Bloek Two (2} I,�ke�view dddition.to the
<br /> City of Gr�►nd Isldnd,Nebr�.ska.
<br /> -------------------- _
<br /> (r�1.�0 I.R.Stamps �
<br /> (C�ncelled _._._._��
<br /> .TO K�1VE .gND TO HOLD the premises abovc described, Lo�ether with all the 'Tenemercts; Hereditaments and �ppurtenances
<br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said Th6 Nebr&3kc� ��sl�yc�,2'i UriiVe►TSity
<br /> and to 1 t8 heirs and assi ns oreuer.
<br /> � ,f
<br /> I .�nd @►�g do hereby cozenant with tlze said Grantee , and with 1'GE� heirs and assi�ns, that
<br /> �1I� FiT� lawfully seized of said premises; that they,are free from encumbrance `EXCept th� 1Q21 Ta1[ea
<br /> I
<br /> that.., .-lIP6 httve �ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit� to sell the same; and ' WO do hereby covena'nt
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises adairist the Zawful claims of all persons wlcomsoever.
<br /> ✓lnd the saicl C1tsTc. A.�isflln u21d W.T,.�i�fliri hereb� relrnqui�hes"alL
<br /> thei r rights �.nd 'rntereets �n and to the above described premises.
<br /> Sidned this 23 duz� of December� , .fl. D. 19 21
<br /> In presence of Cl�i,rm A.Fief2in
<br /> Geo A.Rni�;ht �►. J.Fieflin
<br /> .,
<br /> State of ]QebTc�.skci �
<br /> s s.
<br /> Lanaa�ster County, Un this 23 day of December, ,g. D., 18 itl�
<br /> before me�the undersi�ned G e org e A•KY?1 gh L
<br /> a .N'otary Public, duZy commissioned and qualified for and residin�: in said Countz�, personally came
<br /> Cl€ara A.Fief li n and W.J.�isf li:n Univ ers ity Plr�c e,Nebr��ak�
<br /> to me knowrU to be the identical person S whose name aPC af}"'ixed to the fore�oin�s
<br /> �'��� irestrument as �rdntor �and acknozvled�sed the same to be th61T voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written.
<br /> .Mr� commission expires �he 24 daz� of AUg. 19 22
<br /> G e o A.Kr_ight
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> _ _. _ _ _ _
<br /> _. __ _ __ _ . _ . __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _.
<br />