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<br /> � DEED 1�F'�US"P WIT�I FU'TIiR@ ADWaIYCES �• ��� .—. _. �f
<br /> � �- %•" _—_
<br /> 1, THIS DEED OF TRUST,is made s9 of the 8� 28day of FebivarY ,19 � ,bV and srton�� __ .....,:;::;:_��-
<br />-. � ,. =��,::,.,`=�
<br /> � �h --
<br /> .. .,l:L;_r'= '—
<br /> � whose mailmp address ia 1404 fRA1fD AYE GRA�iD iSLAM�NE b8801- (herein'Truator,'whether or►e or mor�), ':I�.`� -��
<br /> - theTrustee. AREND BMCR ;s;ci,,;t�.±r�'`•
<br />' 'Tnsstee'1,end •';y`' --,=f_
<br /> 1 whose maTmp e�'drass is P 0 B(�[ 790 GReuVD fSLA�4i� �z therein � ��=-'`—
<br /> ��t��".���¢�-�-
<br />,.. theBeneficiary. , _ '�' s'�-
<br /> P A e X 1698 �{ID ISi i•,� `eOA2 QIQteQf'lOrtd�fh. -,f•:�;,�_��:s
<br /> whose mal"mp eddreas ia ,�^
<br /> DAt12EL P MCElLIGOTT &KRISTINE R iICEILIGG�'j;� ' r-;-. - --
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,ineludinp Lender'e extenaion of crad'R identified haroin to .r� '
<br /> ... ��F .� ���: ;�,
<br /> (horoin'8orrowsr°,whethn an�o►mor�)�nd th�truat h�nin crat�d,th� � . '!�
<br /> �.'.
<br /> rxeipt of vrhich ii henbV��+owlsd0ed.Truator heroby ir�avacabiy flranu,trenefsn,eanveye end eseipne to Tnut�e,IN TRUST,WiTH - _- --
<br /> ' POWER OF SAIE.for the benetit and security of Lmder,undar and aubje�to the terms md condition�h�r��att�r sat torth,th�rw1 �;� •
<br /> property,d�crib�0 aa followa: � ; ..
<br /> .. .+- ,�.;, ;i ..r�n`.
<br />• ���f' .�
<br /> , ��i�,_a::.
<br />_� � Toaethar with elt buildinpa.improvemante.fixturea.atreete, alleys. D�ssapewaye.osscmcr►to,rlphte.Priviloga�end appurtc�encc� -
<br /> located tharoon or in anywiae partaininp thereto,and the rante,issues end profits,revsreiona and rema�dem thoreof,end auah penonal ;,�__
<br /> property thet i�ettached to the improvementa eo aa to conatitute a tucturo,o+ctud'mp,but rtot timited to,heatinp and cootinp e4uipm�rtt: -M�;�
<br /> ' �d toQethar with the homestesd or marftaf mtereste,'rf any, whiah interesta ere hereby reteeeed and waived; e0 of which,includinp
<br /> replacements and asditiona theroto,is hareby dectarad to be a paR oi the roaf estato secured by the lien of thi�Deed o4 Trust end�II oi �-�y.. ,
<br />- ;L,� the forepainp beinp veferred to heroin ea the'PrcDertY�• .. �,
<br /> �.r;._�', .�
<br /> Thia Deed oi Trust�fiali eacure la)the payment of the principal eum and intmeat evideneed bv� Dromissory n�D o��4,,,}� _.-�:
<br /> �`\
<br /> r ;�,. -,�_
<br /> apreament datad���j,� �¢ ���� ,hev6�p e maturity dste of� �'1/J���• - T .�
<br /> 35-000.00 .and any and e!I modHication�,extansions�nd nr��wals `� :�_--
<br />� in the odpeul Drincipal artrount of 0 4�
<br /> tksraot ot thereto�nd mV end a!I future advances and rasdvances to Borrowar tor ony of than it mors than one)hareundK pursu�t to _
<br /> one or more promisIIOry notea or credit epreemento(hereSn ca!led 'Note");(b)ths paY+nant of other sums�dvanced by Undu to protect
<br /> ' � the sxurity o!ths Nots;to)the psrformince of all eovenariYa and aproemaata of Trustor eet forth harein;�d td)afl pressnt and futu» C�..::t:�,�+�r •a , •
<br /> � indebtedne�s end obliyations of Borrower lor eny af thern ii more than one)to Lartder whethsr direat,indirect,absolute or contnaent : ��;�5.
<br /> and whsther arisatp by nota,puaranty,overdrait ot otherwiee.The Note,this Deed of Trust end any and ell othe�documente thnt encure :;,r.,,,,_x.,:�:��.
<br /> the Note or otherwise executod in connootion theiewith,inciudinfl without I'anit�tion pusranteee,security epeeemanta end aaeianmenta ',c����•:;�� _
<br /> of toasea end renta,efiuil bo refertod to hern=n a9 the'Loen Inatnrments'. .t,�.;�,.r.�,,._.;.�
<br /> Tntstor coven�nts end�prees wtth lender as followe: '�'c�'�'�!_..:'i:'
<br /> 1.P�ym�nt of Ind�bl�dna�.All indabtedness seeured hereby ehefl bo paid whan due. �^�_.
<br /> ��T
<br /> Z.Tfti�.Tastor is the owne�of the PropeRy,hes the rlpht and wthority to convey the P�operty,snd w�Rmte that the lien creefed �''�'�y�(�a;.+►.'':-�. ,%_,,
<br /> hersby is a first and prlor lien on the Prope►ty,exeept for liens end encumbtartces eet forth by Trusto►in writiny and deGvered to Lender ' v �
<br /> Esfors execution o!this Deed of Trust,end tho oxacution end detivery of thia Deed of tnist daes not violeta any contreot or othm •�r-• ' �
<br /> . • ...tt.:a'�aNa•:.�. -
<br /> • • obGpstion to which Truator ia eubjeot.
<br /> 3.Tex��,A���s�nint�•To pay before delinquency all tsxe�,epecial essesame�te end di other charpes epainat the PropeRy now ot �, �
<br /> • hereaftar levied. '
<br /> 4.kwnnc�.To kMp the PtopsRy�aured aas'sist damape 6y tirs,hezerds, inaluded within the term'extanded covuaa�'.�nd "�' `^'='T'�
<br /> . suct�other hamrda a�L�nde►may��quir�,m emounts end with companie�accsptabls to Lenda,neminp Lender as an additionol nammd . � •°
<br /> 'vroured,with loae paye6�e to the Lender.in caee ot loas under auch policies,the Lender ia authorized to edjuat,colteat end oompromiso, : �,
<br /> ' aIl cisims thereunder and ehntl heva the option of epptyin0 elt or part of the inaurence proceed�li)to any inEebtodnaaa aacutad horoby .�
<br /> end in euch order as Lender may determine,(ii)to tho Trustor to bo unod tor tha repair or rostoration of the Property or liii)for any other � �
<br /> purposs or objact e�tistaotory to Lander without aHectinp the lien o}thia Deed of Trust far tho fuil amount eecurad hereby before auch . • • _
<br /> psyment sver took plece.Any opplication oT procooda to indobtednoss shell not exland or postpone the due data of any peymenta under
<br /> the Noto,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereunder. '
<br /> ' 5.Eacrow.Upon writtan demend by Lendot,Tru9tor sholl pay to Lcndor,in auch mannor os Lender mey dosipnato,BUf�iCi9ltt BU7t'9 ��.�
<br /> to eneblo Lender to pey ee they become due one or more of the ioilowir+p: l�1 ell texes,assossmmte and other cheraes egainst tha , ,
<br /> Proaorty,(i�)tho Premiume on the property inaurence requ:ree hereunder,ar�d(iii)the premiuma on eny mortqa90 insurance requirod Dy r : • �_
<br /> . M1Q�►. � .
<br /> 8.M�4�r-�c�,Rpain�nd CmmD�janc�with Lawi.Trustor shall keoy tho Propercy in good condition and ropair; ahnll promptly
<br /> repair,or rep'�oa eny improvement which maV be damoged ot dostroyed;s`noll not commit or permit any wasto or doterioratioa�of tho
<br /> Property;shatl nof romove,demolish or eubstantinl�y alior eny of tho improvementa on tho Proporty;shall not eommit,suHer or pt�ri: . i_�.
<br /> � eny aut to ba dana ist os sspoa the Pro'Je�S"^violntion of any law, ord'mance,or ropulstion; end sha11 paY end promptly discharqa et � . • �_
<br /> Truntor's cost and oxpanse ell liens,ancumbmncee and chorgos lovied,impoaod ot ossessod ogainst tho Droporty or any pari ther�x+f• , --= �_ .- _
<br /> N6C3467A Won��NtvY DoaAI�.8/86 �
<br /> 16LC HtNau16�101 Cammat0 Tnat�d Savlipf ACOOtlatlon.4neoln,N�rcka � .
<br /> . �"-_,.
<br /> . . . . . .. _ .. . :-�T-T�.�,—s^.�,-S._.
<br /> ._ — . . . . . -- � . . � . ' _ ' . . _ ' ..� � �.
<br /> �- � -� • l. ,. . . ..r ' ' . , . . ' -r�', • - .
<br /> -`3-� — �i- _ .r. , �� _ . . , j.. - , r..: .. ' .. _
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