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:c. .. <br /> � .• � .1.--•. c .�� . . �... ' � a . ... . .. �� . . . '_�__- .. _ . — _- y .�5 - .�'. _ <br /> . � .. � ' �.<�[_ <br /> j � • 17. T►ansfer of iho r.vpei:y ar s �sr.s��tAl tnteeo58 in Bor�rower. i� all or any paR ot�ne �roperty o► ;_ --- - --. � r --- _ ( <br /> � any �nterest in it is sold or transferted (or rt a 4ene5aa� mterest m Borrower is sold or uansferrentan�u�af allesums secu ed by (. • . , , �,� <br /> ' person)without Lender's pdor wrrtten consent.Lender its oprion. reqwre immedfate paym <br /> � y -- <br /> InsUument However. this option sh�ll not be exercised by Lender if exerase�s prohibded by tederal law as of the� ; �, <br /> th+s Sewriry - 's�•,—" <br /> � date of this Secuiity instrument. • - _ <br /> � If Lender exercises this opt�on. Lender sha11 gne Borto�cer no:ice ot acce12retfon. The notice shall pro��de a penod o;rtot� � . �t�_. <br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maited wrthm which Borrowe� must p�y al► sums sea+rad by this � , , T <br /> . Securiry �nstrument. If BoROwer tails to paY these sums pnor to the expuatlon of this penod. Lender may ��voke any remedies Q ��� - <br /> •„ � permdted by this Seanry Instrument wdhout fudher notice or demand on Bortov+e� , � _-- <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to �ieinStete. It Bonower meets certain canditions. eortowe* shall have the nght to naver `� <br /> � enforcement of this Security hstrument discontinued at any Ume pnor to the earlier ot. (a) 5 days (or such other period as _ <br /> .� appiicable Iavr may specity for reinstetement) before sa�e of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained i a th Lender a i� . — <br /> � � InsVument: or (b) entrY ot a�udgment enlotang this Scc�ntY instrument.Those conditions are that Hortower (a1 P YS , ' __ <br /> � , sums which then v�ould De due urtder this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acxleraLOn had n��t. md d g. but , <br /> i defauR of any other covenant or acyeements: (c) pays ali expenses mcurred in enforang th�s Securrty . �_, <br /> � not limited to,reasonable attomeys'fees. and(d)teSces such action as Lender may reasonabh req�ui�Se��ti�ahs Sllecurrty � • 4� <br /> . � this 3ecurity ��strumertt. Lender's rights in the PropertY and Borrower s obGgaUon to pay , <br /> Instrument shall conUnue unchanged. Upon remstatement by Borrower. this Securitll �nshument and the obGgationn the�case � <br /> : � hereby shali remain tufy eftecUve as i!no acceleraUon had occuRed. However,this rigM to reinstate shali not appry ; : �; . <br /> � of acceleratian under para9►aPh 17. .''�'��.�. <br /> 19. S11e Of NOte; Change Of LOai1 SeNicer. The Note or a a paRial interest in the Note (tog eti n he enU g � , � - "~� <br /> �� ' g¢c u r i ty l o s tr u m e n t)m a y 6 e s o t d one or more times without Prior notice to Bonower.A sale maY ��I n s t n i m n L�Th e r e a l s o m a y � • �G "-='= <br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer") that colleds monthly payments due under the Note an d t h i s S e c u r i ry ��-�',==> <br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unretated to a sale oi the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. , `� x�:. r,': ` <br /> Borrower w�l be given written noUce of the change in accordance with para9raPh 74 above and applicable law. The noUce wi�� . _� <br /> state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shoutd be made. The notice wn71 also �: ; <br /> contain any other infortnation required by applicable law. � _ ;�� `,, �_�— <br /> �0. Haz'drdous SufdstsnCes. Bottower shall not cause or permit the presence. use. disposal. storage, or refe�se ot � f,'..''y�.;, , �^� 'll`_ <br /> ,, , any Hazardous �ebslances on or in the Properiy. Boaower s'hail not do, nor al�ow anyor.a else to do. anyth(n�gSeaffeecOns th�e �,�ic� *�f•� <br /> Prope�ty that is r� violation of any EnvironmerRa! Law. The preceding twa sentences�ha8 n�o't apply P nate to nortnal ^' �""'-•• <br /> storage on the PrapertY of smail quantitles of hlazardous Substances that are general reco �ized te ne s?prop� <br /> he Pro e • "`.i'��.�_. _ <br /> residential uses and to maintenance of t P �tY• .,r�,�� . �;. <br /> Borrower sha11 promptty gne Lender written notice ot any mvestlgation. claim, danand. lawsuit oz other action by any , <br /> � .� govemmental ar r2gulatory agency or private parly invotving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Ernironmental Law of .� -{- -, .f_• <br /> which Borrower has actual knowledge. It 8orrower leams. or is notified by any govemmentalBorrowe�shallaromp ttaeke e0 t — <br /> - removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substence affecting Property is necessary. r3 � � �;' <br /> � <br /> necessary remedial actions in accordance wilh Bnvironmentel Law. �.` <br /> - As used in this parageaPh Z0, 'Hezardous Substances' are those substences deflned as to�dc or hazardous substances by ` '�" '; _ <br /> EnvUonmentai Law and the tollowing substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammabie or toxic peh'oteum producGs. toxic <br /> . pesUcides and herbfcides,volatil�som�^g ederal'lawsnand laws otsthe jurisd'cUonewheeethe P oiperty stlocated tha�t relate to • � �, <br /> paragraph 20. "Environmental la �' ;'_� <br /> � health, salety or envlronmentai protecUon. "� • _ <br /> ' �` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further wvenant and agree as follows: " �`,�, � ��� " <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shal! give natlee ta Borrower prtor to a�cceleratlon ...��,.. ., {,; : -- <br /> .,.,_... <br /> ��:_ <br /> foltawing Borrcwer's breacb of any covenant or agreement in thls Sacurityo Instnur+ten4 (but not �' , <br /> � prtor to acceteratton under paragraph 17 unless appltcable Isw provldes otherwlas). Tho natice :: . � -- - <br /> .. �• •-- <br /> • shall spectiy: (a) the detault; (b)the actton required to cure the deisutt; (c) a dato, not I�sa than . <br /> ' 30 daye from the dats the notice is given to Bonower� by whfch the deiautt anust be cured; and ,����.:.-___ <br /> •.,.,��,_T�_ <br /> � (d) that lailure to cure the defauft on or before the date specifled In 4he notice may result in '.��• <br /> ' � acceleratlon of tt�e sums secured by th�a Securifiy instrument and sate of the Property.The notice <br /> ' shall further i�orm Borrowgr mf 4E�e right to reinstate after aaceleration and the right to briag a �-_�._ <br /> court action to assert the non axistence of a de4ault or any other detense of Borrower M _ ,. <br /> acceleretion and sale. �F the defautt is not cured on or datore the date spectfled in ffie notice, (y�•..�`_ �� <br /> ' Lender at its option rucay require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security �. ,,. ,. ., _-- <br /> tnstrumernR wtthout fuRher demand and ma�r invoke the po�ver of sale and any other remedios .��,,�� -__: <br /> ; � perm6tted @sy appllcable law. Len��r shall be enttUed to collect aft expenses insurred in pursuing ,,��,,; ,� <br /> : the remedles pro�ided in thls paragra�h 21. inciuding, but not �Imited to, �easonable attorneys' _ �,`� ; <br /> � fees and costs of title ovldence. � • ' �_ <br /> If the power of sate ls invoked, Tru�:�a shall record a notice of detault in each counfiy in . .., � <br /> ' whlch any part of the Proporty is loca4od and s9�a11 mail copfies ot such notice in ti cable law. • �� <br /> prescrlbed by appUcable law to Borrower and to the other persons prescritaedl tsy app , ��-- <br /> After the time required by appUcablo law, Trustea ahal! give public notice o?sale to the persons <br /> � and io the manner prescribed by appUcabte law.Trustee, without clemand on Borrower� shaQ sel! �� ; <br /> the Property at publlc sucNon to the htghest bldder at the time and place and under the terms .� - <br /> ' designated in the natice of sale in one or more paraels and i� any order Trustee determines. . . .�.- <br /> • T�ustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property ksv publtc announcement at the <br /> tlme and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or ks deslgnee may purchase the . � � . <br /> , . <br /> � Properly a4 any sale. • ' —. <br /> ' Upon receipt of payment of the price bid. Trustee shall deliver to 4he pu�chaser Trustee's <br /> deed conveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed ahall be prima fasie evidence of <br /> the truth ot the siatements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the salo in th� . <br /> following order: (a) to a11 costs and expenses of exerclsing the power of sate. and the sale, • . _ _ <br />� i lncluding the payrrtee�t of the Trustee's fees actually lncurred. rtoct of ihe principal amo�nt of the , - <br /> .F�:_, <br /> { noto at the timo of the declaration of defauft. and roasonable attcr�ey's fees as permitCc� by law; _ <br /> . r. (b) to a9s sums secured by this Security Instrume�� and (c) any excess to the person c7 persons ���, <br /> i legally entitlod to i4. � �- � <br /> � ;�_ �. <br /> , y,���,L � <br /> 'I Ctt�F i Mr,rtA71 P.i4r 4�1 S . � <br /> � <br /> . , ._ ; ` .:..... —.."_"" _.. <br /> � �— <br /> ' � � i <br /> , 97076 �.- ��---- <br /> � . . .. , . . , ' � .. <br /> . ., ' . � • .. ' .�� . . . ' • • . . . .. . <br /> _ t_ r .� � - - �f - • � �� - ' ' � __ ' . �� — . , _ <br /> . . _, '�.ti- . . . ._ .. _ . - . _ -. . . - . . - . .,. . ... . . . . . . . . . �. <br />