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<br /> C�1(il•.TI11•It \�'ll�ll .�If ths• �+npi���r;��rm.u��u „r hrrral�er etrct�vlutt �he pr��prrit. and all ea,rmenth, appurten;ence.. and ` , .} ° ;_
<br /> littu�r. nnw ,ir hrrc.itlrr .� p.ul ��f ihr (s��,�v�t� �11 �rpl,urm�•t�l. ,u�d .�Jdrttnn� .h.dl ah�� hr ruvrrcd hy th�. Serurity � '. ' . �'�;'
<br /> In�tnnnrm 111��t ilir turc�uiu�i.irlci�ril m iai Uu,�r�uni� (n.irwnrm.i. �hr 'Prnpert� .' . , _=
<br /> '� Rt)RRtri►'I�R ('111 LyAN 1',ih,�t N��ai������� �. I.��+hill� ,ri..d��1 ihe r.latr lirrrin :um�yrJ anJ ha, thc n�:fit tu Erant and " , . _ ; . . . �
<br /> �umi•� ihc Prnprrt� .md U�,d !hr (`����Truti i. un.•n�u�uh�•tc�d rur��t iur rna•wtthr.mir. uf r�r��rd li��rrnwcr.;arr.�nt. and �vtll •
<br /> � dCldud Crnrr.dfy Ih�UII�Iu ihe� 1'rnp�•�i� .u�.m��l .�14.I.�iu�,.im)�Ir�u.u�J...uh�c:l t��an� cnrunthr:�n.•r.„1 r�r�,rJ. . % • . _ �
<br /> 1 , . . ' . �
<br /> TNIti SI�t'i'12111 INtilftl'�11 tit �nml�sur,uu�t���m����,n.mt� Inr uannn:d u,r.in�l m,n-umt„nu�c���nantti«ith limited �• ��.
<br /> � �ar�.�u��u.hy �un,�h.U�m 1�„��uanut.• .�umlu�m �c�wn� i�nuum.•nt.���rnni rral prup�rit _ - ----- -•-_� _
<br /> I�NIId1S2!�1('U�I .'�AV I♦ flinluuri and I ri��T�•��u<<•u.UU .md.t�tC�' .N I�tlluq� " , � �
<br /> 1. f'uan�cn� of Princi�l�1 ma! li�tcrc.�; Ihcpse�ntc�d u�ed Lnte t'hur�;iw. H��rn���er .hall pnnnpdy p�y ��hen due the ' • .. , ; `• +„�
<br /> pnni�pal nt anJ nnr�r.i�m thr Jrlq r�iJrn�.d hi ihr 't��lr�md,�n� prrp.i�inrnl and lalr rharEc�Jur unJcr Ihr Notc. ' � , • . --��
<br /> 2. Mund�Pnr 'I'utcw unt6 Hett�etf�u�c. kuh�r.i i�� ,�p��lu.�t�l�• I.�a ��r n� :� wr�tt.n «ai�cr b� Ixndcr. liorruwcr tihall p•ry to , . {•_ : .. ,'r��
<br />. lxndrr�nt titL d,i� m�mtl►ly p.iy mrm�arr du�•�m�lr� d�c'�„tr unUl itir tiutr i,p:i�J m lull.a�um i"Fvnd�"1 ti�r: tal ycarly taxe� . ; •
<br /> and a�,r•timcm�uh�rl�m;i� .d�a�n piu�rn� u�r� �lu.tir�u�u� lu�tru���rni,�r.�hcn un ih.Prupcn�:ih�ywrly Icasehuld paymcnts . .
<br /> . ;,.�--=_����_
<br /> ��r En�wid reEit+�m thr Nr�i�crty. il.im. i��tr.t�l� h,ir.iut u�}n���a•rt� �n,urencc prcmium�:�d►yrarly ilo�xf in�urance premiums. . _ ,;,�
<br /> d an�: �ei yrarly mnrl�:a�r inwrau.c �ncuuum4. il .�n� ,�ud �li ,im •um. p,�}:+t,ir hy linrrnurr tu lAnder. m arrnnlartce with ' • , -
<br /> the pr�nitiwn.ol par:��r:iph N. �n I�ru��1 U�r p:��n�rn� ut uinn��.�E:c m�ur.uuc pr�imumt. 1'he�r �tem,arc ra11eJ "Escrow Items." . -- —
<br /> lxndrr may. at any nm�. .ullr�i au�l hul�l I unJ� iai �m .uu�,��u nnt iu r4�•c�d �he nc�rnnum amuunt a IcnJcr tiir a federally _ -�� ,
<br /> rclatcd nwrip�aEc loan nWy rcywrc I��r Iturrm�rr'.r��r�n► ,�.cuunl und�r �hc I�Ytrr�l Itrsi F:,t:►ic Sculcmcnt Procaiures Acc of � .. .F�,.�.
<br /> 197.3 a,amenJeJ frrnn limc lu u:nc. 12 l' ti l' tiren,ni :btlt �•1 �ry. i'kf:tiPA"�. unle�•un��lhrr Icm that applier to the Funds . � ''��,���
<br /> �et� a lr�ur amiiunt. IF ti�+. L.endcr m:�y. at �my iunr. .ullcc� .mJ iu�ld FunJ. �u �u� amuunt n�it to exr�tid the lesscr asnount. . . ;`�"��a
<br /> Lendrr may crtmtatr thc amounl ut 1'und, dur ��n�hr her����t .arr�nl J:ita.utJ rca.una4�le c�tnuat�w ui cxpenditure.of fuwre • �,: `' s� �.,�:�
<br /> E�raiw•Itrm�ur nihcrwi.c in acrurd:�nie��ith appliraldr la�� ""'.'.-•_'�'�` ___
<br /> Tht FunJ. ,hall hc hcld �n �n u�+utuu�m ah��u de(�u.ur .�re m,urr�! hy :i tedrral a�rnry. instrumcmality. nr entity . � �._.���'-�::
<br /> linrluding l.cndcr. �f lwn.4er�.,urh:u►m,tuutu►n�ur in;iny fr:dcral Ilnmc l.�un Nank. I.cndcr,hall apply thc Funds tn pay the _ "�'�''.�----
<br /> E+cmw Item�. L.emler nciy nnt char�c Iturru«cr tur huldn��;;uiJ.�pplym�! Ute I•und..annu:dly analynnp the ercr�nv account.ar • '•�^ ,, 'F•r. `
<br /> �. verifying thc E,cro« Itemti.unlc„l�nJer p��y, lturrn��cr w[rrcti���n the Fund�and;tppl�raMc I:�w permitti I.endcr tu n�ke huch ;�;�., •
<br />.- a cha e. H��wcvcr, l.�n�ler tna• r u�re 8��rru�err tu � n u��c-untc �1iar�c(+��aie mdr rnJrnt real r�tatc lax rc oriin tiCfVICC rJ'_�.
<br /> �€ s � r•> ►- r t� s �:�;�-.-. " .
<br /> • u,ai by Iw:ndc� m amncxtion «ith th�� lu�n. u�dr�+ �pphrahlc I.�a pnnidc. nthcrai�r Unlc.. an �Nrccmcnt iy made or ' . � . ' ;� --
<br /> � � : :=.
<br /> applirable luw reyuir�w iatere+!to he pa�J. IAndc�.halt nnt hc rci.�o�rrd�u r:n Nurnn�rr any �ntrn+t ur caming,on ti�e Funds. ,� �:, __=
<br /> �• Bonowcr and Lender nu�y agrec m wnung. lu��tic�rr, dcu intrrr��tihall hr �s�id un Ihc f�und,. I.�nder+hall givc�n Rnnower. .�;�.ti e
<br /> without chargc, an annual accuuntinF ul thc Fund.. +hna�►nE .�retn. :inJ .Ichu. tu Ihr I�und� anJ thc pu�nxr for which cach �`'
<br /> dcbit to thc Funds wa.r rtwde.Tltc Fund+arc plydFeJ a�.�Jdm�m:d.rcunty t<�r;dl .umr,ccurc.!by�h�r Sccurity Imtrumcnt. .. ::�;���� ', s'
<br /> � If thc �unJs hcW by l.cadcr cxcccd Ihc auniunt+pcnntttcd tu hr helJ iti}np��lic.ihlr law, I.cadcr tih:►11 sccuunt to Bnrri�wer � �,,;=. .,, � �� ' , .
<br /> • for the excex�Fuadti in;scmrdance with�hc reyuimmrnt,uf up��hrahlc I;�a. II Ihr,uuuunt��f�hc Fund�held hy l.ender at any �'��' �c
<br /> . "t� ,;". . � —_
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the E,craw Item��vhrn Juc. Isndcr m:ry .0 nutdy tiutru��rr�n wriUng.and. in�ach ca�e Bnrrower � -
<br /> shall � tn Lendcr thc amount ncrc��a tu makc�� th�dcli��cn� Nnrru����r rhall makr u ihc drliricnc in nu�nnrc than �;�
<br /> P'Y �5' P Y P Y � _ •,.�. _. ,:.-„
<br /> twclvc monthly payments,at l.cndcr's�ulc di,crctiun. ' . �° `. � -4,'`�4-_
<br /> Upon payment in fuU of'all tiumti.ccur�Yl by th�. tica�rtly In4trunicnt. l.cnder +I�all prumptly rcfunJ tn Borrowcr any - •-:,�=-�'�=
<br /> , � Funds held by Lende�. If, under paragr.iph 21. IAndcr.hall a�•��um��r�cll 14r 1'm�ny. Ixndcr,priur tu�he iuqui�ition or sale � ` °�
<br /> •+ of the Property..rhall apply nny �und�In:ld by I.cnJcr;d Ihc t�mc�d arqtu+�uun ut���1�u���credil u�uintt Ihc sums sscured by __- ___
<br /> � this Security Instrumcnt. •-, y ,
<br /> ' �.Appltwtton oY Paymcniq.Untc��upplicahlc law provuh.��thcrw�tc,uU paynuntv rccci�cJ hy I.�ndcr widcr paragraphv ____ —__
<br /> . � I and 2 chall hc applicd: first. ti�any prcpaymrnt char�r,du� under �he Nute: .c.ond. �o nnwum�paynhtc under paragraph 2; ��" ' `�-; "
<br /> ; third.w interc�t due:founh,to prinripal due;cmd la+�,ta uny I.�tc c14:u�c,duc i�nder ihr Nutc. -. � -�-�,:�,;� �' �
<br /> 4.Char�c.wi I.len9. Qorcnwcr tih;�ll pay uU �axc+.u��r��mcnt�. Cll�f�l'�, tiuc,;ind u►qiu.utnn�;dlnbidublc tu Ihc Pruperty ---- _
<br /> , . � which may auain priority avcr�hi� SccurUy Imtrument. and Ir��ch�dd p:�ymcnt�nr �!n�imd rent�. �f m�y. Hnr�u�vcr tihall pay ' . . -�--~-�-_ � .
<br /> . �e'n:� :` �°�• .—
<br /> thcsc abligattonr in thr manncr providcd in paragraph 2.ur d nu�p:�iJ m�h,ti�m.u►ncr. 1lurruurr�hall pay Ihcm un t�mc dircctly _ -
<br /> � . to thc per,un nwcd p�ymcm. BnRUwcr+hall promptly lumitl�tu I xn�icr�dl ���ucr.��1;�niaunt�w hr�+atd undcr tht�par:�graph. -� '�`�•—
<br /> ��;,y,;;.Q_—--
<br /> If Borrower n�akev the5e payment�dieecUy. Hnrruwcr�hall ptunip�ly lunu+h tu IAnder�er.ip�,ra�dci►rmle Ihe paynuntv. .---•_�:- x-...
<br /> ' Bnrrowcr shall promptly di,char�;c any licn«hich h:��prii��itv nvcr Il�i�tic.�inty liirtraiucnt wdr"finrrnwrr.I.il agrccv in - '. -- . - �.
<br /> ` writing to thc paymcnt of thc obligatiun,ccured hy Ihc lirn in u nuuncr acccpt,►blr tu LruJcr. �b�cuiucrtti u►g�uid 1'aith Ihc Ucn ` �"�'�'`"'
<br /> �M���
<br />. j by. or dcfendc �gninst enforrement uf�hc licn in. Irgal �mccc�Gut;� ��Inch �n �I�r 1 cmlrr'. u�u��a�n uperute tu prcvcnl the .: -.':��•!:•:T�_-:•
<br /> cnforrcmcnt ot'thc licn:or Ir►�ceurcr from Ihc hnldcr�H ihr hrn,w :qtrrrmrm ..m�laua+�y ���la•ndr►.uhurdinat�ng thc licn t�� � �'
<br /> � this Scwrity In�trumcnt. If I.cndcr dctcrminc. �hcq any pari ul�hr{�rnprr�y i. .iib�r�t i��,� l��ti►«h�•h ivay ;dta�u pnurily ovcr ��•. `.---!
<br />. this Securiry Intitrumem. I.endcr may gice R�,rr�x�cr a nuucc�dr��utyny!�I�r I�cn Uuiivar� .h.dl .at�.q U►e hen nr take une ur -•^='-�^Y-��r. �
<br /> . morc oi'thc uctiuns+ct furth ubuvc within lo day�uf thc E,iv�nN ut n�m��� �����--~--.�-��= � '
<br /> .. �.�..�..
<br /> Fmm 30Z0 0180 �� ��`
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