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_� � <br /> ;�� <br /> � <br /> DEED RE�O �� ' <br /> CONTAINS 281 �'RINTE� WORDS <br /> �. _� _._ . _ _ -- -_� �..� - — -- __ __ _.�__ <br /> , .. __. _ ` � .� _ ___ __ __` ___ _ --- --__ - - <br /> �"� �������� STATE JOURNAL COMPANV,LINCOLN.NEB. . . _ : � - � - - ----�- � '—" '° ��� ' ��`"""� ' ""- ` <br />, ',�: �... ._ . . ...._ _ . - --. -__ ___°___.._._.__.___ _ _ <br /> 1 ST�TE OF NEBR.ISKg, <br /> ss. <br /> Joseph T. Steti:rard und �vife Hcill County, E�ctered in Numerical Index <br /> and fcled for record in the Re�ister of Deeds' ofj"ice of said <br /> TO � warranty County, the 24 day of Mdreh 19 20 , at 3 <br /> I Deed <br /> I o'clock and minutes, p..M. <br /> Geor�ena K�.11os . �` <br /> Re�ister o/ f Deeds, <br /> By Deputy, <br /> ��oi� �YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> That �Toseph T. �te�wrd �.nd S.E. Steav�.rd,nUSb�.r.d und wife, of Grand Island�i�ebrask�i, <br /> of the County of H�1� -;ZtR�L'�`t21�"dr"'�"""" , for and in eonsideration of the sum of - <br /> Twenty-Six gundre3 �.nd No;100---•- --�--°�--�_______<__....__________DOLL.�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto Georgena Ku.110$ <br /> of the County �f Ha.11 , and State of Nebr�.ska , the followin� described real estate situated <br /> in Gr4nd Is1�+.27d in Ha.11 County, and State of Nebr�.ska , to-wit: <br /> The Westerly one-third (1-3} of Lot ?�o.Eight �8� in �31ock No. Fifty-Two �52) of the Orfgin�l <br /> town (now City ) of Gr�.nd Is1�nd,Hd.1]. County,Nebr�.ska,,according to tr.e rPcorded plr�t thereof� <br /> ��i�r sas���+rc��.�.r r��a�a�� <br /> (�3. 00 I.R. St�ps ) <br /> (C�ncelled „�,___,_,�,�, <br /> TO H.gVE .gND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�sether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and✓Ippurtenances <br /> thereunto belon�ing, urcto the said Geor�;ena �Ea.110a <br /> and to he r heirs and assi�ns,forever. <br /> Gear�ena KG.11os � <br /> �nd VP6 do hereby covenant with the said �s��ee , and with her heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> Wg �a,re lawfull� seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance • <br /> that 4V6,, have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell the same; and �e ' do hereby covenant <br /> to zvarrant and defend the tille to said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persores whomsoever. - <br /> �lnd the said S.E.5tewu,Td hereby relinqui�hes all <br /> .�y z'1.�ht, t1'�le cirid interest Of �rha,tsoever kind in and to the above described premises. � <br /> Si�ned this 22nd dUy af �,rch , .q. D. 19 2d <br /> In presence of JOSeph T. Steward <br /> 0.��.Qudckenbush S.E.Steward <br /> State of Neb r�Ska <br /> ss. <br /> H�.11 County, On this 22�d daz� of Mu,rch .q. D., Ie 2p <br /> before m¢ the undersi�ned 0.�.�.QUa��?t°!1buSI:, <br /> a .N'otarz� Public, duly commissioned and quulified for und residin� in said Countr�, personally came <br /> Jcseph T.�t��r�.rd �.nd �.E.StEti:��.rd,husbund and tvife <br /> �.nd TM:r,o executed t� <br /> to me known to be the identical person $ zvii�ose�na»2�--�?escribed 3n� ��-�-�-fore�oing <br /> cc�!ve��;�nc� �ent te be their <br /> �st�ut�e� . as �rantorg, and aeknowled�ed t+�a�s�x�e-te-�e�-Su.ld instxU-voluntary aet and deed. � <br /> A <br /> �`-' 'AZ) W itness my hand and Notarial Seal the d¢y and year last above written. <br /> .My commission e.rpires the 5 th day of Feb Ttz�.,1�r jy 23 <br /> 0.?5.Quackenbush <br /> Nota�z� Public. <br /> _ :-_ -�-_ ,_._____� <br /> I <br />