<br />� ��(��.
<br /> >�
<br /> � DE � D RECORD
<br />______.��:_�____ CONTAINS 2s1 PRINTEd WORDS
<br /> _- -_. � ._ __._ --- �--- --- --- - -- - - -
<br /> _ . ._ _. _.__ __ _ _ _ _ __._ . ._ -_ , -
<br /> - - __ _.____ ____
<br /> . � �TATE JOURNAL COMPANY I.,INCtOLN.NEFl. . . .. . . .. . ...... . . .-.. ... --_ .. .- .. .... '_. ..._
<br /> � ____.__.� � ��_� ST�?T.� OF NEBR.ISK'.1, � � �
<br /> ss.
<br /> I3t�.11 County, Entered in Numerical Index
<br /> IFred A. Tim lce � wf .
<br /> �, p and fcled for record in the Re�ister of Deeda' of�'ice of saad
<br /> �I Warrantp
<br /> !, T� � Deed County, the 1?, day of ��a.rch 19 20 , at 11
<br /> ,
<br /> ' • o'eloek and minutes, A..M.
<br /> �, Carl Stobbe , ��{
<br /> ,, �1��-�
<br /> � ' Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> , Bz� Deputy.
<br /> � - —
<br /> ,I, �r�ob� ��r �er� �p ��je�e re�er�t�:
<br /> �
<br /> '� That �red A. Tim�ke �nd Alice Timpke,k�usbund and wife,
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> , of the County of HES,ll , and State of Di�ebrr�.ska , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> II! Twenty-fovr Thous�.nd----�--------------....------------------.,DOLLr2RS,
<br /> I in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, conver� and conf'irm unto C�rl StObb��
<br /> ' of the Countz� of V�lley , and State of Nebraskai , the followin� described real estdte situated
<br /> I' in
<br /> in Hrill County, and State of Nebr�.ska , to-wit:
<br /> ! Thd.t p�rt of the West H�lf of the aouthrovest quarter, af Section 2�venty-one (21) and th�t part
<br /> ' of the Er�st H�lf of the Southe�st Quarter, of Section Twenty (20),South of the Chicr�;o,Burl-
<br /> ', ington �nd Quincy R�.ilroad,known �s the Belt Line through s�i.d sections+all in Township Elever�
<br /> ', (11),�torth��t�,ri�e Nine (9),West of the 6th P. M. containin� Ninety-�ix (96 } acres,a little �ora
<br /> or lesra.
<br /> � � � ����Y�lilw����� rr�
<br /> (�17.50 I.R.Stwrrme)
<br /> (Can�eli�d, ___._._...�..._)
<br /> TO H�VE ✓�ND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and .�'ppurtenances
<br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said C�,rl Stobbe,
<br /> and to hig heirs and assi�sns,forever. �
<br /> ✓(nd t�� do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , and with h�� heirs and assi�ns, that
<br /> W6 izs'e lawfullr� seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance
<br /> except �. mort��ge of �>6500.00 in favor of I.R.�11ter�d4ted Febru�r3� 11+1918��nd due February 17�,
<br /> 1923,which mortg�e the grantee hereby assumes �.nd dgrees to pay.
<br /> that w6 haUe �ood right and lawful azcthority to sell the same; and We do hereby covenant
<br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> .Ind the said AliC6 Ti,�pk@ hereby relinquishes all
<br /> h�T right, interest, title iirid dower in and to the above described premises.
<br /> Si�ned this 25 th du� af Februar.y, , .q, D. 19 20 '
<br /> In presenee of Fred A.TimpkE�
<br /> I.R.Alter Alice Timpke
<br /> State of Nebrusk�
<br /> Hall County, On this 25 th dar� of Febru�.ry� ,q, D., 18 20,
<br /> before me the undersi�ned I.R.l�lte Y'
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said County, personally came
<br /> Fred 1�. Tir�pke �ind �,lice Timpke�husb�.nd z�nd wife.
<br /> t���� to me known to be the identical person S whose name 8 dT6 afj'zxed to the fore�oin�
<br /> convey�.nce exeeution of the
<br /> i�#�u•rr�v�t_as �rantor 8, and acknowled�ed thek same to be their voluntarz� act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the da� and year last above written.
<br /> .Mr� eommission expires the 23rd day of 1iLt�US t� 19 25.
<br /> , I.R.Alter
<br /> JV'otary Public.
<br /> _, _-- -, _ -_ ,
<br /> =- -_- --- -_-�-
<br />