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<br /> ��j�jJ� ��j��L�dJ �51 V��� ��\��(� '� . �u�'�LS�.�1��_�J'�_J �� `-�J'_'J�UVI '-y��p�
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<br /> _ .._.. �..__._ _.___ _.__ ___ _� �__ �_
<br /> ---... ._ ._._ _ . _. . _STATE JOURNAL COFIPANY.LIN�OLN.ftEB._ .. .. � . _.. -.._ ..._._... ._ . _ . . _ . ._ __
<br /> FR D.M 'J
<br /> ��je �itate of ,�e�xa��a,
<br /> $lmer R.F�rmer 8c wf g�•
<br /> �a11 �Countp,
<br /> TO � I hereby certifr� that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> and filed for Record this 2� da� of At1gU8t 19 21� ,
<br /> at 3 o'clock P«M. �����
<br /> John HaIDmc�CheY' Re�ister of D�
<br /> Deputz�. ,
<br /> Fees, �' 1.10
<br /> �.r�oi� �YY �er� �p t�je�e �re�er�t�:
<br /> That 11�e,Elmer B.Farmer and Alice D�.F�.zmer,husband �.nd wife.
<br /> �f Hd.11 C,ounty, and State of N6bTctSkB
<br /> in consideration of the szcm of ThTe6 Hundred Twenty �ive and No/100------------��L.qRS,
<br /> in hand paid b� J ohn HammaC he Y`
<br /> of Hall County, an,d ,S'tate of Nebraska do hereby �rarat, bar�ain, sell, convey,
<br /> and confirm unto the said John H�mmd,CheT
<br /> the followin� described premises, situated in the Countz� of Ilall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />�
<br /> Lots One {1) and Two (2) in Block Nineteen (19) of Packsr & Barr� s Sec ond Additi on to the
<br />�' City ot' Grand Island�Nebr4ska,as the sdxne is surveyed,platted.a.nd recordsd.
<br /> (�.:50 I.R.St�mps---)
<br /> (Cranc�lled • �
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and aFpurtenances to the same belo►isin�, and all the F.stccte, Ri�'ht, Title,
<br /> ; Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoeuer; ineludin� Dower, Curtes� and Homestead Ri�hts, of the said L1mBT R.�aTlrier �t�
<br /> ' t�lice �.Fazrner
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO KgVE .g,ND TO �IOLD the aboie described premises, with the appu7'tenances,.unto the said John Ht�TlIYT13Ch?T ,
<br /> and to hls
<br /> hezrs and assi�ns forever. �nd �e , hereby coveizant with the said John, I3ammaehsr
<br /> that W6 hold said premises by dood and '
<br /> perfect title; that yPe ha ve good right and lawful authority to sell and convey �ht same; that thez� are
<br /> ' free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.
<br />, ✓Ind 4�� covenant to zvarrant a�id defend the said premises a�ainst the lawftcl elaims of a�t persons zvhomsoever.
<br /> SIGNED this 7 th day of JUly ✓I. D.�19 21
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF Elm�r R.F�TmeT
<br /> E.G.Rroger Alice M.Farmer
<br />�
<br /> ��jC �tAtC Ot ,�P�1L'A£���, ss.
<br />' fiall County, On this 7th day of July r2r�}r 19 21 , ;
<br /> before me, E.G.Kroger � , a Not�Ty PubliC withirc and for said '
<br /> County, personally came Elmpr R. Fa.rn1eT and Alice M.FarmPr,husband and wi fe,
<br /> to me peroe,re�eibcy known to be the identical person S whose name S a.�E afJixed to the above irastrument as �Srarztor 8 and ;;
<br /> !i
<br /> severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntarz� act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. ';
<br /> �ri �if1tP,�,� �I�PxPil�, I have hereunto subseribed my name and afjixed my ofJ"'icial seal, at Gr�+.nd Isld.nd
<br /> ;
<br /> on the date Zast above written. �S$tiy E.G.�roger
<br /> }
<br /> Notarz� Pzablic.
<br /> .My eommission expires Feb. 26, 1925..
<br /> =--_- __=_ - : ___ -- —= --=-
<br /> --- --------- --- --
<br /> --
<br />