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<br /> �L�J�j�1 L�l�����'.IJ����� �5l V��� `,lJ����/ ���1`���Ji �J���IVI �I� �.11 �
<br /> --__ ____ __ _ _------ -_______�__---.___._ ___�____�_--------__`-+_-------- --- — ---
<br /> __�_._� - _ _ _ __. _ __ ___ _--_.----____-----
<br /> ._. ._ ....._._._._ .. . -STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.i1NCOLN.NEB. . . . . . ._'... . .. .. . . . . ..
<br />_ .��_-"' ' , '_._�_.__ l'11.�� .__.-__. �
<br /> 'i
<br /> Frwnk B.�wr.1eS� �.nd A��.ry �ili c e D��n- ��e �tAtC 4t ,�C�1rA���, �
<br />; ley . each in their own right wnd hu bdn ��.
<br /> �.nd wife �a1i �ountp,
<br />, TO I herebr� certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> and filed for Reeord this 7 day of �arch 19 21,
<br /> I�dmond lirosse�.0 at 3 o'clock P. :M. ���,.� ���.��
<br /> Re�ister of Dee .
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, $ 1.10 '
<br />� ;;
<br /> �r�o� �YY ,�er� �p t�je�e ��re�er�t�:
<br /> That �'rank b.�i�,nley �,nd �ry Alice �.nley�both in thei r cwn right�t��d �,s husb�.nd
<br /> u.nd wlfe� of H�.s.11 County, and State of NebTtxBkt�
<br /> ' in consideration of the sum of Four Thouswnd___________________________�_ D�LL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid bJ Ed��ond Brossp�.0
<br /> of �11 County, an.d �S'tate of Nebr::.81cs, do hereby �%rant, bar�ain, sell, convey,
<br /> and confirm unto the said Ed::.ond Bro�seau
<br /> the followin� described premises, situated in the County of Flall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> mhe C�Iesterly �ne-�iwlf (1�2) cf Lat Ttu.mber T•r.o (2) in Blcck One Hundred �.nd Thi rty Five (135 } !
<br /> in Union Pacific Railw�y Com���ny 's Second Addition� to Grand Island,Nebr4ska,a.s surveyed, . �
<br /> plattPd �,nd recorded; thA suxne being a rectan.gular tr�.ct of �r�und hG.vi n� a frontage of Thi rty�!
<br /> Thr� �(33) on J�'inth Street and a depth of One Hundxed �.nd Thirty T�ro (132.) feet. .
<br /> (�4. OC� I.R. Std�rps )
<br /> ( ancelled ________�
<br /> � i�
<br /> To�ether with all the tercements, hereditcaments, and appurtenances to tlae same belort�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, ;'
<br /> �i
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includinb Dower, Curtes� and Flomestead Ri�hts, of the said Br�.nk B.1�a*�1ey a.nd !!�
<br /> . M�.rs� hlice ��.n1e3r�each in thei r own right �nd �s husb�,nd �.nd wife
<br /> of, i�a, or to tice same, or any part thereof.
<br /> , TO H.F1VE .g�ti"D TO HOLD the abot;e described premises, with the appurtenances, un.to tyie said $�f,ond Bresseuu
<br /> and to hi s
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .F�nd W6 hereby covenant with the said Edrrond brosse�u
<br /> that �vV6 leold said premises by �ood and
<br /> ,'
<br /> perfect title; that �e ha yg �ood right and lawful authority to sell and convez� t�Jee same; that thez� are
<br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> .qnd vV6 covenant to warrant arad defefid the said premises asainst the lawful claims of eli�persons zvhomsoeuer.
<br /> �;
<br /> �
<br /> 'i
<br /> I��
<br /> i:
<br /> SIGNED this Seventh day of �wrch .�. D.+19 21
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF Frank B.��,nley
<br /> J.E.Dill �f�,ry Alic� Ma.nley
<br /> ��je �t�te of ,�.e�r���a�, Ss.
<br /> Hc�ll County, On this Seventh day of ��,,r�;1 .B..11,..19 21 , ',I
<br />, ;
<br /> ;i
<br /> befQre me, the undersi�ned , a Not�ry Pubiic within and for sc�id
<br /> County, personally came �'r�nk B.�wnley �.r,d �ur;,� �:�i.ce �.riZey , e::ch ir thei r own right �nd as
<br /> hus,p:�nc� wn� :�if�
<br /> to me perae�J�known to be the identical p$rsong wlaose name s � ure af�'ix$d to tlae above instrument Qe �ra�ttor 8 and ;i
<br /> severallb acknozvledged the executipn of ths scame to be their volur�tarb act ant� deed for the purposes therein exp�essed ��
<br /> �Jlt �tf1tP,S5 ��P�PD�, I have hereunto subscribed my rsame and afJExed my of�ieial seal, at GTand I8lunci�hebr.
<br /> on the date last above written. (�py) J.E.P.i 11 '
<br /> Notar� Public. ��
<br /> .Mz� eommission expires July 23rd� �.925
<br /> __ _ -- _-_ ___ _ _- _-_ _.__ -:
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