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<br /> .. .._.. .. . . � SHSBr(-STATH JOURNAL COMPANY�..LINCOLN�NE9. . . . . . . . . . . �. .. -. . ._. . . .._ ... ._ . .. .. ... . ...... ______ ...._�__.�
<br />- .._._.:-.�-.=c=,__.��--. . . _���__._�.-.,-� � „-�___�- ., . . _ _. _. .__. ..____ . _.___._ . .____�___--
<br /> FRO✓YI �-'—
<br /> j���
<br /> ��je �tate of ,�e�ra��a, I!
<br /> Rufus M.f3eer 8c wife ��•
<br /> �atl �ountp,
<br /> TO I hereby certifr� that this instrument was entered on ✓b"umerical Index, '!
<br /> - and filed for Record this 1� day of �OV6IIlb6r 19 20� ',!
<br /> at 4:30 o'clock P..M. ' �.��,��i '.
<br /> Rg+lph 3�.Dd►V�a Re�irter of Deeds. ''
<br /> Deput�.
<br /> Fees, ,$ 1.10
<br /> �.�o� �Y� �er� �p t�je�e �re�er�t�: �
<br /> That Rufus �.(3eer and �diriam A.Geer.husband and wit'e
<br /> of �21 County, an� State of �ebra$ka i,
<br /> LIL consideration Of L`�L8 SLG7YL Of Sj.Xtr3+'��j.Ve Hundred and 210/10���"��"'��'�""���""`��'��"����OLL.I1tS ;
<br /> ,
<br /> ;�
<br /> ,,
<br /> in hand paid bJ Ralph S.Dt�.Y�$
<br /> ` of County, and �4tate of I�ebr�sk� do hereby �rant, barsain, sell, convey, ,
<br /> and confirm unto the said R81,ph $.D�,via
<br /> the followin� described premises, situated in the County of flall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: , _
<br /> The �r�sterly Tw�nty-Tour (243 feet of I,ot Number �ight {8} in Block 1�umber Fifty-Three (53) ''
<br /> in the OrigiM�l Town,now City. of Gr�d Isl�snd,Nebrask�.be:ng more particular3y described
<br /> a,s a► reotdngular tr�ct Qf ground l�ving � aoutherly frontr�ge of Twenty-Four (24} feet on
<br /> Third Strest �nd an eastarly_ frvntage of Ona Hundred Thirty-Two (132) feet on K�mbsll A�enue!'
<br /> in e�xid City.
<br /> ;
<br /> . ������.�w�RR�w#l�����.����� .
<br /> - ��6.b0 I.R.�ps }
<br /> (Cancelled �
<br /> To�ether with all tlze tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances lo tlLe _same belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, j!
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includin� Dower, CurtesJ and Homestead Ri�'hts, of the said RilrLte �G.Gieer and
<br /> 3tiriam A.��er
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />' TO K/IVE �2✓ti"D TO HOLD the aboz•e described premises, witl� the appurtenances, u�zto the said RL•ilph $.�V�$
<br /> and to h18
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .,4nd Ke her�b� covenant with the said Ralph �.�EtV��
<br />�I
<br /> that ]��: hold said premises by �ood and ;
<br /> perfect title; that . �e ha P6 �ood rigDet and lawful authority to sell and conver� � same; that therJ. are
<br />� �',�
<br />� ' free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> i;
<br /> I .gnd W6 covenant to warrant arad defend the sc�id premises asairist the lawful claims of ttP�'persons wycomsoever. '�
<br /> II ;,1
<br /> !i
<br /> i�:
<br /> �;
<br /> 1
<br /> SIGNED this 13th daJ �f October �• D• �`� 20
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF Rt1f U8 �.�38 6 T
<br /> ;j
<br /> MF.$.3ilbert �iriam A.Geer "
<br />.
<br /> .
<br />: r,
<br /> ��
<br />' ��e �t�xe of ,�e�r����, �'
<br /> ss. ,;
<br /> Ht�ll County, On this 13th day of OCtObBT +�+� 19 20, �i,
<br /> :�
<br /> i before me, �•$.ii�lbart , a 3TOtt►Iy PL1b11 C within and for said ';
<br /> count�, personallz� came Rufua M.Qeer and l�i riam �•Geer '�
<br /> :.�
<br /> to me ��evaidly Icnown to be the identieal persone whose name 8 $re affixed to the above instrument as srarttor• and �'
<br />' j;
<br /> + severallr� aeknowled�ed the execzction of the same to be t110�T voluntary ac� and deed foT the puTposes therein expressed. I;
<br /> ii
<br /> Jit �it1tP�,� ��PxPD�, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJ"cxed my of�`icial seal, at Grand Ialand,�ebraek�► �;
<br /> ;i
<br /> on the date last above written. �'
<br /> 'i
<br /> (ggpy) W.B.Hilbe rt '
<br />, Notar Public. '"
<br /> � ,,
<br />� ;.
<br /> ii
<br />;I .Mz� eommission expires 3d�z'Ch 15�1921. ;;
<br /> ,..,_ : =- - _--:- _- ___- ----
<br /> - '�- ---
<br /> , : - ,_ _,=- --,- - _ _ __
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<br /> � - _ _ ii
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