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<br /> �.
<br /> ��1__�Jf'�j�� �iV�j��J�Z51��� �L V�V'6� U/��9 r�c'.J��J��� �J��r�51 V� L51� LU �3j
<br /> /
<br />��_ : _ : _.. : ____ _ _._. _ _ - _. _ ..__� __ _ ___ .__ ___
<br /> _ _. _ �.
<br />____ .,B$SB']-_STATE_JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB. . � . . � -�- � _ _ - - - -
<br />.�.. .. . .... l'lL�� , -
<br /> ��je �tate of ,�e�ra��a, ��.
<br /> V�alter Demary 8c wife Rena �.Dem�.ry ��(j ((�otitttp,
<br /> TO I hereby certif� tyzat this instrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> arcd filed for Record this 1J daJ of �Tov�mbe 19 20� ,,
<br /> ThOm�,s w':<Den1�.Iy at 4: 3.5 o'clock �.J12. ��'.�=��� �,�,�,/ �
<br /> Re�ister of Dee�i,''s.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, ,� 1.10
<br /> �.r�o� �rY �et� �p t�je�e �re�e�t�:
<br /> That we W�.lter Demary° & Rena �.y Demary (riu,ebt�nd 8c wife) �
<br /> of Howurd Countz�, and State of Nebr�►ska�
<br /> in consideration of the sum of TWO Hundred & Fif ty� & rio�100—^-_--_-______DOLL,gRS,
<br /> in hand paid bz� ThOTt1a8 VV.D6171��"y
<br /> of HF�.11 County, a�-d �S'tate of Webr�.sk�., do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, eonUey,
<br /> and confirm unto the said Thonl�.s V►V. DemG.zy
<br /> the followin� described premises, situated in the Count� of flall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> hll of our undivided one-sixth interest in lot Two, (2� Block `Twenty Seven�, (27) in the
<br /> Ori�inr,.l tawn�z�ov� city of Grand Isl�.nd Nebrwskt+.,as surveyed pldtted & recorded. .
<br /> M��r�����ai�iY���r�����r. .
<br /> (�.50 I. R. St�mps )
<br /> (C�.ncelled - - - �.. -)
<br /> - -
<br />�
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appwrtenances to tlie same belonsin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includin� Dower, Curtes� and Homestead Ri�hts, of the said Wcs1t6T D6mtily &
<br /> Rent� May De�ury
<br /> of, in, or to the sa7ne, or an� part thereof.
<br /> TO FI✓1VF. .gJV'D TO I�OLD the aboue described premises, witlz the appurtenances, unto the said ThOYric�S 1�. AeIDFiTy
<br /> and to hf B
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. �nd W6 hereby covenant with the said Thomu�s �.DCIritily
<br /> that �It� hold said premises b� �ood and
<br /> perfect title; that We ha Ye �SOOd ri�sht and Zawful authority to sell and conver� the same; that the� are �
<br /> free arcd clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever.
<br /> .flnd W6 covenant to warrant and defend the said premises a�sainst tlae lawful clairns of � persons whomsoever.
<br /> SIGNED this 19th dar� of June, .�. D. 19 16,
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF W41 t e r Demary
<br /> `S.C. Huston � Rena �.y Demary
<br /> ��je �t�te ot ,�e�r�:���, S3.
<br /> Fit�ll Cou�2ty, On this 19th day of ,Tu21� �� 19 lfa
<br /> before me, 8•C. Huston , a N�t�;.Ty PubiC � within and for said
<br /> County, personally came W�.lter Den;�.Yy u°c Ren�z M De�axy (hu$band 8c wife, )
<br /> to me personallr� known to be the identical persons whose name g �� af�'ixed to the above instrument as �rantor g and
<br /> severallr� acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be th�ir voluntarz� act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> Jn �t#ne�� �I�rxenf, I have hereunto subsoribed my name and afj'Bxed my ofj'acial seal, at Grand Isl�.nd 1Qebr�ska
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> (�kZ j 8. C. Hus t on
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .My commission expires July 25 th 1918 .
<br />