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4�� <br /> � <br /> ���j�J��' ���f��Lti�� �5l V��JO �J'�� ��Ci��,'���' �J��"J LU�r��511 LU p� <br /> �_J—J � _ �i �� <br /> ---- _ __ _ __ .�:.__ __ - _ _ _ . - -- -- _�------ <br /> BHSB�(-:"+TATE JQURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN.NEB. � �� �' � - � � � - - - -�� ��� �- ;_ � - - -- <br />.__ '. F1L�✓Yl ' <br /> ��je �tate of .�e�ra��a, g�. <br /> Frank Winkler & wf ��11 �ICOUtttp, <br /> TO I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index, <br /> and filed for Record this l�. day of Octobe�� 19 �Qi <br /> at 11 o'clock 4.,M. �-��.`�'�'� Vd <br /> Ado2ph Bveht�t Re�ister of De s. <br /> Deputz�. <br /> Tees, �' 1.20 <br /> �.r�o� �YY �l'er� �p t�je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> That Frr�nk �inkl?r �nd Ann�. l�inkler.2iis wif�, , <br /> of Buffalo <br /> of th6 County, and State of 1�ebra$k� <br /> A <br /> in consideration of the sum of �Ot2T'�8e21 Fiundred and No/104������—���—�+—�---+DOLL.gRS, <br /> in hand paid b� AdOlph HOS17m <br /> of Hall „�� <br /> of Lh6 CountyA an-d ,S'tate of Nebrr�ska do hereby�tr��r�ai,�-sell,���Uey, <br /> �+e�a�wwz unto the said Ad Olph 80619m <br /> tTie followin� described premises, situated in the Countr� of flall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> I,ot �iumbered seven (7� in Block Numbered One Hundred Thirty Three, (133),�.n Koenig 8c i�ieb�e!�e�� <br /> addi tion �o (�r�nd Isl�nd.�ebr�zsks. ^ <br /> -� <br /> ..w�.�........��....���s�.�..�� � � . <br /> (�1.50 I.Ft.Str�mpe � <br />� (�ancalled ) <br />, <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to tlee same belor��ing, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, � <br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; ar��4ed�irt��rx�r,—��e�-ce�e�d-�•erre�eeb�e��s�ls��of the sa�d Bra�nk �ittkler 8ri11 <br /> and Anna Winkler <br /> of, in, or to the same, or anz� part thereof. <br /> :�;� <br /> TO K,4VE ✓�rti"D TO HOI,D the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said adolph Boehm , <br /> and to h18 <br /> heirs and assi�sns forever. .lnd Wg hereby covenant with the said AdOlj�h B0�231'n <br /> that W6 , hold said premises by �ood and <br /> perfect title; that yrg ha Y6 �ood right and Zawful authority to sell and convez� the same; that theJ are <br /> :-.� <br /> free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoeuer. � <br /> ✓lnd Ae covenant � to zvarrant and defend tyze said premises asainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ' <br /> And the s�,id Anna �inkler hereby relinyui�hes her rights in and to ��ae above described <br /> p remises. <br /> SIGNED this 3 day of ALigtlBt ./1. D. 19 20 <br /> IN PRESENCE OF Brank 1Vinkler <br /> C.E.Clark Anna 1�inkl�� <br />� <br /> ��je �tate ot ,�.e�r�g��, ss. <br /> Courit3r of Buffc+.lo �#1� On this 3 day of AUguBt .<!. D. 19 �p, <br /> be ore me, C.�.Clr�rk , a Notary Publfc d�l.y r�g�ointed t�nck qual��f.ied for <br /> f <br /> and re$iding in e'�id <br /> County, personally eame Frdnk t�iMkl�r and Ann� Wirikl6r <br /> described in r,.bd who executed the foregoing come ana <br /> to me persa�known to be the identical person g�u,�e��aa---�_...._..a�xQd..ta�b,e.a,i�ar,se ar�e�rec�w►�e�w,# as �rantor� an� <br /> ° s�id inst�ument <br /> severallz� acknowled�ed the e�e�we�taeia.�e��f�a.e..s�a�e to be th@iT voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. <br /> �it �qf1tP,�,� ��PxFD�, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofjacial seal, at not�crir�l �6A1 <br /> on the date last above written. (g$qy� C.$.Cl�.rk <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> ✓lly commission expires JLil,y 29-1921 <br /> , <br />