<br /> '�
<br /> ���'�� ��'�o °�������''��?���� ���� �'����9; ��51,���J ����'����'�
<br /> _v . . _ _� . _� _ _ _ _. __ __
<br /> -..._4_s:-. _.-,6��$'J.•._STAT,EJOURNALCOMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. ,.. , .,, � . . - � ` � _ _ �,_
<br /> FR O.M
<br /> ��je �tate uf .�e�ra5�a,
<br /> �'$ttie �. True �.nd Jesse C.True ��•
<br /> �all �Countp,
<br /> TO I hereby certify that this irestrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> and filed for Record this 16 daz� of D�C6IIib� 1919i
<br /> ° at 11;55 o'clock Av11.
<br /> W.7„�811�r'_ . Re�iater of De s.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, �' 1.=Q
<br /> �.r�o�n �i� �er� �p t�je�e �re�et�t�:
<br /> That 1►e. �attie 8. True, and Jesse C.Trus, Ewife �.nd husband. �
<br /> of Ht311 Countz�, and State of Nebraska. .
<br /> in consideration of the sum of TNO Hundred and no/100���-«-��-����-�-�----��-�------�-���--DOLL.IRS;
<br /> in hand paid b� �.j,.j�lly
<br /> of Fi�.11 County, an,d �State of N6bTS8kS. do hereby �Srant, bar�ain, sell, convey,
<br /> and confirm unto the said W.Ti.R611y
<br /> the followin� described premises, situated in the County of �Iall, and State of Nebraslca, to-ivit: _
<br /> Z.ot C1ne (1) in B�.vck �leven (11�, ,Gilbert� s Addition to (3rand island, .Nebr�eka, . as surveqed, r
<br />, platted �,nd recorded. . Sub�ect to �. mortg�ge of �275. 00 in f�vor of Julia D.Robinaon� and .in-
<br />,
<br /> tereet from December 20. , 1918 r�t 7 �� �M�r�i�t�����Y�a�Y��r
<br /> (�.50 I.R. . fit�mpe- }
<br /> (Cancelled
<br /> To�ether with al� the tenements, hereditament,s, and appurtenances to tlae same belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; inclrcdin� Dower, Curtes� and Homestead Ri�hts, of`the said �'�t�.6 E.�.'TLie 821d
<br /> Jesse G.True
<br /> of, in, or to the sccme, or any pa�°t thereof. ,
<br /> TO K�VE ,Fl✓b'D TO �IOLD the aboLe described premises, wit7i the appurtenances, unto the said �.;,.j�glly
<br /> and to h1�
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. ✓�nd �iC hereby covenant with the said �.I,.��lly .
<br /> that �►6 hold said premises by sood and
<br /> perfect title; that W6 haY@ �ood ri�%ht and Zawful autTzority to sell and convez� the same; that they are
<br /> free and clear of czll liens and incumbrances whatsoever. ,�xcept tx8 $,bOV6 StS�6d. .
<br /> s
<br /> .lnd W6 covenarLt, to warrant and defe,nd the saad premases ayaarast tyce lazufccl claims of+� persons whomsoever. ,
<br /> except as above str�ted. .
<br /> SIC�NED this 27 th daz� of .TtiY1C .l1. D. 19 19
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF M�,�tie �.2rt�8
<br /> S.G.Huston Jesse C.True
<br /> ��je �t�te of ,�e�r����, ss.
<br /> H�11 County, On this 27th day of June -�•�+-19 19,
<br /> be}ore me, the uriderSigried , a 1�IOti�,Iy PL1bliC within and for said
<br /> cour�t�, personally came �[�.ttie E.True and Jesae C.True (wife r�nd hueband�,1
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person S whose name S aT6 af}'ixed ta the above instrument as �rantor dand
<br /> severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be their voluntarz� aet and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> .:�Ilt �if1iP,�,� �I�PCPit�, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�ixed mz� ofy'icial seal, at Grand Is1.�,ndaNebrr�sks..
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> (�AL y �.C.Hus t O n
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .Mz� commission expires .�Lily 25-1924
<br /> _ __
<br />