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<br /> ; Unless otherwise agreed in writing,all insuraace rooaeds fhall be apptied to the msaoratian or repair ot the Pmperty or to � . , `,� �.`��
<br /> + the Secured Debt, whether or not then due, at �eneftciary's optioa. Any application of pmcceds to principal,shali not , � , �
<br /> � � extead or postpone the due date of tbe schednled paymeat nor change the amount of any paymene. Any excese will be paid • ....�.
<br /> , .; to theGrantor. If the Property�s asqu�ired by Beueficiary.7'tusto;s n t tu any insurancepolicies and Qraceeds resulti�g , . � j
<br /> � from dam�e to the Progerty before the acqwsitton shall pass to @ene�ary to the extent of the Secured Deltt immedlately �'
<br /> befom the acqulsition. � •� �.
<br /> . i , ,
<br /> � Z0. ESCROW FOR TAXFS AND IN�IJRANCE. Unless otherwise provide� in a separate agreemenc, Tmstor will not be ;
<br /> re.quired¢o pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and iasurance in escrow. ,' ' •.
<br /> - - � Zl. F�iA1°iCIAL REFL)�YT�AND AY?DI9'IONAL DOL'U11�NTS. Trustor will provide to Beneficiary upon r�uest, any •-.----,_-- '�.�°
<br /> ' � financial statement or informatioa Beneficiary may,deem reasonably necessary.Truswr agrees to sign,dehver,and file an�+ '�
<br /> additional documents or certificarions that Aeneficiary ma�+consider necessary to p�rfecc.continue,and presen+e Grantor s � , � . .
<br /> . ; obligations under this Security rn�r.�+�t and Beneficiary s lien status on the Property. � •, . .
<br /> s •.
<br /> � this gecurity Insmuneat are joint and individual. If Tnistor signs th�s 5ecvrity Insuvment but does not sign an evidence of ��3--►�
<br /> ! debt,Tnistor does so only to mortgage Tmswr's interest in the Prope�rty to secure paymant of the S�ured Deb*_ and � . ,� , �
<br /> Tnutor does not agree to be personally liable on tfle Seaued Debt If this 5ecuri�Instrument secures a guaranty between . � —
<br /> , .. Beneficiary and Tn�stor,Tn�.stor to waive any rip�ts that may prevent Bene ciary from bringing any action or ciaim ��::�'r -
<br /> • against Truswr or any �arty in ebted nnder the obTi auon. These rights may include, but are not Lmited w, any � • r.• -�
<br /> • anti-deficieucy or one-acuon laws. Trastor agrees that�ficiary and anY F�Y to this SPCUrity Instrnment may extend, , � �••, . _.�.
<br />� modify or make any change in the terms of this Secunty In �m L or any evtdence of debt ttnthouL Tr�s4or's consent. . �• -- --•
<br /> '.H+-�a�; -..`._;
<br /> Such a chan�ge will not re3ease TnLSwr from the temos of this Security Instrument_'ihe duties and benefits of this Security . : •�,�.�,
<br /> ca
<br /> Insuument shall bind and benefit the successors aad assigns of Tmswr and Bene8cial. . �
<br /> � 23. A�PLICABLE LAW;SEVERABII.TTY;IIVTERPRETA'ITOPi.This Seairity_Instru�nt is governed by the laws of the . . .� ��,� �_
<br /> jurisdic6on in which Beneficiary is located,except to the exteru otl�erwise reqwred by the lao�s of the junsdiction where `:' '''���
<br /> : � the Property is located.This Security ,n,�t is wm�l�ete and fully integrate�i.This Security InstrumPnt may not be . -
<br /> � amend�ci or modifed by oral agre�nent.Anp section in this Secarity Insuument,attachments,or any agreement relazed w ''�° ""---
<br /> the Secured Debt thai conflias with applicable law will not be effective.unless thai law e ressl or' uedl permits the • '�'"��-'-
<br /> ; xP Y ,mP� Y "-�. � ;y���--
<br /> � variaiions by written agreement.If aay secaon of this Se�urity Instrument cannot be enforced according to its terms,tl�at , .;;A,�;;�.•....-
<br /> secxion will be seveied and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this Security Iasaument.Whe�ever nsed, ���
<br /> ; the singalar shaU include the plural and the plural the smgular.'Ihe captions and headings of the s�tions of t'�;s Sec,vr�ty ':�r ;".t;r�. � ,��- •-�-
<br /> .. Instiument are for convenience only and ue not to be used to interpret or define the temos of this Seca�rity Instrumeut- ; ;; ��-��
<br /> .. .� Time is of the essence in this Seauity Instniment. .�,�:�,�"�� �
<br /> .� ���,.:•I;.-�
<br /> 24. 3UCCESSOR'Y'RUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option,_may.from rime to time remove Trustee and appoint a �.�,�� .,��:�r ::� f�
<br /> successor trustee without any other formality than the desi on m wnting.'Ihe successor trustee,without conveyance of �''���:3�:,: ,;w;,; _
<br /> � the Property, shall succexd to all the ude. power and uties conferred upon Tnistee by this Security Instr�ment ansi ;��,�� ,:- •:�
<br /> applicable law. „ � K'
<br /> ' .
<br /> .' Z5. NOTICE.Unless otherwise re�uired by law, any noace shall be given by delivering it or by mailing rt by first class mail � �` ' �-
<br /> to the appropriate party's address on page 1 of this Security Instrument, or to any ather address designated in writing. • � •` . �. f
<br /> _ �� Noiice to one t:ustor wil16e deemed to be nouce tu all trusto�s. '� '° 1 � •�'
<br /> * �,� ,
<br /> _ 26. WAIVERS. Except to the eatent prohibited by law. Tnistar waives all appraisemeat and homestead exemption rights ; •� '� s� ,� .
<br /> . � ' relating to the Property. �-
<br /> . 27. Orl'HER'rERMS.If checked.the following are applicabte to this Securiry Instn�ment: t .. . ,".'-:,�--
<br /> . '. ,;.:�_�..--.,;
<br /> O Line of Credit.'I�e Secured Debt inciudes a revolving line of credit pmvislon. Although the Setiued Debt may be '�'' ��`Y��
<br /> ' reduced to a zero balance.this Serurity Instsument will rema9n in effect unril released. �' �'%,�:��
<br /> �. �Constr�etton Loan.'Ihis Securiry�^M^�ms"e secures an obligation incurred for the consuuction of an impmvement ��� •�' ----��
<br /> on the Property. . .`i��� i
<br /> �., . .
<br /> �� ❑F9stme F l l i n g.Trustor g r a nts to Beuefictary a security interest in all goods that Granwr owns now or ln the futnre . ..�� �
<br /> ' aad that are or will become futures mlated to the Property. This Sec,u�ty I n s a v m c nt s u f fices as a t i n a n c i ng �c": �.
<br /> �,,, '-�*�.�
<br /> : . statement and aay carbon,photographic or other reproduction rnay be filed of record for purposes of Article 9 of the -- u _
<br /> . . Uniform Commetcial Cade. ';,�_.y�,�'„�,''�'�'. --_-
<br /> O Rides.The covenants and agrcements of eac3�of the riders checked bPlow are incorporated into and suppl�m�at aitd =__�-_ =-
<br /> ". amend t�.�terms of this Security Inswment.(Check all applicable boxes] . ..�'���
<br /> . � ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider ❑ Other................................................... `T" ;��`�'';. _
<br /> �'�'�:�.� •;,
<br /> ' ❑ Additional Terms. �� '�� ,�4t..
<br /> • � �
<br /> . . :-- • _
<br /> • • .. . .�
<br /> �. SIGNATUItES:By signing below.Tnutor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Seauity Insttument and in any � � : �•: -
<br /> ` i attachments.Tni�*.�ar also aclmowledges rereipt of a copy of this Securiry Instrument on the date starsd on page 1. '"""'�"�'�°—
<br /> i .
<br /> � � �...I�n:ts�P�../�.���,��. .................... ........ �.. . ..Ci'ft�n .. ../�..u�... ............... ........ . � �::
<br /> . . ... ..... ... . .
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<br /> ' SI'A'I'E OF�T���............................... .COUNTY OF#.��......... .. . .... .}ss. t'__-
<br /> . ................. . ........ .
<br /> ""L""" This inswment was acknowledged before me this......��� .day of F���Y. ���7 . . . � �
<br /> by��..�.��.,�r.R.s�.��, ..� �............................. a....................•. i � • .. -__-
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<br /> ' • Mycommissi , �ERAtH4IAB�•SttteolNeCrutt . ... . .
<br />.. ._ . (seaq . . �� �
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<br /> JOSEPH R.OOSR�VOINY ... �NOwy PuEtic) �
<br /> t�h�mm.Eip.Sept�,1000 � -
<br /> ` � m199a Bankcn Svstome,inc. . or 9n398 ' (pB[fB 4 014/ � ' . :� �.
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