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�e_1 <br /> �LJJ�!�l�i� �L�J�J�LS�JJ ���� V\'��Q� �„'�s\1'�,��� ���� L4J�� . <br /> _ .�:- . .��_ =` '$$"�,.,.-STATE"J6QRNAL"LtSfiiP'AN4�ZiNC6LN,T7EB ,_ _.._ _._.. "_ . . _�.. ._... ._._,- .. .� . __ _._ . ._ -.-- ... -�---- <br /> -= __..__�.- -r_.�:_,_��_�. - . . . _. _ �_._. �...� __�.�'-.f:._.�__:_..- .��,_:..-_. .. ._� . _ . . . --' I <br /> _._.___._.__._.__�_ �R�./� <br /> �fje �tate Of „�e�r����, ��. I`� <br />; K.B.��oody ��11 �DUtttp, <br /> TO I hereby certifr� that this instrument was eritered on Numerical Index, <br /> ' and filed for Record this 27 da� of Oc tobe r 19 19� !; <br /> �ark Ec Steve Lyona at 10 o°c�oc7c A. .�1. �J/��.����y� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds. <br /> Deputz�. <br /> lees, ,� 1.10 <br /> �.�ok� �YY ,�er� �p t�je�e �re�er�t�: . <br /> That �;.B,Moody, Single <br /> of H6riTy C,ountJ, and State of Kentucky ; <br /> in consideration of the sum of TWO Hundred ten and no/100-----------___..____�..____.._.._..___�OLL.gRS, ' <br /> in harad paid b� B6a,rk Ly ons, and Steve Ly ons <br /> of H�11 County, art,d ,State of Nebr�.ska do hereby �rant, bar�airt, sell, convey, <br /> and confirm unto the said �.rk Lyons and Stev� LyOriB <br /> the followins described premises, situated in the County of flall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lots one, two and three in block Number four Of �l�.rk�s addition to Woad River,l�ebraska �ccord�► <br /> ing to plat of s�.id Clark�s addition to Ipood River on file in the office of the Register of Dedtds <br /> of Fir�ll County,Nebr. <br /> �.� ��rr��.�wra��� . <br /> (�.50 I.R. ) <br /> ; <br /> (C�n�celled ) . <br /> Together with czll tTze tenemerzts, hereditanzents, an�l appurtenances to the same belon�in�, and all the Estate, Right, Title, <br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand whatsoever; includi�z� Dower, Curtes� and Homestead Ri�hts, of the said K.B.Moody <br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H4VE ./�✓�"D TO HOLD tTie above describe,d premises, with the appurtenances, urzto tlie saicl 1�ark I�,yons and Ste�e <br /> yy Op1g and to <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .gnd I hereby covenant wityz the sa�d Ma,rk Zy ons und Steve Ly Ori8 <br /> tyaat I laold said premises b� dood and <br /> perfect title; that Y� h.aY6 �ood riaht and lawful authority to sell and conve� the same; that they are '� <br /> , free and clear of all liens and incurnbrances whatsoever. <br /> �nd I covenant to warrant an.d defend tlie said premises a5ainst the lawful c3aims of all perso�cs wlzomsoever. ' <br /> i, <br /> SIGNED this 2,3rd day of October, ✓1. D. rs 19 <br /> IN PRESENCE OF K.B.�o ody <br /> C. S.Iioeks tr� <br /> ��e �t�te of ,�e�r����, Ss. <br /> Ht�.l.l County, On this 23rd daz� of OC t. e4r�. 19 19 , i' <br /> before me, C.S.:Ioekst�'a, , a T�ota2y t'ub11C within and for said 'I <br /> ' County, personallz� came K.B.�oody . �! <br /> � � <br /> to me personally known to be the identical perso�z wliose name 18 af�ixed to the above instrument as �rantor ccnd `i <br /> , <br /> severally acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be his voluntarz� act and deed for the purposes therein expres8ed. !' <br /> Jn �ttne,�� �I�rrrnf, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJixed my of�'icial seal, at WoOd River,DTebr.. <br /> on the date last above written. (�Ay� C.S.Hoeks tra <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> �, <br /> l; <br /> ✓YIy commission expires AUg. 7th 1925. <br /> - - _-=_ _ -_ — <br />