- -�-; --_--=--r•.; .. -- --- - ------------.__- __—._ _ �_------ - _ : '._ .__ . .� , �`♦ �.'
<br /> • __ _._ ...--. . _ . . .. . . . . ... . � t .. _ ._' ._. . .. _ . -------__.�.__' .` � � ` , t�__
<br /> .. i ., � ' , ' :��,
<br /> i. ,
<br />' ; � � . _ ., Y_Y—.
<br /> � '� 1���� �. : , � � . ,�,.�,-
<br /> ; 9 � . . . --
<br /> � G.ASSIGNMEN7'OF LEASES. Upon Lender's request,Bonower sha11 assign to 1..eudes all leases of the . . : : , _.
<br /> P r o g e r t y a n d a ll securi ry d e p o s its made in connecaon with leases of the Propeity.Upon the assignment,Lendex . �
<br /> = � have the ' t to modify,eactead or ter�inate ths e�cist'rsig leases and to exerute uew l e a s e s,i n L e n d e r's s o l e
<br /> _ sh3ll � Instrument is on a '. _ �"�
<br /> disaetion.As used in this paragra►P6 G.the word"lease"shall mean"sublease'if the Secmrliy :�-,j- _— --: , .
<br /> leasehold. . . �,
<br /> Borrower absofitetY and uncondirioually assigns and uansfers to Lender all the rents and revenues("Rents")of the . �� �i
<br />� :) propeity,regardles4 of to whom the Rents of the Propecty+ are payable.Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's ` .. _ �•._-
<br /> agents tn collect the Rents,and agrees tbat each tenant of the Property sha11 pay the Rents ta Lender or Lender's . . ,° .
<br />• a g e n t s.H o w e v e a,B orrower shaU seceive the Rents until{�L.euder has given Borrow�r notice of default pursuant w : •:, . , °.�4^:;`°:'.
<br /> paragragh 21 of the Security Insuament and(u�Lenda has grven notice to t h e tenaF t(s)t b a t t h e R e n t s a r e t n� ,.:,;!� _; •..`:; _ _'-
<br /> .:.==;,::
<br /> ent of Reats constitutes an absolnte assignment and not a� :'�•�' -:��'-,�. :
<br /> paid m Lendear or Lender's agent Thig assiBnm . �.—
<br /> assignment fo4 additi o n a l securitY on1Y• ��—
<br /> ��•.���_,
<br /> If Lendea gives notice of b�each t,o Borrower:(�all Rents received by Borrower shall be h�b-J Boaower as . .��:. :_..
<br /> austee for the 6e�eSt of L.�nder only.tn be applied w che suws secured by th�Seauity Inshumeufi i�)I.endra shall � • • z...;�::�--._
<br /> . be e�titled tn coltect and receive aill of ihe Res�ts of the Pro�eaty; (m7 Bo�mwer a8�����t of the � •� , ;•
<br /> � ����'
<br /> prope�ty shall pay all Rents due and unpaid w Lende,r or Lender's ageats upon Lenda's written de�and to the ; ;;�,' ''�---.
<br /> � teaan� (iv)imtess aPPtirable taw provqdes othenvise,aIl Reats collecred by Lender or Lender's agents shall be . - ----'�'��=--
<br /> �pP��w the costs of ta]dng convrol of and managin8 the�oFeatY and collec�g the Rents,iactnd'mg,but not � �� �
<br /> U[
<br /> on receiver's bonds,repair and maintenance costs,insurance ''.•
<br /> limited tn.auome}rs' fecs.receiver's fees,premiutns ; , `_�.'� -
<br /> � premiums,taxes,assessmeats and othear char8es on the Anpeny,and then tn the sums secured by the Seauity � .,y• l
<br /> Instrumen�(v)Lepde+r,L.euder's agents or any judicially aPPuinted receivea shall be liable w xcount for only those f . .-;': •. , TL`
<br /> Rents ac�u�allY rueived;and(vi�Leuder sha11 be entitled w have a receiv�appointed to take possession of and _ _ ` ,�'`.. �'_
<br /> manage the Progeaty and collect the Rents and profits deaived from the Property without any showing as w the . , . ':.� •, "i;:.
<br /> �4�Y of the Pcop�ty as securilY- � ' , j.�
<br /> ff the Rents of the Pcoperty are not sufficien3 za cover the costs of taltittg control of and managing ttie ' '
<br /> Ptop2rty and of collecting the Rea�ts any funds exper.��i�y Lend�for such pvrposes shall become indebtedness of • :-,�.;, ,'�
<br /> � Borrowea tn L e n d e r secur e d by the Securi ty Insmunen2 pursuant to Unifora►Covenant 7. ';i�.: ��
<br /> Boxrowea r�presents and waaants that Borrower has not execc�yd any prior assignment of the Rents and has : �k;. � ���'•�
<br /> ' •..�� ' -
<br /> not and will not perform any act diat would prevent Lendes from exercisuig its rights undea this paragraPh• .�':... ` � '`A[ •
<br /> Lender.ar Lex►der's ageuts or a judiciallY aPPai�recerver,shall aot be re�ed tn ent�upon,take contral ;.,� ,�-� "
<br /> na�c: of defauit to Boaower. Hawever,Lender,or Lender's }� �"�- � _� �..
<br /> of or mainisin the Property before or after givinB .'':�` '. _. f?� y`
<br />, agent�or a ludicially aPPninted receiver,may do so az any dme rv�en a default occ�us.Any application of Rents `... •�w ,_
<br /> ; _� ,_ .�, :
<br /> shall not aue or waive any default or invalidate anY ott►ea right or remedy of Lender.'I7iis as�gament of Rents of • :,�T . , _
<br /> � the property shall terminate when all the sums secured by the Security Insbument are paid in full. �'"-:�
<br /> -:,*�� ..,. .:—`�.
<br /> ,. ��� -`
<br /> I.CRUSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Boiroa�a's defaWt or bmach i�r1�r any note or agreement in _�. . _�.
<br /> which Lendea das an in�eaest shsll be a bzeach under r.he Security Inst�vment and Lender may invoke any of the "`���.:
<br /> `� -_:_=T�
<br /> � remedies pem►itted by ihe Sect�rity Instrame � � �� -----
<br /> pemi ..�
<br /> � � SII�MNG B Borrovvd�is d agrees w the te�s and provisions containett in this 1-4 Family �.:�_- . `
<br /> � ` ���
<br /> t Rid 1 ��-- `=�'�'��"
<br /> I� " ` Seal �'"`���"'�,--
<br /> : s (Seal) ` ,,,:r.�.-� `
<br /> , �� �`°. �
<br /> Ci. DOUCiLAS CAMPLI -Horrower ITH A CAMPLIN -Bormwer . ,....v-
<br /> . "� ' �~'1� �� .
<br /> .. =I'
<br /> '3�.._�.':.
<br /> . i (S�) ($C8�) .�1-iF','�r rta...�n:.-+-
<br /> -Bormwer -Borrower .
<br /> �m-57 tssat.oi v.p.z oi z FQm 917D 3/4g� - .
<br /> , . ' �
<br /> . • . ,...... , r���_
<br /> � .
<br /> , ...._..._ ____ . �
<br /> ' `..
<br /> ____.__��-_..._.--.-�_...._..-
<br /> ___�..r..:__.._...__..._._.-..--..---.-------- � .
<br /> ..�, ---F� - . - -•-- - -.._. __._ .� -_ . . . .
<br /> • . . , � . _
<br /> ' ' • , . . . '.� , � �
<br /> . . ' , � , • . �
<br /> , • . , � . ' !.�_
<br /> :.. ..-_- _...--- --�-:_'—:-=---. ._. . .. - --. .....'. - ---=--�-'--- — ..
<br /> • � . ' • �•_'.
<br /> - ' � - ' �--��' . � .--�•�nc�.-- ' _... . � �,`.
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