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�— _ _ __ - _ T __ <br /> ��� � <br /> I���O C�CoO� c����9 [�c����� [��o <br /> ,, <br /> mortgage therpon in thP sum of �20,.000.04,�hich mor�tga,ge the gr�nteee h�rein sasvme :and egree '� , <br /> to p�y; the grantor,h�wever,agrees to pay the interest oM said mortgage of Twenty (20) �'hour�and ! <br /> ' (20,000.00) Doliars. and I da hereby covenant with the said �r+�nt�ea and th�ir heir$ and aesigns '� <br />' ' th�t 1�.Kfully seized o!' said prAmi$As;t.hat they ar� fre� from inctimbrr�nce�Aao�p�t the taaee herA <br /> i <br /> inbef�rA sr�t out;and �xcept above d�scribed mortgage that I hS99 good �ight and lawful aut�or- ;" <br /> '' i.ty tv sell thP a�me;�nd 1 do herAby covenant warra,nt and dAfend the titie to said prem�$as <br /> �; � <br /> '' agains t the lawful cl�.ims of �,11 per$ons whomsd�sver. �� ;� <br /> "� Si�,rpd this thirtepntY� ds�y of 1�iarch A.D. 1922 %�� <br /> ' ;' ;1 <br /> �I %� �I <br /> / i <br /> � In p r�$pnc� af Hugh Brennan j� ,; <br /> ,� � <br /> �3.J. Cu3�ni r�ham ;� � <br /> ; <br /> Stat� of �Tebr�sl� j ' !; <br /> � S 8 �I <br /> �' County of Bo one } On this thi��eenth d�y of Dda.rch A.D.1922 before me,C.$.Srr,.use a Not�,,ry i� <br /> ��' Publia duly qur�li fi�d in �nd for s�id County ,personr�lly appeared Hugh grennan.v►i dower t o me , <br /> known to bA thQ idpnticdl person deseribed in r�nd �vho�e ndme ie subscribed to the for�going .' • � <br /> � <br /> oonv+:ydnc� ds grr�ntor;and a.cknowledgPd the sa,me to be his �oluntdr� act �.nd deed. '; <br /> '.i <br /> IN 9?ITN�S� �iER�'OF.I have h�sreunto set my h�.nd and Notarirsl seal�this thirte�nth d,�y of- KarcY�. <br /> � i � � �� <br />� �� A.D. 1922 � i� <br /> �' � �SEAL) C.�.:�r;aus e � ;i <br /> ,; <br /> No tary Pr�bl ic ii <br /> My c om�ni ssi on eapi res ..Tany ,31.1923 ;i <br /> ,' Filed for record tnis 18 dz�y of April 1922.�►t 4:25 c'clock p.3i. , %) <br /> ��.��� � �, <br /> �� Register of DAeds <br /> � <br /> '' -0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-�-Q-0-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> QUIT CLAI�d]�ED�-�,,��, <br /> �� , <br /> THIS II4��TTURE��ade this 6th dqy of April, i.n the y par one thous�.nd nine hundred r�nd tw�nty�two, ;� <br /> ' between Arthur J.lffllic�mson �nd Angeline A.1i'illi�mson. (Husband and l�ife} of the fir$t part,and � <br /> . � <br /> , .f <br /> James A.�lillfamson (father� of `the second pr�rt. � <br /> l <br /> RI TNZ£�xt the so3 d partie s of the first part,in c onsi�er�.ti on of the si� of Ong ��ind ; <br /> I <br /> 00/1�0 Dol l�.r� to us duly p�sid. th�s reaeipt whe r�of is hereby �cknowledged hr�ve r�mf sed. rele�sed I <br /> � <br /> �.nd quit-cl�.imed�and by these prp,�ents do, for our�elve� our heire�execnLors ��nd a.dministra��ors, � <br /> � <br /> r.�mise, relA,nse and forever quit-claim r�nd convey unto the sajd party of eecond part,and to hi� �� <br /> � <br /> Y�eirs dnd as�i�ns forever,all of our rfght, title,intPreet,eetate �c�.afm and �demand.both a�t° l�.w <br /> �:nd in pquity, of. in r�nd to �11 of Lot� One (Ij.Two (2) and Thre4 (3),B2ock Sevent�'-three (73). <br /> ' Rhreler & Bennett� s Third Addition to Gr�.nd Is1�nd�Nebraska� as -surn�yed;p�atted and recorded. <br /> ':ogether r�i�h �.11 a.nd �i �� <br /> ,, ng�].�r the heredit�r,6nt� thareunto belongi ng. <br /> T0 HAVE AND TO H�LD ths abov� de$crl.bed premise$ un�o �th� •snid J'dmes �A.Afllirunson h�s heire � i <br /> , , <br /> ' ond �,ssigne;so that neither the sr�id Arthur J.�iliia�,mson or Angeline A.Ailliamaon� or �,ny person � <br /> . <br />'E fn thefr �n�xne ��.nd �behs.lf,ahx�ll or-rri13. herPr�fter�° cl��m or demand rrny -right or �itle to the as�id I <br /> , <br /> • premi��ts or �ny part thereof,b�t thgy dnd Avery on� of th�m ah�.11 b� thgse presents be e�ccZuded ' <br /> - � �xnd �'p�ever b�.rred. I <br /> � <br /> - II� WITNESS WI�RFAF.the edid parties of the first p�►rt Yu�ve h�reunto set their hr�►nds r�►n,d°se�i ( <br /> thA da�y anc� y��x abov e wrf:tten. <br /> Signed,sealed and dpTiverpd in �resence of , <br /> Zucy Hort on <br /> Arthur J.tlilliaimson ! <br /> I�.R.Iiort on � <br /> , Angeline A.�illi�son i <br /> St�te of Oregon ) . <br /> � a s. <br /> Yultnom�h Cotanty } <br /> On this 13" day of April,d.D.1s22,before ne,th� underafgned `E.Ft.Hartoa <br /> � <br /> a 2�ot�,ry Public, dnly cc�m�af,gsivned �nd qualified for dnd reai��.2ng �Q aai.d County,pere�onally �cs�n.e + <br /> � <br /> _._ ,i <br />