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� <br /> 6��� <br /> �1��� C�o� ���9 � �[�a��� l��o <br /> ' And the gr�ntors do her�by cw enant with the $aid gr�nt�e �,nd hia heirs and aasigne th�t i <br /> the gr�.ntor h�.ve lr�wfully �eized of said premises; t2ar�t thtsy �sre free from �ncumbr�nce; except 1 <br /> tha►t thg grz�ntorra h�,a good ri.ght �,nd lawful au�hority to $ell thA aame and they do hereby � c�re-�; <br /> ,I <br /> n�nt to W�rrant �xnd defend th� said pra�ises s�gainat thg l�v►ful cl�im� of �,11 parsona whomsoe�e�r. <br /> !� <br /> Si�,ned this 18" d�.y of April A.D.1922 i! <br /> i� <br /> In Pres�nce of ;� <br /> ;� <br /> Arthur C.M�,yer F�.nnie O. Burmood � <br /> , <br /> George IP.Buxmood jl <br /> �, <br /> State af Nebr�sk�, � {) <br /> � �s. f <br /> H�11 County, ) On thi$ 18" day of April A.D. 1922 beforA me,a Arthur C.Y�.yer 3,n and !i <br /> �� <br /> for said County�personrslly .c�e the r�bove Tannie O.Burmood and George �.Burmood wife and hue- ' <br /> �I <br /> band �rho ar� pe r�oncc].ly knawn to me to be the idantical person$ Rhoss r�ames are �,ffiaed to the �j <br /> j <br /> above deed r�s gr�.ntors �.nd they acknowledged the in�trument to be th�ir Tolunt�ry act �nd deed-; �, <br /> !f <br /> for thQ purpose �herein st�.ted. ij <br /> , �i <br /> WIT�iESS �y hand �nd not�.ri�1 ae�l the ds�y aforeeaid. �I <br /> f SEAI,j Arthu r C.l�ay er <br /> �� <br /> Mot�.ry Public �" <br /> l�y aommission expire� ��y 17" 1923• !i <br /> ; <br /> ; �S i led f or rec ord t hi s 18 dr�y of Ap ri 1 1922,s►t 2:24 0'c lock P.Y. ����G[ ��=�-� �i <br /> i <br /> R g ster of Deads ��� <br /> • -o-o-o-o-v-o-o-o-o-Q-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-o-o-o-Q-o-o-o-Q-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-�-o <br /> ' IIQ,IT CLAIM I��D �� <br /> 'i <br /> - <br /> ;I <br /> �� <br /> THIS I�TDFNTURF.�de this 13th day of Jd�irch. in the y�r one thoasr�.nd nine hundred and twenty-txo�j' <br /> . . ii <br /> hT <br /> betwa�en J�es Brennan and Anna Brenn�n,hnsband ar,d wife. of H�►11 Co�znty��Tebr�.ska; Charlea Brenn�n j <br /> , <br /> and Ann�, Brennan.husbr�nd a.nd wife of Custer County �Nebru�ka;M�r�� Vr�ndewalle r�nd Constsntine Va�rc�- <br /> ' <br /> ewalle�wife and husband� of Boone Caunty_.Nebr�.sk�,,,�►nd Kathryn �3renn�n.unm�rried.of Bvone County . I <br /> Nebrdsk�., of the first F�,rt.�,nd Hugh Brenns�n� f�tY�er of Jamea Brenna�,Ch�rlea Brennan,ldary V�.ndew�j le <br /> � � � <br /> ` and �tY�ry n Brenn�.n, of Bo one Courityr�Nebra.skt�, ot the �ec ond pz�rt ki <br /> i, <br /> WITNFSSETH. t�t thP parties of thp first part,in consideration of the awn of One Dvllar�l <br /> r�nd lcyve �nd �.ffection to them duly pz�j.d,the recpipt rvherPof ia h�reby acknowledged h�ave remised�i <br /> ,r <br /> . rele�sed and quit-clr�imed,�nd by these preser�ts do�for th�naelves their heirs� executors and sd- ,� <br /> ; <br /> ministr�tors�remiffie, reler�se and forever quit-clsim �.nd�corivey untc� the sx�.id pazt� of the second i <br /> part,and tv Mi� heirs �nd �seigns forever,all th�ir ri�nt�title. interest�eatste e7.$im and de�and� <br /> � <br /> both �st law �nd in equity, of� in and to �,11 oP tha North H�lf (R�� of Saction Tesnty-Si�c (26}� I <br /> i <br /> th� l�orth-l�►est Quarter of Section Thirty-Bive (�31��35 j thR Sovth-�pe�t Quarter (51�4) of Section j <br /> 'i <br /> Tw�nty-Three (23),�.11 in Township Trrenty-TRO C�2}.North of R�,n�e six {6 ),w�st of the Sixth 'i <br /> ,i <br /> principal meridi�n,�lso,all of Lvt Four. (4�,z�nd the East H�lf of I,at �ive (5 },in Block Two (2}� !� <br /> !i <br /> C1�►rks �ddition to Albian,Nebr�►sk�.�,lso the North-�ast Quarter (N��) of Seetian Thirty f�0),in '� <br /> i <br /> Townehip Ten (10).North caf Ra.nge Lleven (11),�►est of thg Sixth principal merfdi�n in H�1� County� <br /> � <br /> �febr�,sk��.,i.t being the intent of this fnstrwaent to vest in the said Hugh Brennan r�►11 02' the in- <br /> t�r�st, rights �,nd ti.tle tn and to ss�id premises inherited by gr�.ntors herein Prom thgir mothar, � <br /> � <br /> ' K�tA deceased. . I <br /> , � <br /> i <br /> - Together �rith all �►nd singular the heredit�unents thc�r�unto bslonging. <br /> I <br /> TO HAV� AND TO HOLn tY�e dbvve described premises unto the said Hugh Brennan,his heira and � <br /> ! assigns;so th�ct neither the�y the sr�id grantors, or r�ny person in their n�me �nd behalf.shall or ! <br /> I <br /> rvill here�fter cl�.im or de��.nd �►ny right or title tQ the said premisea or �ny part thereof,but � <br /> , they and F:ver� one of them sh�.11 by thert�e pres�e8te be excluded r�nd forever b�.rred. � <br /> ' IN WITNESS WI�;R�fOF.the sdid parties of the first part hd►ve hare�anto sst their h�nde �nd seals� <br /> ( <br /> t hp dr�y �nc� y g�r r�b c�� Wri tten. � ,., <br /> i <br /> !.i <br /> -l�_-_ _ _ <br />