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� <br /> ���V <br />� DC���J Gt�C�C���'C� [� Oo o ��70 <br /> State of Nebr�.skr�, } <br /> j ss. <br /> Caunty of Sew�.rd } On this 28th d�y of October,A. D. .1920,befor� ma,th� under�sign�d,:a. Not�ry <br /> Public in wnd for s�id County�pErsondlly c�me �.L.�'ie�ert President of th� l�ebr�►sk� GvnfPrence <br /> Bvsngslic�.l A�sociation,a. corpor�tion,�n,d ---�--- of the Aebr�.�kr� Conference ��ngelical Associa� <br /> tion�a corporation, to me perscnally kno�vn to be the President r�,r�d---z�nd thp id�ntical person <br /> whose nwme is dffixed to the �bcve conveyanc:e,�nd �.eknoa�ledg�d the exe�utic�n thsreoY to be hi� <br />'� volunt�ry act �nd deed as such officer �.nd the volunt�.ry� �.ct r�nd deed of the sa.i.d Nebra�ka Con- <br /> ference �v�elicdl Association,a corporutiorasLh� Corporate Seal ot' the �aid Rebrask� Conferer�ce <br /> Evangeiical Associ�,ti.on�a� corpor�tion,bei.n� theretd a,�'fixed b� its �.uthority . <br /> �7�q�� my hand and Notdri�l Seal at �Iilford in �aid county the dr�y . �.nd year l�.st �bave writt�en. <br /> �S�AI,) <br /> H.�.Ldi ; <br /> FP� <br /> Notdry Public . <br /> My co�mission expires July 15-1924 <br /> Statp of I�ebr�,ska <br /> s s. . <br /> Count3� of gd�ms pn this lst d�y_ of Navember g.D.1�32�,before me, the� undersfgned a Not�.ry � <br /> Fublic in a,nd for s�,id County�person�lly e�me C.J�nnen Secretary of the Id�bra�ka Cor�ference �van:- <br /> �el�c$1 Assocf�,tfQn�d corpor�.tion to me person�lly kr_own to be the identical person �hose n�ne <br /> is atta.ched to thP foregoing &c �.bove eonveyance,�.nd �cknowledged thP executior� thereof to be <br /> his voluntury �,et �nt�i deed as $ueh officer.a.nd the volunt�.ry� €�,et �.nd deed of th� safci T�ebr�ska <br /> Confmrence Ev�.n�plicr�l Asaocidtion�a corpor��� Corperdt�e �e�.l vf the ��.id �ebraska Confer��ce <br /> Ev�ngeTicdl Assocf�ction,� corpor�.tion,bsjn� thereto affiac�d by ite a.uthority. �itn�ss m;y hand <br /> �.nd SAal �.t H�.stin�s�Nebr�ska, in said Co�nty, t�e day and year l�.et abav� wrfttgn. <br /> �SF.AI,} tT.'S. Ftvhrer Notary Pubiic. <br /> ij I�y C omrai s s i on Ex.p i res J�,r{y 9� 1924 <br /> Fi2ed far recora thi� lA day of April 1922,z�t 2;20 o'c:lcck P.M. �� L/�/ <br /> :..�.,.:._..� - . <br /> _ Regi�ter af peeda ' <br /> -o-Q�e-e-�-c-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-Q-Q-Q-o-o-o-Q-o-o-�-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-Q-o-o-Q�a-o-Q-o-Q�o-o�o-o-o� <br /> �AR T�AI�TTY �F.,D <br /> _....�._�. <br /> _ RNO@� Ax,I, �F'1� BY THESF PRES�T�3: <br /> Th�.t Fr�nnie O.Burn�ood r�nd George 1/.Burmood�w�f�► and husb�.nd gr�ntors pf Wood Riv�r,Nebr�$ka <br /> in e onsid�r�tion of One Hundr�d and fffteen a.nd no/100 Doll�rs� fn ha�nd pa, hereby Gr�nt, <br /> Bar�ain,Bell.Convey and Confirm unto Gust Boltz gr�nte� of �tood �iver�I��sbr4ska t�A follo�rir� ; <br /> dsscribed Real Est�,tP�situ�ted in th� County of H�.11,ar�d St�.t� oP Nebr�.sk�i,to-wit: Commencing �t <br /> ; <br /> thA North E�sst corner of thP South E�.+sL Quarter nf th� South Er�st Qu�rter on �.n Isla.nd Section <br /> El�v en (11) Township Nine (9 j :�North c�f Ra.nge Txelve (12} Nest of the 6th P.M. rur�ring Sc�uth <br /> Twenty �Tine (29 } Rods.thAnc e West Twenty� (20) AQds�th�nce South I�ight (8) Rods�the�i $a.��' Tv�enty <br /> (2U} Rods.then North to tY�e place of bcginning.being a rec��,r�gul�r piece of ground 2p rods ea�t ' <br /> �nd W'est �.nd 8 rods Nort2� a,nd So��h With ths exception of a Fr�ne J3uildir� no�► si tuat��d on this � <br /> plot of ground which is 24 by 36 ft,to include th� found�.tion. �� shown pn dfagrum b�low. <br /> Di ag r�rn �o rth <br /> ---------------- - ----- <br /> E 2.0 rods �29 rode to 14orth East coxn�r of tr�et conveyed <br /> � _..� - - <br /> r_ �j <br /> t E ������/ij��8 r�ds $ <br /> �Ye� t/� / �$t <br /> �.,.`...�..,.,,� <br /> � � <br /> .. E 2o rods, � ---..,._________________.. <br /> f �� �� � (�.so i.�.st�.mps � ; <br /> ( See 11 mown 9 Range 12 � ( �rteell�d __ � , <br /> ` } ; <br /> ;, <br /> _. _ l�....��.,.-_-.,�_.�..�..�.,_�-�..� ;. <br /> 3outh <br /> Togeth�r with dll Tenements,He��dit�men�Gs �nd Appurten�.nee$ to the sr�me b�Tonging,r�nd r�ll the Eei��,t�p ' <br /> i <br /> Right.Ti.t1�,Interest�Dower,Courte�y Cl�im or A�mand �xh�ts�oever of the e�aid grantors, of, in or to i�he <br /> s:�me or �ay p�.rt thereof,�^0 HAVF �ND TO HOI�D thB �bove described premi�cs,witM the appurtenance� ;i <br /> unto thp s��ci gr�ntee an3 to his hPirs r�ad r�ssigns forever. � <br /> � <br /> ._ ` ' . € <br /> , i; <br />