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_ _ _ - <br /> M 669� <br /> LJ1J��� ��� ���g ��L4�J�' �� L�s`�a <br /> , <br /> ' WARRA2�TY DE�D. <br /> �.�._._..���....�--__...�...._. <br /> KIQOVP ALL D�N BY THESE PRFSERTS: Thst the Neb�c�ska Conference Evanelicdl Associdtivn.a cor- <br /> poration, org�r.ized and e�cfsting undgx and by virtue of the lr�ws of the State of l�ebra�aka,grdnto�. <br /> in consideration of the sum of Light Hundred Fifty �.nd no/100 ($850. 00) Dollars�in hand paid by j� <br /> , <br /> Tra,nnie O.Burmood� of Hr�ll County,�ebra�$k�, doe�a hereby grr,nt�b�.rg�i.n� sell.convey rxnd confirm urzto �� <br /> i <br /> the s�i.d F�nnie 0.Burmood.the following described premises,situated in the County of Hall,and � <br /> Str�te of �'ebr�sk�,,towit: �� <br /> � <br /> Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southe�st Quarter of the South��st Quarter on I�- '� <br /> �l <br /> l�nd in S�.ction No.�leven (11),in Township No.Nine (9�,NortY�.of ��.n�e I�o. Tuelve (12�.Nest of � <br /> !; <br /> �� <br /> the Sixth Princip�l M�ridir�n,running South trrenty-nine rods.thence l�est twenty rods,then South �� <br /> ;; <br /> eight rods�then East Twpnty rods, then Rorth to pldce of beginning. �i <br /> � <br /> j <br /> Also,�, part of the North�ast Quarter of ths Northe�st Qu�,rter of Seetion I�o.Fourtgen (14j, 'i <br /> i� <br /> in To�vnship No.Nine (9j.Narth, of Range No. �v�elve (12}.lfest af the Sixth Principal Yeridir�n.�nd ;� <br /> �, <br /> described as follows; �� <br /> iI; <br /> Commencing at the l4orther�st corner of the Northeast Qu�.rLer of the Northeset Quart�r of Sect�j�on <br /> ,, <br /> �? <br /> �to.T'ourteen,in �o�nship No.Nine,North� of R�e No.Twelve (i2�.Xeet of the Sixth Principal Iieridil��+nr <br /> and ruMnin� thence West al.ang the North line of sa�id Section Twenty tRO rc�ds. Thw,nce South �I <br /> i <br /> �ighteen rods �.nd one-sixth of �. rod; thence East twenty-tv�o rods to � point on the secti.on line j <br /> � <br /> i <br /> runnin� �.long thA Er�.st side o�' s�id Section ei�hteen rods r.nd one-eixth of a rod South oP��.�ladie <br /> ;� <br /> of beginning, �henc� North �long said section line to th� glr�cA of beginning�containing abaut ;; <br /> two �d on�-Y�,lf (2�} a,cres. �; <br /> I <br /> Grantor he.rsin coven�nts with the gr�ntee herefn that the said grantor is the successor of T <br /> � <br /> l�vangelic�.l As�oci.�.tion of North Americ�;and,�.lso.ths $ucaeseor of The Svangslical A�sociation c�f <br /> li <br /> North Am�rica+Pl�tt� River Confprenee;�nd t2�t the s�id Et�a�ngelical Associati on of I�orth Americ�� <br /> II <br /> �nd tY� �vangslicr�.l A�saci€►tion of North America,Plr�tte River Conferenca.were duly and r�gularly� <br /> , <br /> .mprged into t��s Nebrr�skr� Conference Ev�ngelic�.l �seocir�tion.a corpor�.tion�as ordered by thg Gen <br /> er�l Confgrence of s�,id Ev�n.�Alic�,l A�soci� rs�ular seasion,a�t Clevelruzd�0hi.o,hsld iA th � <br /> month of O�tober� 1919; merger r�nd union h�.vira� been effected �t St.I�ich�el,in Buff�lo Count , <br /> Nsbra�$k��in l[aroh,1912,at which time all of the prop erty righta of the said Evr+.ngelical A�soci� ' <br /> i <br /> ii <br /> tion of North �mericr� €�nd tMs �v�ngelical Aseocir�tion of North Americ��Pl�xtte River Conf�rpnce, ' <br /> �, <br /> were tr�nsferrPd to the Nebr�ska Conference �ea,r�slical Associ�tion�� corpor�.tion�grantor herPir�. <br /> �� <br /> TO HAVE AND TO H4LD the premi�ee r�bov�s described, togeth�sr with all the Tenements.Heredita�men �s <br /> �nd Appurt�n�n ces the r Punto belong i ng un to the $x�id F�nni e 0.Burmo od. ,� <br /> And th� s�,ici Nebr�.sk�, Conference �r�.ngelic�.l Aesoci�.tion��. corpor�.tion for ftself or it� ;{ <br /> �uccessors,does hereby covena�nt and �sgree to �nd with th� ax�id ��nie O,.Bur�ood and hsr heira <br /> i� <br /> Lt <br /> � $nd �asi ns tY�t r�t the tim of th cution and deliv of these r nte it awful � <br /> � , e s sxe ery r •se is 1 ly I <br /> seized of �aaid premi�aes; tr..�zt it has good right dnd la.wful authority to convey the a�me; that theyj <br /> . <br /> � <br /> are free Fram enevmbr�.nee �nd gru�tor MerPin doee hergby eovenant t;to �r�rr�nt �nd�•dsferid the sai� <br /> ; <br /> ; <br /> pretnises r�gainat the l�xwful clE►ims of rx].1 per$ons whomsoever. <br /> IN WITNE�S �iEREOF.the said Nebr�.ska Conference �vangelical As$ocia�tion,r� corpordtion,hr�.s <br /> her�unto c�,used its ccrpor�.te seal to be affixed and tbese presents to be signed by its Pre- <br /> �! sident �:n.d Secretary� th�e d�.y dnd y Q�r fi rst dbove writt�n. I <br /> Sign�ed, se�.led �nd delivered in pre�enee of: � <br /> B.A. Sehaoeder (CORP} I�ebraak�s Conference �tr�rtg.�lical Assoc �- <br /> (SE�I,) t i on. <br /> :�S.Rohrer <br /> By F.L.l�i e�,grt Prgs id�:nt. I <br /> -----------------�----- � <br /> (�1.t�0 I.R. St�.mps ) By C.Jrsnnen Secret�.ry I <br /> (C_,�c,e 11«�d�..�.�,..�.....,.._'_._....,� <br /> � � � � <br /> . _ i <br />