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_ —� <br /> ���� <br /> CDD��c�o�J Gt�c�c� ooc� o�l [�100 0 ��o <br /> West of Prospect Street;and I,ots Twenty-six (26} ;�nd Twenty-e�ven f27},l�.ing between Bloek 13 <br /> �.nd 20�and west of Collgge Street;�nd Lots Twenty-�i�ht (28} and Twenty-ni,ne E�9},ly ing _bet�reeni <br /> Blocks�0 and 21.�nd We�t of Ylaugh Street,all in said Add3;tion.Th� vrhole coneisting of 194 lcats, <br /> �ts surP�yed;pl�.tted �nd racorded. <br /> Together �vith dll the tRnements,.hereditdmen'�s and dppurtenance� thereuntv belonging and all <br /> of the estatp, �ight, title,interest,c3.�.im or demand �vhataoever of ths $aid Grantors,oP,in or to <br /> th� �r�me or �.r�,y pd.rt ther�oF. <br /> TO HAVE AI�D TO HOLD .th� abcnre de�cribed premiaes,r�ith the Appurtenr�nce�t unto th� said Gr�nte�e <br /> and to his h�irs An.d �ssigns forever. � we hRreby covenant with th� �aid Gr�ntee that �e hol;d <br />; said premises by good �.nd perf�ct title; tYaat we h�ve 'good ri�ht and l�wful �uthorit� to sell °�.rnd <br /> convey the ��me '�.nd that they .r�rg free and ole�r of �11 li�s r�d �ncurabr�ncea xhatsoever. <br />� D�sted the first d�y of April A.D. 1922• <br /> �itn�sses: ---------------�..•.-!� S�rrxh L.White Q <br /> t�4,�0 I.Ft.St�nps } <br /> Mose� M.Crdne ��,�,n�lleci,,-.r,�.���,�� Annr� I�r�.rah Bond � <br /> Roscoe �• In��raoll <br /> Stat�► of Ne�r Jersey: : <br /> : : ss: : <br /> Union County� ; On this fi.rst d�y of Aprj.l A.D. ,1922 befvre me the ixndersign�sd,r� Nott��y <br /> Public within dnd for said County .person�.11y came 3z�r�h L.�hite.a. me persvl�,lly_ known : <br /> to be th�: �dentical person whose n�une is afft�ced to thp �.bove i�strument �s one of the Gr�ntor�� <br /> dnd she acknowledged th� sa,me to be her�ry dct and d�ed far th� purpose therein wxpree�epd. <br /> IN WITNESS �RE�F,i have hereun�o $ubscribed �t n�rne and r�ffixed my l�otdrir�l &eal at �liza-� <br /> beth in said Coun�y on the date lz�st abave writtPn. <br /> f$EA�,} Yosc�s M.Cr�ne <br /> ldot�.ry__ Public. . <br /> P�y Commi ssi on expires M�y 5 1922• <br /> St�tP of ���► Jersey : <br /> : ss: <br /> Count3� oP �itl�.ntic : Gn this 7th d�y af April,A. D. 1�22,before me,the nndersigned,a_ Not�,ry <br /> Public Within and for sdid County�.person�illy c�une,Ann�. ��.rsh Bon�l' .� widoa.t� me personslly kncNwn <br /> to bc the identicdl person whose n�me� is affixed to �he above instrument r�s one of the Grr�ntor�l, <br /> r�nd she s�eknovrledged the sr�n.� to b� her voluntdry �►ct und de�ci for the purpose thsrein°expresee�d. <br /> IR WITNESS �REOF.Z have hereunto subscribed my nam� snd s3ffixed nqy Not�.ri�.l �er�I �t Atl�.n�ic <br /> , <br /> City #n sdid �County on �h� date l�.et abrnre �rritten. <br /> (SLAL) Roscoa I�•In��rsoll <br /> Not�ry Publfc. <br /> �iy c ommi s si on exp i res Dec.23.1825• <br /> Filed for reaord this 15 d�y of, Apri2 1922,�t 3 o' clock p.l�. ��,2.�-�-� /"� <br /> • 1..11 <br /> �,�..,�...�,...��._�.�. ...�..�. <br /> Re�i$ter of Deed$ <br /> -o-Q-Q-Q-o-a-a-o-o-o-o-o�a-o-o-Q-Q-Q-a-Q-�-e-Q-o-Q-o-o-Q-c�-o-e-o-e-o=Q-�-o-o-o-Q-o-o-Q-e-o-o-o i <br /> THF GRAND I SLAI�D CEI�ETF�Y <br /> C�RTI�'ICATF OF 0�9RTFRSHIP <br /> The City �f Gr�nd Isl�xnd of the fisst pdrt dcth hereby certify thut Al�a ]�. Stewart of thp sECO}nd <br /> N <br /> part is the oener of Lot 1�0.47 in SectiQn F Row a$ desi�n�►ted on the mwp �� �ections,rowa,�.nd lo�s <br /> of the C�metery of sai.d Cityr�in the Count�r af I3r311 dnd State �' Aebr�.ek�,kno�m rua the Grt�nd Isl��ri <br /> Cemetpry �nd for which the eaid pr�rty� of the sacond p�.rt hat�i paid tn the s�id party of the firs� <br /> ,: <br /> p�rt the sum of Forty Na/l0a Dollars,�►nd that in c ansid�r�.ti c�n therPof the a�.id ��rty� ot tMe sec bnc� <br /> pdrt ia Pntitled to thP perpPtu�l usg of said lot for the purpo�e of interment only,sub�ect to t�ie <br /> Laws of th� Strite of Nebr�sk� thereto appert�.ining and b11 ordinanaes, rulss and r�gulations which <br /> arein force and may frcxn time to time be admpted by the party of th� first part for thQ r�gul�tii�n <br /> �,nd govPrnment of said Cem�tery . <br /> . IN T�'STI�tONY �H�:RFOF,T�e City� of Gr�►nd Is1�nd,Nebrdska�h�wa c�,used its se�.l �o be h�reto afftxed, <br /> and this ' indenture to be �igned by its Yayor �nd atteated by its Clerk,thi$ the 10"'�°day oP June �n <br /> thA y�ar of our Lord.One Thousand Nin� H�ndred r�nd Sixteen. <br /> Attest: H.L.Clifford Clerk. Chas.G.�y,,a�n '' <br /> f C ORP} �[�.y o r � <br /> (SFAL� � <br /> �'iled for reaord this 17 d�.y of A�rfi 1922,at 11 o'clock A.l�. , � <br /> �'e��s er o�`""..__�___I <br /> � � � 1�' � � <br />_ li _ <br />