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- - -- - <br /> 66'71 <br /> C��OD C�oac���9 [� �[���� C��o <br /> � <br /> uQ $T CI,An� :�E�D ' ;i <br /> ! <br /> RNO�' ALL �N BY THESE P?�ES7?,1�TTS= � � <br /> � <br /> Thdt Cha�rles W. BierbowPr of' the City � County o#' Dpnver an3 Stats of Colorado fox the consi��er- ;� <br /> � <br /> ation of One Dollar polldrs,and property settl�nent hpreby� Q�ait Cla3m dnd convey unto ZlasweZlyn �i <br /> !� <br /> Bierbower of the County of H�.11 �nd St�te of Nebr�skd,all of our right, title and interPst of ;! <br /> ii <br /> wh�tsoevpr n�turP, in and to thp following de+acrio�d Real Eat�,t�. situat�d in the County of Hall (! <br /> i: <br /> . �+ <br /> and State of Nebraska,,to-wit: Lot Foux (4),Block TnreP (3}, origin�l town Doniphan,Ha.11 Coun�Cy, '± <br /> N eb r�.sk�. �' <br /> I� <br /> IN 1�7ITNr„�S �!t�iERFOF�I hdve heraunto set rqy h�,nd t:zis 14th d�y of J�.nur�ry 1922 �� <br /> i <br /> i�'i tnes s: � <br /> �; <br /> John W.Ba.11ard Charles W. Bi�rboa►er � <br /> �; <br /> ll <br /> State of Colorddo } I; <br /> } t33. !� <br /> �� <br /> City �.nd County of DPnver) On thie 14th d�.y of .'w:laary A. D. .1922,bgforp me� the undersigned, ' <br /> a �totary Public in �.nd for swid county�personally c�,me Charl,es �i►.Bierbower who is person�.11y �� <br /> � �, <br /> known to mp to be the identic�l pprson who$e namP is affixPd to thP above instrur!ent �.s gr�.ntor � <br /> �� <br /> wnd sever�ll�r wcknowlAd�Ad the said instrument to be hi s volunt�r�� �et and deed. '� <br /> ii <br /> lfiitnAss my ha,nd an3 Not�,rial Sewl, thP daate �foresaid. ;� <br /> � <br /> (SEE,y) Allan McCulver !; <br /> Notary public. ��; <br /> . � <br /> , <br /> °' }�y Commission gxpires 1,��.rch 1 1923 � <br /> Fil:�l for rqcord 15 d�y of 1922,dt 2 0' clock p.I�. . �; <br /> �-e���� � _� <br /> . Register of DA� � <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-�-0-0-0-0-4-0-U-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-��0 <br /> ��a f� <br /> ��' KNOW ALL �I� BY THESE PR�SENTS= '� <br /> i <br /> That we,Ann� �d�,rsh Bond.widow. of New Can�n in the Cvunt3T of Tairfield and State of� Connect- �i <br /> �� <br /> icut,�,nd S�.rah �,.1lhite,wj.dow� of �liz�.beth,i�i the County of Union and St�.te ot°�ew Jer�ey.Gr�ntori�s� <br /> � <br /> (s�fd Grantors being also respeetively.the grz�ntor �,nd grr�ntee in �. certain deed,dated Wov. l6, � <br /> : 1917 �d recorded in Book 54.pag� 305 �dnd conveyring a 3/4th interest in r�nd to thP premises here�}- <br /> in�fter deacribed, ) in e onsider�tivb of the swn of Four thousand Dolls►x$ in ha.nd paid do hereby <br />�, grant.b�.rgain�.sell.convey �nd confian unto John k11�n of Gr�,nd Islax�d,H�,1.1 Connty IQebraskasGr e <br /> the following de�acribed premises situa.ted in Unfversity �ciditi.on to the City of Gr�nd <br /> ; _. <br /> , <br /> Isl�ind Hall County_��ebr�ska. ta-vrft: All of �locga Two (2),Three (3�,Four (4),�iva (5 ),$even (7), <br /> '' E�gY�t (B� .Eleven (11),Twelve (12).Thi.rteen (13j.and Twenty (20). �� <br /> � <br /> dlav�.3,ots Nine (9).Ten (10},glev�n (11) ,and T�elve (12) in Bloek Nine (9}; i <br /> � <br /> Al$o.Lots one (1}.Two (2�,Three �3) .Four (4}.Five (5 �,�ix (6�.Seven (?),and �ight (8} in I <br /> . Block Ten (10). <br /> 1�lao,Zots Two (2j,$our (4).Five (51 .Sfx (61 ,Seven (7)�Bight (8).Nine (9},Tan (10).Eleven (11)� <br /> �� <br /> Twelv� (12).Fourteen (14}._�nd Sixteen (16a in Bloak Tourteen (14); � <br /> 1 <br /> A].so.Lots Two (2a.�'our (4},$ix (6}.Bight (B�.Tan (10�,rind Twelve (12) fn Block bifteen (15 ); ( <br /> , <br /> Also,I,ots T�o (2),Four (4),Six (6).Eight (B�.Ten (10� ��►elve f12).Tourteen (14),and Siuteen <br /> (16� in Block Sixteen (16� ; �� <br /> i <br /> �- A.lao,�ots �'ive (5 ),Si.x (6�,Se�en (71,Bight (8).Ten (10),Thirt�een (13),govrteen (14),Fifteen � <br /> . <br /> ' (1,5 )��nd Sixteen (16� in Bl�ock $ighteer� (18 ); <br /> � A1so,I,ots Ona (1�,Three (3�,Ti�e (5 ?.Seven (7)�l� (9j,and I�leven (11) ia Block Twenty-one �� <br /> ' �21}; ' <br /> � <br /> : Al$o.One (1).Two (2)�Three (3�..Four (4),$ive f5 ),and Six (6} in Bloek Twenty-Lhree (23); � <br /> A1so�Zots Trvent� (2�) �nd Twenty�-ona (211,lying betxeen Blocks 4 r�nd 5 and 1Pe�t of Cott�ge �� <br /> '! Str�set;r�nd Zot$ T�venty-t�ro (22) �nd Twenty-three (23�.l�ring betaeer� Blocks 5 �nd 12�and �e�t of <br /> ;� �'orrest Street;r�,nd Lots �Trventy-four� (24} �and Twenty-fi�e��F25��,1�►ing between ��Bioc i2 � and� �3.and <br /> ,, <br /> �: <br /> . <br /> . . . _ . . , - - <br />