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. _L1� <br /> � <br /> ��� <br /> DC�C��� G�� °,C� oOC�� L� 00❑ ��O <br /> Mayer and with his heirs �nd assi�ns� th�.t we are lawfully s�ized of said grpmisAs�that th�y <br /> dre freP fron incumbrwnc� excPpt s�ch �s rn�.y be of rPcord th�,t we have ,�ood right �nc� lawful <br /> �uthoraty to sell the s�.cne �nd that we will and our hPi rs� �xecutors and �.dmini�tr�.�or��sh�ll <br /> �va.rrant �.nd defPnd the s�.mP unto the a�.id Arthur C.B�q�y pr �nd unto hi.s heirs and assigns forevpr+ <br /> ug�.inst tnP l�wful cl�.iz�s of «.11 persons whomsoevsr <br /> IN t�IIT?�1�aSS �'HFRFOF.we h�vR he rsurit a s et our hands thi s l lth dd3 of Ap ri 1 A.D. � 1922. <br /> �1t,T1�3$8. �..��,..�w�..�����..������.. <br /> (�l0• OG I.R.St::�mps } C7. 0.Ritchey <br /> W. J. Swhling (Cr�ncel�ed � <br /> ....�.....����._---- <br /> Do r� �d. Ri t c hey <br /> �'.W. Tiea,ster <br /> St�.te of Nabr�.s� } <br /> ) ss. <br /> York Ccunty } Qn this llth day of April A.D. . 1922 before me W.�.Feaster �. nota.ry public <br /> duly co�missi�n�d �nd qu�li.fied for and residing i.n s�id county �pers�n�.11y c�,me the within nam.ed <br /> �F. O.Ritchsy �.nd Dora �.Ritchey ,Husb�.nd and Wi fe, who �,re person�.11y known to me to be th� i dent�c�.l <br /> persons whose n�rn�►s �.ffix�sd to the within instrumPnt �,s gr�.ntors �►nd they acknowled��d said <br /> instreu�ent to be their volunt�,ry act �.nd de�d. <br /> �ITt�TFB� mY h�.nd �.nd not�,ri �,l seal the d�,te laet �.foresaid. <br /> ��EAI�} W.�►.�'�aet�r <br /> Not�.ry Public. <br /> �y comrr�issi�n �a �dr�twry 'Pub�ic will expire on the 16th d�,y of �7uly A. D. � 1926 <br /> Filed for rec ord thj s 12 day of April 1922.r�t 4: 3G o' clock p.M. <br /> �_.����� <br /> ���:� <br /> Regi s te r of Deeds <br /> -o-o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-v-v-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o� <br /> QUIT CLAII���DEFD ___..._� � , <br /> KTtO@P A7.,L M�'N BY THFSE PRFuF:NTS: <br /> Thd.t lEle,Herman tdelson and �lise �T•Nelson, e�.ch in own ri�ht, wnd as husband �.nd wife, of the County <br /> of Ha.11 and Sta.tP of Nebr�.slsa. for the consideration of One 00/1p0 Doil�.rs,hergby Qui.t Claim �.nd . <br /> convey unto �Tohn Trent of the County of Hall and Stu.te of I�tebr�.sk�a.��ll of our ri�ht, titie and <br /> int�rest of wh�.tsoever n�.turP, in wnd ta thp followin� described Re�.l E�tatA� sj.tu�.ted in th� Courity <br /> of Hall und l5tate of Nebr�.sk�,, t o-wit: ThA Southerly Fi fty -seven (5 7) feet of Lots One (1} �,nd <br /> Two (2) in Block Fifteen (15 ) of the origi-n�,l to�vn, now City , of Gr�nd I$l�.nd,Nebr4aka,being a rPc!- <br /> t°r..n�vlar piece of gr�und havin� �n Edsterly fronta�e of 57 feet an Tllulnut Stre�t,u, depth 132 fe�t <br /> and bounded on thp South by the �.11ey in s4id bloek.� the �4'esterly Thirty-nine (39a feet of '�he <br /> Northerly Seventyi-�ive (75 } feet of s�.id Lot Two (2},being �. rectan�ularFiece of �round h�,vin� a <br />' Northerly frontagA of 39 feet on Six�h Street�a d9pth of '75 feet.anci bound�d on thQ �sat by the + <br /> �Vesterly line of s�id 1�t. Sub�i�ct,however,to p.n e�.spmPnt for sPwer pip� now l�.id under that po�- <br /> » tian cf s�id Zot One hereby conveyed, duxin�,; the lif? of of said pipe, �.lso sub�iect to �.11 unp�id " <br /> ��,vin�; t�es. (This 3eed is givpn pri.nci�ally for the purpose of givin� a corrpct dascription o�' thp <br /> pro�ertyr intended to be conve.yPd by �. cert�in wdrr�.r.ty deed dated Apri1 15, 1920 and recordPd in <br /> '�ook 58 u�t page 326 of the Deed Records of s�.id H�.11 Countyr. � <br /> iAT �UITNF�r ?�HF,R�F��'P hane hPrAunto set our ri�nds this 14th d�y of A�ri1�1922. ' <br /> Witn es3: <br /> John A114n Herma.n Nelson ; <br /> s2ise J.Nel�on <br /> State cf Nebrwsk�., } ss. ' <br /> Hd11 County � Un tr�is 14th d�.y of Ap ri l A. D. 1922,before me�thP undPrsi�ned,a Notary ' <br /> Public in �.nd for s�.id county�person�lly cra�m.s Herman RTelson �.r.d Elise J.Nel$on,his wife�who r�re ' <br /> pprsonally known to ms to be th? identical persons whose neimes �,re dffixed to ths �.bove instrum�jnt <br /> i�s gr�.ntors �.nd they� sever�.11y acknou�ledged the suid instrument to os thei r voluntary act and d�i�d.. <br /> � Vt'itn ess my hand und seul� the date afores�,i.d. <br /> .:, ( �EAZ) J ohn gl.lan <br /> Nota.Ty public. <br /> l�y Comrr�i asi on Ex�i res �'�n.5, 1924 � <br /> Fi2e3 f�r rAcord this 14 d�.y of April 1922,at 3:�0 o'clock p.�. <br />` �/���--�za�/�� i <br />� Register of Deed�;�,,., <br /> -�-Q•�-C-Q-Q-G-�-t}-U-Q-G-Q-U-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-Q-0-�-�-Q-Q-0-0-�-�-�-�-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-0-0-G-0-Q-0-0-0-0�-0 <br /> i <br /> � <br /> . <br /> - �, _ J <br />