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�_ _ _� <br /> ��� <br /> G�� �� C�oa ���9 [� c�a��� �C�o � <br /> �► <br /> �IARRANTY I7EED CORPORATION _ � I <br /> I <br /> KNOt� ALL �k'T1 aY THLSF PRESF?dTS.��t Fred Krug rroducts Compdny, formerly Fred Krug areRing Com- � <br /> '� <br /> pwny a corpordtion organizg�i under the la,ws of the Str�te of Nebrusk�.,in consider�tion of Four ;; <br /> i <br /> i <br /> thous4.nd seven hundred and fifty (�4750. OG� Doll�rs, in hwnd �4id� does hereby Gr�.nt,Bargain, Sel7�i. <br /> � <br /> Convey �nd Confirm unto V�illi�r� Sp�n�snberg and Alm�nson Jaz'ltjs the following described Re�.l ;� <br /> i� <br /> ProgertyT.situwte in th� Cou.nty of Hall and St�.te of h'ebruslt�� to-wit: I,ot ThrQe (3� in T�lock fo��ty <br /> (40) of th9 Ori.�in�.I Town of Grand Is1Gnd. . Sub,ject to thA ta�ces for the y�ar 1922 and �.11 sub- ,� <br /> �� <br /> sequsnt t�.xes. tcgether with dll th� Tenements,Her�dita.ments �,nd Appurten�,nce� to the same be- � <br /> ;I <br /> i� <br /> lon�ing,�nd �,11 the Estatp. Title.Claim or Dem�d whatsoever of th� said Fred Rrug Product� Com-�; <br /> �I <br /> wn cf in or to the s�im� or a. ° <br /> p" y . ny p�.rt thereof. <br /> II <br /> . �; <br /> TO HAVE AND TO IiOLD thP iib049 described premisee,with the appurtenances,unto the said Willi�n ;� <br /> , <br /> Sp�.ngenbPrg dnd Alm�.n.son Jurvi s v.nd to thPir heirs ccnd a.seigns fore�er. ��� <br /> ;, <br /> l�nd the suid Frsd Kru� Products Company for 3.tself and its successors�doPs coventint with �thP s��.d <br /> � <br /> Willawr� Spwn�PnbPrg �.nd klm�.nson Jurvis �.nd with thPir heirs and �sssigns. that it is lawful2y �, <br /> ; seized of $�j d 1�reruises� that th�y are free frora incumbr�.nce exeapt as �bove stated �hat it h�,s �I <br /> I; <br /> � gocd ri�ht and lawful �uthority- to sell thp same.�nd th�t it will and its successors shr�I1 ii <br /> k <br /> � wu,rr�:nt und defend thP s�ne unto thP suid Wi11iG,m SFar�enbArg dnd Al�anson .7�,rvis �n� th�ir �! <br /> , <br /> ;; hAirs �.nd wssi °ns forever .� � <br /> � • guinst the l�.v�ful claims and den,dnds of all persons whomsoev�r. <br /> �� <br /> '� ;� <br /> � IN �'ITN'x.G� �1iER�'±'OF.said Fred Rru�; Products Company h�.s caused these presents to be signed ;� <br /> � <br /> � by its President �.nd �Secret4ry . and its corporatP sgwl to be her?unto �ffixed, this 3rd day of ;I <br /> Apri 1, 1922 {i <br /> �; <br /> . In presence of (C0�} Tred Krug Products Compa.n.y �� <br /> ` ------- _' (S�EAL) <br /> ' Isidor ZiPgler (�5 •OQ I. �. Struupa � By Albert �rug President. '; <br /> �' t can�a__�1 ;, <br /> l�ttest: Ann� p#edpmdn Secretary �� <br /> i� <br /> Stat� of Nebr�sk�.� } � <br /> j es. <br /> t� <br /> ;i County of Douglxis � On thia 3rd day of April A.D. ,1922 before me,d Notary Public duly e o�nrr��- <br /> ,; �� <br /> " issioned dnd �u�,lifiPd in dnd for s�.id County,personally came the abave nr�med Albert Krug Pre- i <br /> °; <br /> � sid�nt and Anna �iedPmr�n 8ecreta of �red Kr Pro3ucts Com an who dr� � <br /> . ry ug p y pers�nally known to ; <br /> �� � <br /> '" rrie to be th� identical pArsons wnose n€�,mes �.rp affixsd to the above Deed a.s Pr�sident und ii <br /> �; :; <br /> ,i ,' <br /> Secretary of s�i.d corpor�.tion�dnd thpy �cknowledged thg inetrumPnt to be their volunta.ry act i <br /> I i <br /> a.nd dPAd� dnd th� vcluntary a.ct Gnd deed of adid corpordtion. <br /> I <br /> WITNESS mY h�nd and offici�l sewl.�.t Omaha in sdid County, thg date uforee�.id. ii <br /> - (��,} Isidor Zf�glsr � <br /> Nota�y �ublic. � <br /> �j� ccm:ni.ssion €�pires �ept 12, 1925 � <br /> ; <br /> Filed for rec ord this 12 d�.y of A�ril 1922,at 3 0� c lock P.�i. ����-��c� � <br /> Register of DPeds � � <br /> -4-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-Q-Q-C}-0-0-4-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-e-0-Q-Q-0-0-�-0-0-0-�}- <br /> 1�ARRANTY AEED , ,, <br /> ....�...�,�.....-- --a..,.....� <br /> KNO�I A?�I, �dEA BY TFiP;SF PRESENTS�THAT We,W.O. Ritchey and Dora �t.Ritchey,Husband �.nd �ife, in con- _ <br /> siderr�ti on of Ten Tho�asand & no/l0U Doll�.rs in h�nd paid,do hereby grant,bargain� sell.c orivey <br /> � i� <br /> �.nd confirm unto Arthur C.Mwyer thp followin� de�cribed real �estats� situated in th�+ County of � <br /> Hall und State of Nebr�.skd to-wit; Lot Numbered One (1) in Block Numbered Siaty Light (68), of t e <br /> Origin�.l Town,Now City�, of Grwnd Isla,nd�Nebr�.ska.according to the recorded plat ther�of. to�ethe <br /> • with all tsnexnents,hereditaments and appurtenances to thP s�.rr►� belongiiag��nd i�ll thA est�,te,rig t� <br /> titl�, int.�rpst� inhPrit�.nce,property, dower,curtesy� ri�ht of homgstead,alaim and d�nond xhat$o• , <br /> � <br /> �er of the swid W.O.Ri tchey and Dor�. M. Ritchey of, in, or to the s�m��or �ny part thsreof; '� <br /> TO HAVF AND TO H�I.A the above deacribed premi�►es�with the appurten�.nces,unto the e�.id Arthur <br /> C.M�yer and unto his heirs �nd �.ssigns forever;and we the said W.O.Ritchey and Dora �. RitcY�y <br /> I • for ourselves r�.nd o�r hei rs, �xecutors and r�dministrat�rs�do c over.ant with thA said Arthur C. <br /> �� li <br /> :—___. _. __ <br />