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� <br /> ��� <br /> � Dc��� ��c�c�or�c� [�oo �`�o <br /> ����a���a������.��.�.����. . . <br /> (�1.OU I.R. Stamps � <br /> (C,�n c e 11�..,_.-.._ti__.___,�.� <br /> 3tate of N�br�.skd � <br /> } S8. <br /> Count3= of Ha,ll ) On this 31st d�y of Yarch,1922,bePore me thp und�rsi�ned,a I�otary Publia <br /> in and for said County�p�rson�.lZy c� Herrn� 1�elson.Fresident of the }�Qlson Lumb�r & 5upply <br /> Compr:ny to m�► person�lly lsno�vn to bP the President �nd the identical persorl whoee name is at'fiaqtd <br /> to the �.bove conv�y�nce,and s�eknowled�cd tha execution th�:reof to bp hi� volunt�zry act �.nd de�d as <br /> such of�'icer and the voluntury �ct �,nd desd af the s�.id Nplson I,umber & Supply Company,and that ' <br /> , ths CorporatP SP�.l of th� said Nelsan Lumber 8c Supply Com�any w� thereto affiaed by ita aa�tho�ity. <br /> 11�itn �� my ha.nd �nd Nota.ri�l Seal at Gr�.nd Islra,nd in said c o�znty th� day and ypar last �boro�s <br /> �ri.ttPn. <br /> f S,�AL 1�.B.Fiilbert <br /> � <br /> �Totr�y Public. <br /> D�y Comrr�ission �xpires t+�e 15 " ci�iy oa' Yarch 1927 <br /> Filed for record this 8 d�= of April 19�2.�t 1: 3G o�clock p.�E. <br /> <����� �-�=��� � <br /> ......�. �..�......�.. <br /> Regist�r of Deeds <br /> -t?-a-Q-0-(3-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-C-0-4-0-4-0-Q-Q-0-0-Q-G�-Q-G'-f�-Q•Q-�-a-l3-0-0-Q-Q-0-t3-0-rQ-0�-�-Q-Q-0-0-f3�Q <br /> �!►ARRA�`TTY DE�H�G�R�OR�TION <br /> TIiIS INAFNTUR�.MadP thia lOth day of M�.rch,A.D. 1922,betReen Reulty Inv�stment Co. of Grand Isl�and.. <br /> a cor�aor�.tion oz�g�.niLQd �nd existin� undsr and 'ay virtuP of thp laws of the StatA of Nebraska, p�,rty � <br /> of the first �,wrt, �.nd Edw�rd C.Rickert of the Caunty of Hdl.l, r�nd Sta,te of Nsbr�.ska���rty of thp,; <br /> second part. <br /> �qITN�+'�SnF�j'H�Thd.t th� said partf of the fi rst part, for �nd in c onsid�rdtion of the suzn of Thr�� <br /> HundrPd Sev?nty-fivp and 11o/lOC i� ��ad ��,id� rAcpipt wherPof is hereby acknoe�led�Pd,has <br /> sold and b�� these prPsentg does �r�.nt, corxv�3T �.nd confixm unto thP said party of th� seconci part,, <br /> ; <br /> ,, <br /> the follovrin�; dpscribed pr�►mise�.situated in Iiall County, a,nd 3t�tfe of Nebra�ka, to-e�f�t: .�11 of <br /> Lot ThreP �3� in �31ock Twplve (12j Gil�ert�s Seeond Addition to the City of Gr�nd Isi� sur- <br /> ve;�ed.platt�d dnd recordpd. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLP tY�e premisAs abovp dgsczibed, togeth�s with a.11 the TenPmsnts�HerPditam�n±ts <br /> ; <br /> �.nd Appurt?nu.ncee thereunto belon�ing unto thp s�.i.d E�w�.rd C. �ickert <br /> And th� s�id Re�lty InvPstment Co. for itself or its hereby covenant and agrPe <br /> to dnd with t:hP said p�.rty of the s�cond pz�,rt �.nd his heirs and �a�signs,that at the timA of the'�. <br /> �' <br /> Axecution and delivery of these prPsents it i's la.�rfully seized of said pr�aisera; that it has <br /> �;003 right a�nd lwwful authoxity to convpy thP s�ne; ti�.t tney �.re fr�e from encumbrance except <br /> �11 t�cQs and special a.s��ssrnPnts w��.i.nat said lot and does hPreb� covendnt to waraant and defe�id <br /> the prPmises �dinst the lr�v�ful alaims of <il.l ;aersons v�homsoevpr,Except special t�xes and ; <br /> dssessments <br /> IN �"!ITN�'SS �'?�'T��OF. th� sdid Realty Inves�ment Co.l�,�: herAunto c�zused it$ corporat� sPai to be <br /> affixed and thAae ;�r�aPnts to bA signed by its Pxesic�ent;the day und yPar first above writt�n. ' <br /> Si�ned,sAwled �d delivAred in presence of <br /> (CORP) R�u,lty Inve�tment Ca. <br /> L.H.Nix (SFAL) By L• C•GilbPrt Pr�sident <br /> Att?�t E.L.Gilnert 5ec 'y ______________________ , i' <br /> (�.5 0 I.R. Sta;utps � �' <br /> (Cancelled � � � <br />� Statg of Texas 3 <br /> _ . <br /> } s s. <br /> Hid�ilgo County � On t�i.s lOth ddy of �u.rch, 1�22 b�for� me� the und�rraigned,a Notary Public i�n <br /> �.nd for said CoUnty,persondlly came L.C.Gilbert,Presidpnt of' the Re�.lty In�estment � me ppr�- <br /> aon�lly known to bP the Pr�sident and th+� identic�.l pPrson whose name is �.ffixed to thg above cibnvey- <br /> �.nee.wn� �.cknowled�ed the Pxecution thereof to be his voluntary a.ct ;xnd deed as such officer �n�i <br /> the volunt�ry �.ct and dePd of the sdid Rea.lty Investment Co. ,�.nd thdt the Corpors�t� s�:�.l of the�� swid <br /> Redlty Invest�ent Co.�v:.�s th?rwto dffixed t�y its �.uthority. � <br /> Witnes� m� n�nd �.nd Not�.rial S¢al at �Aesiaco in su�id county th� day �nd ys�r l�.$t above �vxiti�pn. <br /> (�EAT,) I,.H.�1ix ; <br /> Not�zy public. � <br /> Yy Comrnission expirAs the 1 ciay of June 2923 ;' <br /> Filed for rec ord this 1� d�y of k�ril 1y22,at 9 0' c lock A.D�. <br /> f <br /> �-��.w'.�� o , , <br /> , e�;i�ter o ee s ! <br /> ` , �- _—_ �; <br />