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I`� <br /> ����. <br /> �1� �0 �oa ���9 �lc�[���� [��o <br /> �itness: I' <br /> � � ��M�tr��.���r�er���.�.�as . <br /> .TOhn Alls�n �,s to P. C.�. (�, 300 I.R. St�rpa j Vir�ie Kel ley � <br /> (Cu.ncalled r��j <br /> E.H.Kinney as to Virgie R. Ppter C.Kelley '! <br /> i1 <br /> � Stdte of �tebr�ska�j (� <br /> � ,s s• � <br /> Hall County } On this 15 th day of March, A. D. 1922,before me, the undersigned,a, Notary �� <br /> Public wi thin dnd for said County,pPraonally c�me Ppter C.Kelley the husband of t�ri r�j e Kelley 'i <br /> 'i <br /> to me p�rson;�lly knorun ta be the idsntical persorr, v�hose n�me i$ d�'fi.xed to the above instru- �i <br /> m�r.t �.s Gr�.ntor� and wckncwledged the s�saP to be his volunt�zr�,r wct ur:d dee3 for the purpose i� <br /> �1ther?in pxpressed. ' <br /> �, <br /> It7 QrITr��SS ?JH�R�O�.I h�ve aubscribed �y n�.zn� a,nd �,ff�xed rqy offfcial se�.l at Gr�.r.d ;' <br /> i; <br /> r <br /> Islurad, in snid County. on the d;�te l�,st above �ritt?n. �� <br /> (c�Z) John l�llr�n '! <br /> �, <br /> Noi�.ry nublic. �! <br /> b!y commissi on ex�ires �Twr_.5 , 1924. � <br /> � <br /> St�::t e of Mi ss ouri. ) � <br /> j s$. <br /> ;� Ja.ckson County. } t�n this 17 ddy of ��.rch.A. D.1�J2..2.bPfor� me, the undArsigned,�. Notary ;; <br /> ii <br /> �- Public,within and for a�.id CauntS��person�lly came,Virgi�+ K�llay, to ��: pe rscnally known to be �� <br /> j; , �, <br /> �� th� identic�.l erson �vhosa n�e is affixed to thp dbatra instrum�ent as Gr�ntor � <br /> , p , � she �.ckno�- ; <br /> �� il <br /> ii ledged the s�.me to be hgr volunt�,ry �.ct and dPAd f�;r the purpoBe.:thergin @XpT�.S$�. i' <br /> i <br /> � In in�itness wherPof� r hQ,ve hereunto subscribed my nurne a.nd affj.xed rr�y Off�cidl sqal �,t Kansas I <br /> I� � <br /> C�ty, in s:�id Cour�ty , on the date l�at ubov� written. �` <br /> . i <br /> (���Z) Ed�ar H.Ki n r.ey � <br /> Not�,ry public. 'j <br /> '; Ilty commi ssi on expi res Oc t 30. 1923• • j1 <br /> fI <br /> Fil�d for record this 7 duy of hpril 1922,at 2:40 o'clock P.M. ;, <br /> ��,��.� �::�;....� �I <br /> _�....,.__j�.. <br /> . RggistPr of 'Deeds �� <br /> -0-0-0-�-U-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-C-C-G-�-0-0-Q-0-0-Q-0-Q-Q-Q-O-G�-C-O-C-G�-G-O-Q-Q-G-O-�-U-0-0-Q-Q ,I <br /> ��� qqARF?ANTY _TlEFD-Ct3RP0�tATZON <br /> �...�..... ..�r.r....�.......�.�..��.. � <br /> � <br /> THIS INDENTUREsg�� thie 31st d�y -of Ya.rch,A. D.1922.between 2�elson Lumber 8c Supply ComFany a �! <br /> . + <br /> �! corporution organized �,nd existin� under �ind by virtue of the law$ of the St�t� of Nebraska par �y <br /> i <br /> of the first p�rt,�.nd Christi�n Pdulaen of the County of Hall,�.nd St�.t� ot �ebr�,sk�,.p�.rty of th <br />�� �� �ec ond pr�rt. ii <br /> !I <br /> !i �'ITN�SETH.Tht�t ths said party of thP first part,for a,nd in consideration of the sum of Bigh�i <br /> I'� I <br /> ��, Hundred (�80fl.OG} Doli�ars in Mand paid, recpipt whereof fs hereby acknowledged.has sold r�nd by <br /> i� these resents does r�.nt conve and confinm unto the said drt of the second - <br /> 1t p g . y p y part, the follow <br /> �! ing de�cribed pr�nises. �itu�.ted in H�+.11 County.and State of Nebr�.ska.ti�-rrit: All of Lot One (1} ( <br /> ;i i <br /> and Lot Tvro (2} in Block Tour (4) in Gilbert�s Addition to the Ci_ty of Gr�nd Island,Nebr�.ska � <br /> T� HAV� AN�7 TO HOLD the pre�nises above described� together with all th� ten��ents.h�reditramen s <br /> ;! I <br /> �.nd �ppurtenances thereto belon�ing unto the s�.id Christiaan Pauleen �� <br /> �lnd the saf d Neison Lwnber 8c Supply Co�par�y for itself or its successors.da hereby eovenant i . <br /> , I <br /> ;; <br /> V 4nd agree to �nd with the s�id party of the second part and his heirs �►nd assigns,that at the <br /> !j time of thP executi on �nd deliv ery of these presenta it ia laRfully seized of sr�id premises; thr�, <br /> �i it ha,a g ood ri�ht and lr�wful r�uthori.ty to c onv ey the same; that they dre free from encumbr�.nce <br /> �; <br /> �! �telaan Lumber 8c Supply Compwr�y does hereby coven�.nt to ��rr�t �,nd dPfend the said premises I <br /> i <br /> " a{,ainat the l.�.Wful elaims of all persons �rhomsoever. <br /> i <br /> j IN WITN�S �III3EREOF.��� said Nelson Lumber 8c Supply Comp�►r�y hr�s hereunto caused it$ corpor�►te <br /> , <br /> '! se�.Z to be a�'fixed and these presents Lo be signed by its President the dt,.y and yer�t f�rst �bov <br /> ;i <br /> ' <br /> � �rritten. � <br /> � <br /> ' Sign ed.sealed and deliv ered in Bresenc e of <br /> '' J.FI.�9aclley t CORP Nelson Lumber � Supply Co. <br /> '� (SEAL� By Herm�.n 16e1a on Pres-id ent <br /> ; : � <br /> _ ;� <br />