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� _ _ ______ ___ . _ __ _ <br />, <br /> �61 <br /> G�� �� C�o� r�� � c�[� o��� [��o � <br /> �9 <br /> 1 , <br /> �! State of Nebra,ska ) : <br /> !' �ss. . <br /> 'i Hall County ) On this 17" d�y oF B'soruary_ A.D. 1922 before me the undersi�;ned Arthur <br /> C.�dayer a Not�y Public�duly commiss�oned and qu�liffsd i'or and residing in $aid countq,person- <br /> �' ally ca,m� Albert '�.Awe wnd Irene Aae his wif� �namt3, Aws Reese a wi dow H'r�nk Awe �nd Ruth ARS his i <br /> �� wife and �l�is Herron and C.9�.H�rron Jr her husbc►nd t � me known to be th�s identical person� wh 'e <br /> P � <br /> namgs ar� �.ffixgd to the foregoing conaeyanc� as grantore and �aknowledged the ss�me to be �i <br /> � i; <br /> v olunt ary act dnd deed f or th� pur�oses th�r�in set f orth. <br /> f <br /> Witnp�s my ha,nd dnd I3otarial SSal thfs 1�'« day of B"ebruFiry 1922 � <br /> (;��) Arthur C.Mayer j <br /> I�otary Public. � <br /> My commiseion gx irss Ya 17th 1923. �� <br /> A Y . I <br /> � <br /> $trz.te of Florida,j !I <br /> j�s. <br /> Dade County. } On this 29" day of lt�.rch A. D. 1922,bRf�re me�thp under�igned, a Not�.z^� i� <br /> ' i� <br /> " Pub].ie in u.nd for said County �p�raon�.l�� c�rne I'risda Awe Re�se and H�.rry Ra �s�s�her husband who � <br /> '� �.rp pArson�.11y known to me ta bp the identical �Pr�ans :�hose nq.mes ars af1'fiaed to th�s above in- i� <br /> �� <br /> strument ds grr►ntor� and thPy acknowl�sdgPd the sa3d inatrumPnt to be their voluntary act �nd de�d. <br /> - ,, <br /> �itness my h�.nd and I�ot�rial S�d.7.,tha date aforesaic�. �� <br /> �SFAL) E. A.McCourtney � <br /> Notary Pubiic. ; <br /> State of Florid�. I' <br /> '' �[y commiasion expirps April 6 1925 � <br /> " Tiled for record thie 4 dr�y of April 1922�at 2: 3fl o�cloak P.B�. E� <br /> ���� � � <br /> Aegiatgr of Deeds <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> -0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-L�-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-G-0-Q-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-�-0-fl-0-0-i3-0-0-C� <br /> " �AR?3kNTY DI�FD-C���ORATI01� <br /> 1, <br /> ; �fiIS I1�D�NTURE,�ade thi� 31st d�y oP M�,rch A.L.,192L� betweAn Polenske Bros. Schellak and Co. � a � <br /> � � � i� <br /> corpor�.tion organiz+sd a.nd existing under �nd b�� virtue of tr�e ld�� of the 6tate of Nebraska pa.rt� <br /> 1 <br /> ; of the fi rst �art.and T,y�an-�?ichey Sand Co. , of th� County of Dou�;l�,s,and State of Nebr�.aka�p�srty <br /> �: <br /> :i <br /> ;; of the s�sc ond p�.rt. <br />' �� �ITNES�ET:�i�That the eai� part� of the first part,for 4nd in considerativn oP the eum of Seve y- <br /> ;� <br /> �� Five Hundr�d �.nd �To/100 Dollars in hand paid� rQceipt whex�of is hereby acknowledged�has sold an <br /> �r <br /> '' by the�e prPsents dogstgr�nt,corivey .and confirm unto the party of the second part.the foll-»� <br /> � ov�ing describAd p remisps.situated in H�.11 County, and State of Nebr�ska� to-w3t:Al1 of that part � <br /> � <br /> ' �f the South Half �S�) of the Southeast Quart�r (SE�) of Seation Twenty (20).in To�►nahip Ten (�.p�) <br /> � <br /> ldorth�Rangg Nine (9),1Ngst of the 6th P.�i. .which lies a.nd i$ eituated west of thp ri�;hL-of-�►ay � <br /> of the St.Jospph �,nd Grand Islsnd Railvr�� Comp�zny,r�s sa�e is now loc�ted�and south of the South <br /> Ba.nk of a str�ain known �s the ".�ry Channelp�Suid tr�ct being a etrip of ground about �orty-eigh <br /> FeAt�Six inches (48'6w� wide and �1ine HundrQd and Ninety Feet {994' } long �,.nd conta�ning 1. 11 I <br /> _ � <br /> acr��.a little more or less; �, <br /> Also beginning dt �n oak stake�said sta.ks bein� at the Southeast Coa�ner of the South-wr�st <br /> Quaxtmr (Sl�f-4} of Section Twenty {20),Tovmship Ten (10� 2lorth�R�nge Nine (9j�liest of the 6th P.M. <br /> running thencQ in a ncrt�c�rl� direction �nd on the cent�r lins of said sect3on,� distance of I�fr�:. <br /> ,i <br /> Hundred.Eighty-�even (�gF3ry} fset to a g�►s pipe on the South 8ank of the Dry Channel of the Platt <br /> "' Rivgr thenee runni Q <br /> E! , ng r�long said South Ba,nk following its �ea.nd_ring� in �. aouthwesterly direct3 <br /> � <br /> " Sevgn Hundred�Twgnty-t�►o (722} fept to the cAnt�r of thP public ro�.d and to thp cpnter of the <br /> � highway bridge t�ience in �. s outhe�i$ter�y di rection :;nd on �h� c�:ntcr of sdic� public ro�d Seven <br /> Hundred,Tvrenty-two r�nd �ne-hulf (722�} feet to an fron rod �.t t:�e int�rseation of thP c�nter <br /> of said road veith the $outh line of s�id Section Twent� (ZU) . thence in �,n easterly dir�ctinn r�nd � <br /> on the sdi�� south line of said Bection Twgnty (2p) �Four Hundred,Ninety-four and eight-t,enths <br /> I (494 8/10) feAt to th� placg of beginning,containing 1.1. 18 acres� <br /> i <br /> � __._..�.�L..____-__ ____ <br />