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---� <br /> � <br /> ��V <br /> �. • <br /> DD C�C��I G.�C�C� oOC� oC�'1 [1� o00 ��o <br />'� good right wnd lwwful �.u��lority to ccnvey the sam.e; thr�,t they ar� free fron encumbrsnce and ' <br /> , <br /> i <br /> do�s her�sby eoven�.nt to ��.rs�.nt �.nd defAnd the sai.:i premises againat the lav►ful. clai�s of ull p�r- <br /> s ons whoms oev�r. <br /> IN �VITNF.SS t�HEI� .FOF.the s�id Grdnd Isl�nd Land Comp�,r�y hzxs her�unto c�used its corporate ge�.l � <br /> � A s 'd t t � da � d � �� �v f��� . . <br /> p d b its Pre i en he �in e�r fir�t €�.bov rit�t� <br /> to be af'fixpd �nd th.sp r�s„nts to b� si�ng y Y Y � � <br /> P <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �ign�d� s?�.l�+d �nd deliversd in presence of <br /> B�yard H.Paine Jr. ---�--_-��-�-_-°-�--�-- Grand Isl�nd I,and Comp�ny ' <br /> (CORP� (�.50 I.R. St�rcps � <br /> • B B• -rd 'H. <br /> C�n.c 11ed � Pr�ine <br /> SFAI, e Y <br /> � � � � <br /> __�..�.�.,-�. <br /> Presi.dent <br /> St�te of l�ebrt:�sl�a � <br /> I :,: <br /> . ��s. . . _ _ <br />� Hall County ) On thi� �n 3�;� o: '�arah,1922,,bef�re ne��h� under�iEn�►d,a Notafy Public ir�; <br /> � <br /> ` and fox ��.id County.per�onally c�.me B�.yr�rd H.P�ine,Presicient of the Gr�,nd �sland I,and Company to�' <br /> ° me p�rsonally knuwn to be the President �.nd tae identical persan whose n�me 3s affixed to the <br />� �.bove convey�nee.�nd �eknowledged the execution ther�of tc be his volunt�,ry act �nd deed as such <br /> offi cer �.r:d thA volunt�.ry act �.nd de�� o f the suid Gr�nd Islaa�d Zand Compar�!,�zn.d th�.t the Cor-+ <br /> perGte Sedl of tY�a s�.j.d Gr�nd Islund L�.nd Company �r�s thereto �ffixed by its atttho�ity. <br /> l�itnPas my h�.nd and Nota,riu�. Sewl at Gr�.nd 3aland,Nebr.#.ri sai3 County the d�,y t�nd year l�.st � <br /> �bovewritten.• ', <br /> (S��,I►) S.C.gus t o n, ; <br /> , Notary Public. <br /> ' �y commissi�n expires the 25 d�,y of July, 1924 ' <br /> �� <br /> Filed for record this 3 d�y of April 1922.�at 10:50 o'clock A•l�. ';� <br /> ����������� ;: <br /> R�ister of D�eds '�� <br /> � -o-o-o-Q-C-e-a-e-�-c -o-o-�-c�-o-e-o-c-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o=e-o-c �o-o-o-o-o-o-e-�-a- <br /> Q.GTz2 cz�r� ��n <br /> THIS IND�'NTUR�.���de this 17" d�y of February in the ye�.r On� Thous�nd Nine HundrPd and 22 ���1� <br /> Fri�da Awe R��se�and Harry Rees4 hsr nusband � Emma Awe Re�ss�� a wi dow,Frank Awe (and Ruth Aw� <br /> his �ifs) Albsrt Aw� (abd IT9ri6 Aw,� his wife) �.nd Elsie Herron (and CharlPs W.H�rrorrS�h3T hu�b�.nc�} � <br /> ' h�irs at ldw dnd �.11 the npirs at law of Cdrl Awe deceas�d� of the first part and Augusta Awe, <br /> ° wi dow of s�f d C�.rl A�►e, of the second part <br /> WITN�S�TH. that thP said p�.rties of thQ fi rst parts in considerdti on of the sum flf �ne Doll�.r ` <br /> ;; <br /> �.n� lov� and affAction to us dul� p�id�the r�csig�t vrherecf is her�by acknowladged�have remi$ed, , <br /> rAlease� dr�i yuit-claimsd and by Lhese pr���nts do, for ours�lvss, our hgi��, �xecu�or� •and �.c�mj.n- � <br /> ' istratore. r��ise, xsleu�se and for�ver qUit-c l�s,izn �nd convey unto the said party of thg sr�cond paxt <br /> and tu izrr neirs and assigns forever,d11 our rig�it� title,intArest, sat�.te,claim `and d�mand both <br /> at lav� an� in equity � of, in and t o �.11 of Lot Three (31 in block �iva (5 ) in Cha.rl�a Wz��smer's � <br /> Addj.tion to the City� of Grand I$1�nd.Ha11 County�Nsbr�ska <br /> To�;sthex �rith �.11 �,nd singul�.r tl�ue h�re3itament� thereunto belonging. <br /> � <br /> TO HAtTE A?1n TO HOI,n tl�P abovA descri'�ed prAmiaes �nto the said �ugusta Awe,h�r heir� �,nid �ss�gns: <br /> � ao that neither tha said fir�t p�.rties or any �erson in our name and behalf, shall ar will here-i <br /> after clairn or dema,nd arry right or title to the said prem.isee or any p�.rt ther�:of but they and ' <br /> every on� of them shall by these pr�spnts be excludad �nd forever barred. <br /> IN �'+ITNESS �''HFRFOF.�he said parties of th� fi r.�t part have herpunto seb our hands and s ealc� ' <br /> the da,y and ye�r last aY�ove- t�ritten. <br /> Si�ned,spulAd a.nd deiiver�ci in prssenep of ' <br /> ArtY�ur C.�8�.;�gr,wi tn es� a.s to � <br /> hlbert �. Awe,Iz'!?ri8 AqPe� Alb�Tt, 9l.Awe <br /> Rcnm� Av�e Reese��r�.r.k Awe. Irpn�s Awe <br /> Ruth Awe.?£lsi� Herron and C.�.:ierron Jr. Emm� Awe R��$e <br /> � . Frr�nk Awea <br /> T.A.�cCourtney - �itnPs;� as to Frieda Ruth Awea <br /> Awe Rees� and Hdrry Rsess Elsie Herron <br /> C.�. He rron Jr <br /> Frieda Aws Reese <br /> Harry R�esa �� <br /> ! <br /> ;, <br /> _ � li _____ � <br />