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� - � � � _ <br /> 659 <br /> [���0 �oa ���9 �1 �[���� ��o '� <br /> , <br /> ;i �UIT CLAIM D�ED � <br /> �; �-�..._.....�.....'.... <br /> � THIS IND�NTURL.�de this 7th day of Id�.rch,in the y��.r one thousr�r�d nine hundred and twenty-tr�o. <br /> � between Clrir� 1P.Pidduck�Wife of �Tra�meg H.Pidduck of the first part.and James H.PidduCk,hu�br�,nd <br /> of Clr�ra 11. Pidduck party ot' the $econd �a.rt. <br /> �'ITNESS�'TH.ths.t the said p�,rty of thA first part�in considerati on of the sum of One and- 04/100 ' <br /> Doll�.rs Lav �nd r�f'f c ' o m d •� id th recei t whereof f s here acknowl ed has re- li <br /> e e ti n to e uly_ pa . e p by edg ,� <br /> mi$ed released and I <br /> , quit-cl�.imed,a.nd by these presents does, for h�r�elf her heire.execcttor$ �nd �j <br /> a.dministrators,remise, rel�ras� and for�nrer qui.t-ol�.im and cornrey unto the eaid party of �econd �� <br /> pdrt,and to his heira and assigns f orever,�ill her right, ti tl�,interest�esta,te c lr�i.m and dem�nd� <br /> both �.t l�r and in equity� � of,i� und to �.11 of the undiv ided one-h�.lf interest in The East Half i� <br /> (1��} of I.ot Fourte�n (14}.Iic�me Sub-div�ision of the North v�est Quart�r (N1/�� of S�ction I�inP (9) <br /> i <br /> T ownship El even (11 a,Range Nine (9} .1Yes t of thr� Sixt h P.Y. .H�I1 C ounty�:Nebr�eka.��b�i ec t to all �� <br /> �.ssessments or incumbrdnce against st�id property. I� <br /> Tc�ether v�ith all �nd eingul�.r the her�ditaments ther�unta be�onging. <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> TO HAVE A�D TO HOLD '�g abrnre described premisee unto the said Jr�rnes H.Pidduck his heirs andi` <br /> r�ssigns; so thdt neither I ths sa,id Cl�,r�. W.Pidduck� or u�ny person in hgr nr�me and behalt'.shr�ll �� <br /> �� <br /> ;, <br /> ; or will hereafter C1alID or dem�.nd any right or title tv the s�.id premises ar r�,ny part thereof� �� <br /> iE <br /> , but tnsy �d eeery� one them sh�11 by these presents be excluded �,nd forever barred. �j <br /> � � �I <br /> IN WITNESS �►�REDF, the said p�rty of the first par� Y�s hereunto set hand and se�.l. th� d�y j, <br /> �� � �� <br /> r�nd y ea�r �b ov e Wri t t en. ;; <br /> �� <br /> Signed.sPaled and delivered in presence of � <br /> I <br /> S.C.Fiuston Cl�ira •.Pidduck �+ <br /> I <br /> State ot' l�ebr�.skr� �` �� <br /> � , 88. � <br /> H�11 County� } On thi s 8 th day of M�.rch.A.D.1922,bef ore me, thQ undersigned S. C.�ueton �+ <br /> _ ,I <br /> a Notary Public,duly cammissioned and qualified for rand residing in esid Connty.personally cr�.rnej� <br /> � <br /> Cl�ra W.Pidduck ��Ti.fe of J�.mes H.Pidduck) to me known to be the person who$� name is � <br /> i <br /> r�fffaed to the for�going instr.u�ent as gr�.ntor and �,,cknowledged the same to be her volunt�.ry �i <br /> �� <br /> ac t �.nd de Pd. �I <br /> ±� <br /> � �j <br /> �itness my hr�d and Seal the day �.nd yea.r �.bave ��3•tten. i� <br /> �I <br /> (�r�) S. C.Ht�eton � <br /> Notary Public � <br /> - �y c ommi ssi on e�pi res the 25 th d�.y of July. 1924 !! <br /> Fil�d for recurd this 31 d�:y of l��rch 19�2,r�t 11:5G o'clock A.�4. <br /> � �-�-�-� � <br /> Reg:fster of Deede <br /> _ i <br /> -R-Q-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-Q-Q-C-0-0-t?-0-0-Q-G'-Q-0-0--C-(3-0-�-C-C-�-C-�-C-�-C-C-Q-4-Q-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-�-Q- -0 <br /> WARRANTY T�ED-CORPO�ATIOR <br /> THI�3 INAFNTIIRF���dp this 28th d�.y of March,A.D. 1922,b�taePn Grand �eZand Lr�nd Company a c orporrs-� <br /> tion orgdnized and under and by vi rtue of th�-la�s of the�°Statg of Nebrask�, p�rty vf ( <br /> � � ---_-__ <br /> the first p�rt,�nd Willian Siever� cf the Count3� of ----- .:nd St�.tA of p�.rty of t�e secon� <br /> part� <br /> WITT7ESSETH.��'� thP said p�,rt3� of thg first p�rt�for and in conaideration of thP sum of Two <br /> Hundred �200} Dollars in h�nd poid� receipt whereof is her�by �.eknowledggd�ht�.s sold and by these <br /> pr�sent$ does gr�.nt. conv+sy and confizm ur�to thP ra�.id p�rt of the second part,th� following des- <br /> cribed premises,situated in Grand Islr�,nd Hall County.�.nd Str�te of Nebrr�ska,to-wit: kll of Lot � <br /> Thirte�n (13} in �31ock One (1} of Boggs & Hill's Additfon to the City of Grt►nd Island�Nebr�.skri <br /> TO HAVE A.uD TO HOL� th� premia�s above described,togRther wlth all the Ten�menta,Heredit�ent <br /> and Appurten�.nces thereunto belonging unto the raaid William Sjevera + � <br /> And the said Grand Islund Zand Compr�ny for itself or its successors,do hereby eovenant �nd , <br /> �gree to and with the �aid part�� of tMe $econd part and hpire �.nd ass3gns��hAtat the time oP the ' <br /> � <br />� eaecution and delivery of these presents it is l�.wfully seized of said premis�ss; that 3t has <br /> , <br /> , . . . . . _ <br /> , , � <br /> _ ,� <br />