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� _. _ . _ . <br /> �5'�,� <br /> �1� �D U�o� ���9 �lc�[�a��� [��o <br /> gz�iT _c��� �� - <br /> RNOYP ALI, MF�T BY THL.S� PR3�SI+;NTS: <br /> That I, Car1 Rief,unm�rried;over 21 y�ars of age,and being a son and heir� of wilhlem"J:aiafy, A; <br /> I <br /> who died seized of the -1az�c�ierainaft�� de�c�fbgd, oS the Gounty of Hall and �State o� l�ebr�sks�, �� <br /> � i; <br /> f o "r the c ons iderati on of �'i�e 00/100 Dol.lars,hereby qui t Cl�im �and e o�v e� unto 7�yman-Riehey �� <br /> S�nd Co. .of the Cou�ty- of`Douglas and Stst� of�Nebrr�ska�,all of° m� rfght;Lf tle°and Y i�iter�s$t �; <br /> ; <br /> of whdtsoever n�tnre. fM �nd t o th� fo2lowi ng de�efibed Redl �$tate. situeted ia the Cour�ty of � <br /> � <br /> Ha21 and State of Nebr� Begfnning a� an 0�►k str�.k��said at�►ke beir�g at the South ;i <br /> ,; <br /> �� <br /> $�t Corner of the South Xe�t Quarter of Seotion No.T�rsnty (20�,Townehip No. Ten (l�) Rorth, i) <br /> of Range No.Nin� (9) A`est 6" P.M. .running thsnce in a Northerly di rgcti on and on the c snter �i <br /> ; line of aaid Seetion a distdnce of Nine Hundred I+�ighty Seven (987y feet to a gas pipe on the � <br /> i, <br /> South B�cnk of the Dry Chdnnel of the Pl�tte River.thence running r.long s�i.d South B�►.nk foilow-;� - <br /> �; <br /> ;; <br /> ing ite sinuositias in d south westerly direction Seven Hundrgd Twenty Two (722) fset to the { <br /> egnter of the Public Rc�d �.nd to the aenter of t� highwr�y bridge. thence in a South eastarly � <br /> i, <br /> dir�e�ion and on the center of $�.i.d publio r3ad Seven Hunds�d Tv►enty-two �nd one half (722�) !' <br /> , <br /> f��t La �,r! iror. rod 3t the intersectibn: of the eenter of ar�id road with the South lin� of said�I <br /> �i <br /> .� <br /> Section No.TwPnty (20) ,t:nenc�s in �cn T�asterly directfon and on the South line of said 8ection (� <br /> �� <br /> � �30. Twpnty (20� four hundrgd ninAty four �nd gigMt tenth$ (494 8/10� f�et to th� place of be- ;� <br /> _ �i <br /> ginning,containing 11 18/100 �er«�a. �! <br /> IN �ITNESS �iEREOF.I havs herpunto set u� h�d this 25th d�+ of Yarch� 1922. � <br /> i! <br /> Xitn�sss: �I <br /> i, <br /> J ohn A2 Zr�n C arl Ri ef �� <br /> ;; +� <br /> '' State of � �ebr�ek�i,j �� <br /> j es <br /> �' H€�Zl County } On this 25 th d�� of l�d�,rch �. D. 1922.bef ore me, the under�igned;�, Aotary ��+ <br /> ; <br /> i1 <br /> � Puclie in �.nd for said county_�person�,lly cam�rEs�rl Ri�f,an ur�mdrriect°maxi,xho is per8onr�.11y �; <br /> � <br /> ; knorm to me to be the identic�xl per�on whosg name is a,ffixed to the above -instrnment a� granto+ <br /> and he acknowledged the s�►id instrument to be his voluntar,q act and d�ed. li <br /> Nitness �y h�nd ,�nd Notarisl 3��1, the date sforesaid. �� <br /> � �SEAL) John -Allan �I <br /> Notr�ty Pub3ic. � � <br /> �[y c o�nmi a si on exp i re: Jan.S� 1924. <br /> Filed for r�cord this 28" day of l�arch 1922,at 11;�0 o'clock A.M. <br /> ' Vl-��.c \Jd <br /> N ._` Register of 1!leQds <br /> �� <br /> -0-�-fl-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-t3-0-fl-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-�� <br /> �'�R�3ANTY DI�LD <br /> KNOVP AI,I, l��N' BY THESE PRES.�N2S= <br /> p �hat Charl�sy �. Cla.rg a,nd Al�na J.C1�rk�Husb�.nd and Wffe.of the County of Hall,and 8t�t� of .I�eb- <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � raska,Grantora�in consider�xtion of the aum of Twenty Four Hundred (�2400.00) �ollara in °hand � <br /> !! paid do herPby grant,barg_sin, sell and eonvey unto Datlaf Mr�thiaser� r�nd �rga,r�t Y�►t.�1As�n of thej <br /> ,; � <br /> ;i <br /> eounty Qf Fi�►ll, �.nd Stat� of �febr�xska,Grantea�,the following deearibed premises,eftuated fn •the <br /> i <br /> '' County of Hall��nd 8tate of Nebraskzi,to-ait: The B�sst H'iPty (50) ' feet of-LoL � Two (2� af �8gter- � <br /> ;; rrelt'� Sub-�ieiaion of Lot Six (6� of ths Courity Sub-Division of a p�rt of th� l�Je�st Half of' the <br /> � Southv►e$t �udrt�r af Section Tifteen (15 ) Township, 3�l�en (11) l�orth of R�nge Nin� (9} 1�eat of <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> ;� the 6th P.3d. in Gr�.nd Isldnd,l�ebr�sk� SU1��6CL ho�rever to a perpetual easemer�t ri�'h� r�hich right � <br /> ! i$ herpby reserv�d, for ro�dw�y purposas of tMe public �.nd the present avrner of the b�2ance of lo <br /> i 2 oP said I�ot 2 and of his hei r� and �$sign� of u pr�rt of s�f d above dee�crf bed east ft fty feet <br /> i �s f oilo�e�: - Commencin� at �the west line of the fifty (50) feet hergin sold at �. point on the <br /> ' North lin� of sr�id �ot Two (2) �,nd running south along said we$t lin�s of the Fifty (50� �'eet <br /> . <br /> ; � `,� <br />