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r--r-_ _ _ _ <br /> 65� � <br /> �1��� C�oa ���q �1 ����� [��o <br /> �l�',RF�:T.iT� TEFD I <br /> .�.�-_�.._.._ - - - I <br /> KNO�' AZL �fEN BY THFSF PRE�FNTfi.THAT,9!e•11�• O. Ritchey wnd Dor�,��,�.Ritchey.Husbanci �nd Wife,in con- <br /> siderution of Twent Thous�.nd & No 100 Dollars in ha.nd �,id do hereb r�nt bar , . �' <br /> y / �C� ' . y � , g�.in sell con- `� <br /> v�,ry �,r_d confixm unto Olof C.i,�rson �.nd C. ti.L�.rson the followin� described r�al est�.t�� situ�.ted <br /> in thP County of H�,11 a.nd St�.te of Npbr�.ska�to-wit: An undivided one-third (�} interest in '�'hc� �� <br /> ' ��East One Half (E�) and the E4st One H�.lf of the Northwest Quarter (E�1CW4) of Section No. Two <br /> , <br /> i <br /> t2), Township �So.Eleven (11).North�Ran�e No.�leYen (11) ,West qf the Sixth P.�d. containjn� 4�0 � <br /> � <br /> ucres.more or lesa �.ccordin� to GavernmAnt Survey th�reof, excPpt one a.cre in the Sonthwest �, <br /> Qu�.rter of trie Southe�.st Qw�.rter {S�9�SE�-� of said sPction No. 7:wo (2) convPy�d to Sc�iool Listric� <br /> No. Forty Two (42).H�11 County ,Nebr�.ska� to be uaed for scahool housP site. togethPr with �.11 tene-� <br /> mpnts;, heredit�n en�ts �nd �.ppurtenances to the s�,me belon�in�, a.nd �.11 the estate, r��ht, ti tl�� ' <br /> interest,�.nheritonee,praperty � dower, curtesy , right af homesteud� cl�im �nd d�nand wh4.tsoever of <br /> i, <br /> the s�.id W.0.Ri tchey �.nd L�or�. 1�.Ri tchey � of�in, or to the swme� or uny purt; the .rPof; �, <br /> i� <br /> TO HA''TF �sPID TO HOLD the above described prQm�ises,with thP �.ppurt�nu.nces,unto the said Olof C.� <br /> Zwrs on und G�;.L�.rs on �nd unto thei r hei rs and u.s signs f orever; �,nd we thP said �P.0. Ri tchey wnd ', <br /> �� . <br /> Doru T�.Ritchey fc�r ourselves and our hAirs, �xecutors wnd wdmi.nistrwtors,do cover_�nt �rith the � <br /> ; <br /> s�id Olof C. Lurson �d C.n.LKrson wnd with their heirs �.nd assi�;ns,that we arP lawfully seized i <br /> ' � <br /> of s�.id grP*nises,tha,t tney are frea from ir;.ou�br�.nce except one cert�.in mortg�,ge in the sum of �� <br /> �� <br /> .�10. 000. 00 �.n.�one certajn mort��gA in thP sum of �20.000. t)G, onP-third (�) of which gr�ntee li <br /> assum�� �.nd ;�rees to pay� thQ,t we h�.vA �ood ri�ht und l�:v�ful uuthority to sell the some �.nd 1 <br /> jl <br /> thut �re cvill and our hei rs, exPcutors �nd udn�inistr�,tors. shwll warr�.nt ;:a,nd dAfend the s�mQ unto �i <br /> j� <br /> the s� d Olof C.Z�.r��n and C.�.I,�.rson u.nd unto th?ir heirs �.nd assi�ns forever, a�r�,inst the ldw-� <br /> i <br /> ful c la.ims of �.11 �ersons rvhor�soever. i <br /> IP1 �ITI��Sr �'H�1��OF,we h�,ve h�rPunto s�t our hands this 8th d�.y of Septerr,ber A. I?r, 1921. �' <br /> � V�itnPss: <br /> �� <br /> � - 9�. �r. Swnlin� (�10. 40 I. R. St�ps �~) W.O. Ri tchey f <br /> (Cancelled__�__.,�_._ _�� �� <br /> Dor�. N. �ti tc hey ` <br /> State of Nebr�.skd ) . <br /> ��s• � , I <br /> Y ork County ) <br /> On this �th dwy of Septer�ber ti. D. , 1921, before me W. J. S�.hling.4 not�.ry � <br /> unl i c dul c�o�rni s si oned �.nd � � <br /> p 'y qu�lifi+�d for and residin� in said county ,person�.11y c�.me the <br /> within n�ned W.U. Ritchey �nd Dor�. �. Ritchey,Hti�b�nd �.nd t4�ife pPxsonally known to me to be the <br /> � �� _�,. <br /> ,� <br /> ident i cal pers ona whose n�nes �.re uffixPd t o the wi thi n i nstrw�ient r:.s gr��.nt ors,4nci they acknow-� <br /> ! <br /> l�dged s�id instrumAnt to be their volunt�.ry wct �.nd deed. � <br /> �ITNFSr my° h4nd �,nd noturi�.�. se�.l thA dutP last �.fores�.id. �, <br /> � <br /> (�Ep.L} � 1P. J. Sahli ng <br /> , , ' 1vot�.ry Publ�ic. <br /> �. <br /> My comrr:ission �s T7ot�,ry �ubli.c will expir� on the 6th day of .OctQber A. D. . 1925. I <br /> � Filed for rAcord thi a 24 day of ll��,rch 1922� ;�t 9 0' clock P.M. ? <br /> �; . ��,-�-a-� V/ <br /> RegistPr of D,�Ad�'_._�. <br /> . -0-0-Q-0-4-e-0-0-Q-�-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-C-C-C-0-�-0-C-0-0-0-Q-0-0-U-0-C-0-Q-0-0-0-0-Q-Q-0-0-0-0-0-4- <br /> i <br /> i <br /> - . , <br /> _ - i <br /> � i � � <br /> � H • . <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> . � <br />