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���� <br /> DD ���I �.��c�c.��c� [� �o ��o <br /> n�,med ?�. J. �itc:��y �,nd Dora M. �itchey,Husb4nd and �Jife cvho a.rP �e rson�.11y known to me to bA the i.iclen-_ <br /> tjcal �er�e�ns avhosA names axA affixPd to the within a�nstrument �.s grantoxs,wn:� tiney �.eknowlPdg�� s�id <br /> , <br /> instrumPnt �o be thRir,volunt�,�y �.ct and deAd. <br /> y7I�'���, my hqmmd �,nd noturial se�.l the dwt? last afores�,i.d. <br /> (�EkZ� W. �7. su.hlin� <br /> Notury Public. <br /> My comrnission as tdot�,�,� Public wi 11 expirP on the 6th dwy of 4ctobr�r ti.D. , i925 <br /> Filed for record this 24 dwy of M�,rch 1922,at 9 a' clock A.�. ��/G�� �-1-�-�-� <br /> Re�istpr of Dpeds <br /> -0-0-0-�-fl-fl-t�-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-4-0-fl-0-fl-0-�-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-�-�3-E3-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-4-a-4-�-a- <br /> F<'AR R�.�dTY DEED <br /> KNOt�' ALL M�N 33Y THFSF "?RF`7F's,17TS� THAT �tg.W. 0. Ritchey �.nd Dor� �.Ritchey �Husb�.nd wnd �ife, in car�- <br /> 3idprwtion of Sav�ntePn Thousan� ThreP :Iundred �C no/100 Dollwrs in h�r�d ��,id,do hereby gr�nt, <br /> b�, sPll, convey u,nd confirm unt� c31of C.L�:.rson the followir� described xeal est�,t�,situ�,tAd <br /> in t.�e CountyT of 'ri�,ll �.nd Stwte of P3ebrwska to-�it: An undivided one-third (�j inta�rest in the <br /> ' East half (`�2} �.nd the ��.st h�.lf of th e P�orthwest �u�.rtsr (L��P�'J4 j of Secti on T�o (2) Toro►nship <br /> . �l�ven (1Zj ]aurth,,R�.n�P �leven (11) CVest of the 6th P.�. , �xe�l3tin� onP (1) �.crP in thp SouthwPSt <br /> quarter oP the Sout'�e�st �uartPr ��4SE�j ,npr�tofore cornrey��d t� 5chool .-_Di.stric � A]'b. Forty-t�eo <br /> (42}�HdZl County,l`debrwsk�. Lo bp usPd for school hot�sP site. �ogetner with all tenemenLs,hexedit�,- <br /> ments and �purten�.nces t o thP sdzr:e b�longir� � �.nd �11 the pst�.te, right� titlp,inter�st,�e, <br /> �rop erty � dower, �urtssy . ri�iZt of �omestpa.d, cldim �nd 3pmand wh�.tsoever �f t?�P s�id t4. 0. �i tehey �r�d <br /> Dor�. �d.Ritchey of, ir_� or to thp sa�e, or uny �art thsre of: <br /> TO HAVE ANU TO HOLn tne above described �r�mises,with the �p�urtPn�.nce�,unto the s�.id Olof <br /> C. I,�.rson �,nd unto his heirs dnd �.ssigns ;'forev�r;and ws thP said W. O. RitchAy �.nd Aor�. t�. �itch�y , <br /> for oursPlv�s �.nd flur hPirs, Axecutors �+.nd �.dministr�tors ,do covsn�.nt with the said Olof C.ya.rsc�n <br /> �nd with hi� h.Airs �.nd as�i�ns� that wP ure lawfully seized of sdi�. �r�miseg, thu,t thp3� are frep <br />' from 3ncumbx�.ncA su'o�ject to incum'br�,nce as sh�vrn b�= thP records of sdid county, one-third (�) af <br /> �v�i ch �rwnteP assurnes wnd �;r�es to ��qy th�,t we have good ri�ht �nd lawful authority to ssll thp <br /> s�ne �nd th�.t we will a,nd our h�i rs� executors �.nd �dministr��,].l w�.rr�,nt �nd defend the <br /> 3ar��e unt� the suid Ulof C.L�.rson und unto his heirs and assi�ns forever,�.g�.inst the lavrful c�aims <br /> cf �11 persons Evhomsoever <br /> ' IN C"I�'i�t��� �^HF�??''OF,�° ?��.qe her�unto sPt ou�tand$ this 3x'd d�,y of kpril A.D. , 1920. <br /> 1�itneas: <br /> --------------------- 1R►. 0. Ri.tchey <br /> ';D. J. ��.hling (�7. a0 I. �. St�mps } <br />'I (C�,n.celled ) Dord �.Ri tchey ; <br /> Stdte of Nebrask�. } <br /> ) ss. . <br /> r�olk County � On this 3rd ddy of April A.D. . 1920 beforA me �V. .T. S�.hlir� ;x no;�arS,T public <br /> dy�ly commissioned u.nd �u�.lified for �.nd xe�idin� in swi� cour.tyr,�prson�,113T cume thP within narned <br /> �.O. Ritchey �nci Dora I�.Ri�chey ,Iiusband and �Vife who are pereonally kna�rn to ma to be the i.dent�c�.l <br /> persors �vhose n�.zrues ar� uffixed to the w►ithin instrumPnt as gr�,rtor�,and thAy acknowled�ed ' _ <br /> ir.strument to bA thPir volunt�.ry �.ct a,nd deed. <br /> �!�ITN.F.S� �y h4nd an� notwrial se�.l thP d�.t? last aforesuid. <br /> . <br /> ( �.SF'r.L} Vtr. .T. ��hl�.ng <br /> Not�,ry public. . <br /> �y comn;ission �,� };c���.�� public wi11 � px�irp �n the 6 d�.y cf �ctober A. D. � 1Q25 <br /> Fi led f or rec ord thi s 24 d�y of I��.rch 1922�at 9 0' c iock A.R�. <br /> . .. -- �,��`t �� ;- <br /> Re�istPr of Dee� ' <br /> _ �,�, <br /> _ <br /> - �- - - - - - - �- - - '- �- - - - - - - - - -G- - - - - - � - - ': <br /> 0-G e a Q 0 0-0 0 G 0 C-0 G G 0 U-C� G-� G-0 0-G G G 0 C 0 Q C-C �-G-G-G G G-O-C-G-� G �-0 G� Cr <br />_ � <br />