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�-----�-- <br /> �53 � <br /> ��ao �oa ���9 � ����� ��o <br /> ;. sh�ll or will herg�ftpr cl�im or demand any right or title tc the said premisPs or arty p�.rt I <br /> ��;, thereof but they �n�i every one of them sh�:.11 by these pre�ents be exc2uded and forev�sr�barred. <br /> r, <br /> �' IN 1�ITTIES� �iET�?��F.The said parties of the fir�t p€�rt herpunto set their hand ��n� se�.l <br /> the d• and �� � ovA . f <br /> I� r ab ., written <br /> �Y Y <br /> ; �� <br /> ;, Si�;ned,sealed and deliverPd fn presence of <br /> � i� �! S. C.�iust on S.E.Conner <br /> �� <br /> ;' Catherine Conner �� <br /> i <br /> ,! St�tte of Nebr�arca. j i <br />� ± ) ss. <br /> '' H•� 1 C � - <br /> a�l ot�nt <br /> Y � <br /> '� On this 20th d4y of November A. D. . 1920,before me ths undersigned S.C. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ! �iuston a fiotary Public,c�uly commissioned and qualifigd for Und residing in sai3 County,personall <br /> '; <br /> came S.E. Conner &. C�.tnerin�s Con�aQr (husbdnd & wife) to ms knqwn to be the identical peraons <br /> !F whosP n:ames �re wffixed to the forP�oing instrumAr.t �s �r�.ntors and acknow3edged the same to be � <br />� �� thei.r volunt�.ry ac� �.nd deed. � � <br /> ; <br /> Witn�ss u� h�nd und 1Jot�,xi �1. Sp�l the day dnd year l�.st above written. �� <br /> . �� <br /> (SEAL) S. C.Huston �� <br /> Notdry Public ,'; <br /> ��; My commiasion Axpir�s the 25th d�.y of July 1924 � <br /> I! <br /> I ; Fil�sd f or recoxd thi a 23 d�.y of ��,rch 1922,at 3: 45 0' �lock P.�. ������ � `' <br /> �a. <br /> �� . Register of Deed� ii <br /> '� -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-G-U-t)-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0!l <br /> ;� �+IAR?2Rt�'TY nE�D i� <br /> �; <br /> �i <br /> ' KI`JOA� ALZ �1fEN BY THFSE PRE�FNTS,THAT�`Re.�P. O. .�i.tchey and Dora ]I��Ritchey ,Husba.nd �nd tt�ife� in con- �� <br /> � !i <br /> siderwtion of Seventpen Th�us4.nd Three Hundred &: no/lUC �ollars in h�,nd p;;id,do hereby gr�.nt, +' <br /> �. I <br /> . _ o�rgain, s�l l�c onvey� �nd confirm unto C.A.L�.rson the followin� described real est�.te. si tudted in i <br /> , <br /> �the �'o nt • of P � � _ ' <br /> � <br /> u H�11 :�.nd t� t A- <br /> $ u ofNb ,,i, � w' t• A <br /> 3� .. e r s d to i . .An undiv�ded on., third (�) int,,rest in the E�,at <br /> �' H�.1f (E�) �.nd the East h�.lf of the Northwest quarter (E�2�V4�) of Section Two (2} Township Elpven <br /> � ii <br /> , ! (Il) North, Rdnge Elev�n (11) �est of the f�th P.?�. , excP�ting one (1) acrp in the SoutY�weat quartP <br /> ;; � <br /> ',� of the Southewst q�xurtAr (S'@��SE4) herAtofore cor+vey�d to School District No. Forty-Two (42)�Hall ! <br /> �i II <br /> County,Nebraska to bn used for sc:nool house site. to�Pth?r with all tenpments,hexeditamen.ts and �' <br /> ;� � <br /> � P A A <br /> rt <br /> �appu .,n�►nc.� to th. s4.mme belonging,a.nd a11 thA �state, ri�ht� title.interest, inheritance,property J <br /> �� li <br /> i� dow�sr,curtesy� rignt of hom�stPad�clr�im ur;d derr�nd whdtsoever of the said W. p.B�tchey and Do�a <br /> ' � . <br /> , �. �itahey of, in� or to th� saane� ox any ���.rt thereof, , <br /> �� TO �iAVE �ND TO HOLT� the a,bave described premises,with tne �ppurtAn�.nces,unto the said C.A. �) <br /> � <br /> �! L�.rson a.nd unt� nis heirs und assi�ns forever;�nd we the s�id Cit. O. Ritchey �:nd Dor� ]'1;. Ritchey i <br /> ,; � <br /> , #'vr oursplves und our heirs� pxecutors and �.dministrwtors�do coven�nt �vith th� said C.A.I►�,rson jl <br /> il�; U.nd �vith his _hgirs �nd a�signs,that we �ire lawfully $P�iPCi �f $i1.1C� PTF:III�$B,g� thdt t�e�� are free , <br /> - from in;;umbr�.nce sub�ject to incwnbrU.nce ds shown by thP rAcc�rds of said County � one-third F�) of i � <br /> �; ' <br /> � ; �rhich gr�ntse assumes �,nd �gr��s to pay that v�e h�ve �ood right U.nd 14wfu1 authority to eell the ; <br /> � ' � <br /> . �• � �amP and th�t wP will and our heirs, exAcutors �.n� �,dministr�.tors�eh�ll warrant dnd defend th� i <br /> I <br /> 'i s�ne unto thP s�id C. �i.L�rson wnd unto his heirs �nd �ssi�ns �'��cever.�g�inst the lawfui � <br /> I �';i �f all pprsons whomsoever � <br /> ii � I: i <br /> �� IN r�ITN�'S� "`'HER_+, F��B hi4Y@ he r�unto set our h�nd$ thia 3�d d�r of April A. D. � 1920. , <br />, <br /> �� Witnes3: <br /> �.0. Ritchey � <br /> 19'.,T. Swhling ---------------------- <br /> ` (�7•�10 I. R. Stumps ) Dora M. �itchey � <br /> (C4ncelled ) . .� <br /> ; Stat� of I�ebr�.ska. j , I <br /> » y s s. �i <br /> ii Po1k County } - i <br /> �' On this 3rd �C.4JT of A�ril A. D. ,1920 before me W. J. Swhling �, not�.ry public <br /> � <br /> �! duly c ommis3ioned and qu�.lified for �:na rssiding in s;�id county �personally c�me the within I <br /> . <br />�__ � � <br /> � <br />