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_ „ <br /> �652 <br /> Dc�c�� G..���o�� [� oo ��o <br /> �RAI�R�ATTY �lELD <br /> I KNO�"' ALI, It�N BY TIiEcF �R +.��;I�TTS: <br /> 2h�t THF �';�UOn RIVFR CE�F,TF.RY ASSOCIfiTION� of thP Villa�e of V�ood River,in the County of Hal.l <br /> �,nci State of ?�ebraskd, in considerwtivn of the sum of Seven �. �. hwlf (�7.50) Dollar$,in hu.nd <br />�i p�.id does hereby �;r�.nt,b�. *gain. sPll �.nci convey untn .7�nes �ll�.n of the County �f Hallsa,nd St�,te <br /> of Nebr,�r�.ntpe, thP follow�in� descrzbed I�ot or Lots of l�.nd situated in t2� Wood River Cemetery, <br /> 7n the Township of VUood RivPr� in Ha11 County�Nebr�,ska, to-wit: Zot 54., in South �est quarter This <br /> I' lot tiv�.s sold in the 1�89 by D.B�rrick but no deAd given u.r:d a11 the estate,ri�ht� ti,tle �.nd int�reat <br /> wh�tsoever of th�: s�.id grwntor in �,nd to thP �a.rne and every p�.rt thereof. � <br /> I <br /> Tc h�.ve wnd to hold the 4bave descrioed Lox �r Lots unto the s�id JamAs A11an gr�.ntse his <br /> heirs Und wssj.�ns forever �.nd the s�.id gr�.ntor herPby covenonts �rith the �ai:i �r�.ntee th�.t it <br /> holds s�.id premises by good and perfect title and ha.s good ri�ht �.nd �.uthority to sell and conv�y <br /> thA s�me �nd th�.t s�m� are freP and cleur of �11 cluirr�s and i.ncu�brwnces whatsoever dnd thP said <br /> �lood River Cemetery �ssociati�n hereby caven�.nts to �rarr�.nt �.nd defend s�id �remises � th4� <br /> l�.wful c l� of wll � Ars ons whomsoev er. <br /> It i.s furthgx �reed �.nd undPrsto�d tn�t thp �.bove described �r�perty is sold wnd r�.ssi�;ned <br /> fcr the purw�ose of intPrment on1�- wnd to be used for no oth�r pur�oss,sub�ject�hosvever.� tc the �;rp- <br /> visi �ns an�l restricti�ns �f the L�ws of t'r� st�,te of Plebrwsk�. rel�.tin� to CPmetery� Associ�.tions'.. <br /> �,nd to c+.7.1 acts �nd l�.ws of the LP�;islature of the St�,tp of Nebr�,ska havA be�n or may be • <br /> l�,wfully Pnucted rAs�:ectin� CAmetPry Associ�.tions �.r�d � sub,�ect to the c�nditions �,nd limit-� <br /> .. <br /> �tior.s and_ thp privple�e �Gxad rpstrictions specified b� thP ruies und rA�ul�,tions of s�.id <br /> Waod RivPr Cemetery Association now in force or tha.t m�.�T b? herPafter �.dcpted by it � not jn con-' <br /> flict with t.�� l�.ws c�f thP �t�.t¢ of lvebr�.sk�. which rulps �,nd rpgul�.tions �.s herPby specifi ed .. , <br /> are mudp a puxt of thi:s con�reyUnce. <br /> IN ��STir�or�Y !�FiF'?'�+'OF thP s�iid @Vood �iver Cemetery Associati.on has c�.used t+t1pF,�i? Prpsents to <br /> :b� si�ned by its Presidpnt �.nd countersi�ned b3� its secrAt4ry und thP corpor�.tP seal of s�.id ' <br /> as�oci�tion to bP hPr�unt� �.ffixed this seccnd d�.y= of Febr A.D. , 1922 <br /> AttAst: �COF�Pj <br /> ' (�Ei;I,� �!'OOD RIVER CE�''FTFRY �iS�OCIATIOtd, <br /> ,TosQph T.Ross <br /> uecret�ry. Fy A.�i�;�:�ton' <br /> President. <br /> Filed for record this 22 d•a`y of l��.rch 1922,at 4 o' claek P.R�. : <br /> �����c ����.�._�..� <br /> Re�ister of Deedg <br /> I -G-0-Q-0-�-0-Q-Q-G-O-Q,-�-0-0-0-Q�0-0-�-�-0-0-Q-0-�-Q-C-C-C-O-C�-0-0-Q-0-�-G-Q-0-0-�-t?-�-0-Q-0-�-�Q-�- <br /> QUIT CI,AIM DEF.D_... __�....� ' - <br /> THIS I1�D�TTTURE.�wde this 20th dwy Of' i?1046Tt1bg�', in the yeur �ne thous�nd nin� hundrpd �.r�d tw�nty, � <br /> � . <br /> betw�An S.E.ConnAr,�nd CathPrinP Conner (husbu.nd & wife) of th� fir$t ��.rt,and Ed�v�,rd C. Niels�:n.i� <br />� of the second ��.rt, . <br /> R�IT����S;;ETIi�ti�.t the suid ;�arties of the fixst. �art� in c:onaider�tion of the sum of One Doll�,r '�' �' � <br /> �.nd no/lOn Dollars to us dulyT paid, the rAc�ipt wher?of is hereby �xcknowled�ed �xe h�.ve remised, <br />�� <br />� xplease� dnd �.luit-claimed �.nd �y the�e presPnts do wA,fo� ours�lves:,he�r�,exPcutors and d.dmin ;, <br /> istrutors,�remi se�rplp�.se and forPver quit-�laim and � c3nvPyJ unto the s�.id party of the sec ond <br /> part �.nd to his �;nd �ss3igns forever,�.12 our rrght� title.interes�, esta,te ela,im and dpmand <br /> both �t law an:i in eyuity� of� in,and to a�11 Al1 of lot fourtePn (14j,in block one ( 1�,in Harri- <br /> s�n's Su'o-D�vi:sion to ,r�n� Isl�.nd�l�pbruska. <br />, Sub�ject to �.1:L u.ssessments �.nd t�.xes of Av�r ndturp wha.tsoever: Subsequ�nt from June 8� 1918. <br /> Together �rith 411 �nd sin�ul�.r tne tler�dit�nents ther�unt� b�longing. <br /> TO HAVF �tdn TO HOZn the above de$cribed pr�mise� unto thg s�,id�Edw�.rd °C.�dielsen-his heirs {and'` <br />, <br /> �ssi�ns;s� th�;,t�r wP the sdid S.E.Conner & C�therine or dny �er�on in our n�.me and beha.lP, <br /> - i <br />� , . _ J <br />