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r _ - ____ . �- <br /> 651,� <br /> �1� 0� C�oa ���9 [� c�� ��� ��o <br /> j; 9UIT CLAIM DEED <br /> (' <br /> ! THI^ T'.VD�1?TI7RE,��de this 17th da3r of �rch�in the year one thousand nine hundrPd Tw�nty <br /> I ' T�o,betwaen JoY�n �.49hdlen �,nd �7'osip Whalen�husl�,.nd and wife of the first part, and J. D.Corl and � <br /> , � I <br /> i C o r� B�. C 1 o f t � <br /> o r h s c r� d a t. <br /> e e n r <br /> I <br /> ,' p I� <br /> ' 'I <br /> ;; �ITATFS5FTI3. that the gaid p�.rties of the fir�t pdrt,in consideration af th�-sum of One Hundr�d �, <br /> �; �G <br /> (�10�.00 Doliars to them dul �,id the recei t �herPof is hers acknox3 d r d d <br /> ) y e e emt se releds+� <br /> P • P b3' �8 . <br /> � <br /> and c�uit-cl;�,und by these prPsen�s do� for therssPln���their heirs, ex�cutors �nd administra- ;� <br /> � tors remise rel�ase and forpver - � <br /> I'I , . , quit c2�,i:m and convey �nto thP sai d parties of $econd part,and <br /> � <br /> to their h�irs �.nd assigns forAver.all their right, tit le,intergst, �state ° claira and demand,both I <br /> � <br /> �t 1�� �,nd in equity, ar_d to wll of Lot Seven (7) in Block Twenty One (21) fn Pa�.mer' s �i <br /> I <br /> Subdivi:sion in Grand Is1�,nd,Ha11 County�Nebraska,being the: id�ntical proFerty as is by metes �n� <br /> ;� bounds in tlze WwrrG.nty Deed rPcorded in Book 57,P��� 332 in thp offic� of the Register oP Deeds�+ <br /> I of H�.11 County�Nebr�.sk� �; <br /> � <br /> Together �rith �.11 �,nd sin�ul�.r the hPr�iit�rr.�ents thgr�znto belon�i n�. �I <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOL� th� �b ave de�cribed premises unto the s�i d J.D. Corl �nd Cora M. Corl, �i <br />' Their ��i rs �nd assi�ns ; s o thut nei ther of the s�i.d gr�.nt ors, or �.rly person in thPir nwme and � `� <br /> ( <br /> � <br /> behalf� sh�.11 cr will hPr�.fter cl�:im or der��.nd �,r�y ri.�ht or ti tle to the sdid premis�s or any ;I <br /> �� <br /> p�.rt thersof,but thay �.nd evPry� one them shwll be these pr�sQnts be excluded �nd forever br�rred� <br /> IN �!�ITNESS �'�OF, The said p�rties �f tY� first pu,rt have hereunto set thpir hun.ds �nd sewl�! <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> the d�y u,nd ye�.r �.bave writtAn. i <br /> , �) <br /> Si�n_ed� se�led and deliv ered in p res Pr.cA of - t <br /> :� <br /> ' B,J.C�nr.ingY�.ra John 1�[.Whaien ;+; <br /> ' �) <br /> J o s i e Wha.l en � <br /> , I <br /> �. <br /> �iStu.te of Piebr��ska ) ; <br /> ) s s. +i <br />,' � Hall County } Or_ this 20th d�,,y of �dwrch.A.D. 1322.before me� thA undersigned E. �T. <br /> � <br />� �� <br /> G�r.ningi�m w Not�.ry Pub3ic �duly comrr�issic�ned �,nd quu.lified for �n3 residin� in s�.id County, �I <br /> i <br /> � , <br /> ' person�.11y c�asne �Tohn �t.@thdlsn and �rosie Whulgn husb�:.nd �nd wife, to mp known to be the identic�. <br />� pprs ons �Y:o�e n�mes �r� af fixed t o the f�reg oin� instr�ent as g.rantors �.nd acknawledged the w' <br /> � <br /> swne to bP thpir voluntary act �.nd deed. _ �� <br /> I <br /> i , l�itness my hu.nd �,nd Sewl the d�.y tzrid y PaT l�.$t �bov e written. <br />� � �;j <br /> (SFAL} Ben�.J.Cunningham �� <br /> � - � No�wry Publia. ; <br /> �y commission� the 5th duy of August�A.D. 1923• ;; <br /> , � <br /> Filed for r�cord thie 22 dwy° of �wrch 1922.�►t 2 o'clock P.�Ic. t� <br /> ��� �.��_ il <br /> ....._._.�._____._____�_ _____� <br /> Regi$ter of Deeds � <br /> I <br />' -n-e-e-�-o-o-�-�-o-o-o-o-c-e-o-o-o-Q-e-e-e-o-o-o-o-e-e-e-o-e-o-o-c-o-e-e-e-c-e-a-o-o-o-e-e-o-e_ <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> i � �I <br />,, <br /> �' <br /> , i, <br /> I <br /> i� <br /> � <br /> ' �� I <br /> ° � <br /> I ' <br /> � <br /> , � �� <br /> , <br /> � ,� <br />