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� <br /> � �4�,� <br /> �I�00 C�oa ���9 [� c�[� a��� [��o <br /> � <br /> �t'AR'�A�1TY DEETJ-CO�OF?�TIOTT ' <br /> ;; � <br /> ; '�HIS IPTnFNTURF,T��de tr�is 14th ddy of P�iarch,A. D. 1922�b�:tw��II Reu,lty Inve�'tment Co. of Grand ; <br /> ! <br /> Ial�nd � c crporwtion organizAd und �xisting under �,nd by virtue of the laws of the St�,te of !� <br /> ,� <br /> Nebr�.ska purty of thA fi rst p�.r�t��.n3 �ienry Fries of the C�ur.ty of Ha.1l,and StatQ of 1Jebrask�, ,i <br /> �i <br /> p�.rty of t�iP s?cond ru,rt. !i <br /> � ;! <br /> t <br /> �'ITNESSr.TH.�hat thp �uid party of the first part, for �nd in considerwtion of tne $um of i <br /> ,. <br /> ThreQ �-iundred-fifty �nd No/100 Dollars i.n hund �;�:,i d, receipt wherPof i s hereby acknoc�l�dgec��has �' <br /> i <br /> sold �nd by these prPsnnts does gr�,.nt, eonvPy dnd confirtr, unto thP s�id pwrty of th? secon��i pwrtll� <br /> ii <br /> thp followin�; �iescrib?d �remises, situ�.t�d in Hdll County. and St4te of Nebraska. to-wit; All of �� <br /> i <br /> I.ot Four (4) in �lnck Fiftepr_ (15 � Schim.ner' s Additior_ to t:�e City of Gr�.nd Island�as �urveyPd,il <br /> � <br /> pl�.tt ed 4nd r�c orded. j� <br /> �TO HAVE �N� TO HOLD t�e prP�ises �bove d?scribAd�together ��vith all thP TPnement$.HerPdit�.- ; <br /> ;I <br /> „ <br /> ' m?nt� wnd Ap�urtAn�.nces ther�unto belon�ing unto the s�,i : iienry Fries ;, <br /> �i <br /> �ind thA s�id RA�.lty Investment Co. for iLself or its suecessors�do herP�y ��c �ndnt �,nd agree � <br /> I� <br /> to �.n� �vith tha s�i.d party- of the sPcon� pwrt �.nd his hAirs �.nd �.ssi�n$� that dt the time cf th � <br /> pxecution �,nd delive • of tY�sQ rPs�r_ts it is lawfull s�ized of s�,i d rPmises• that it h s � <br /> �5 P Y P , � <br /> ii <br /> good ri�ht �,nd 1�.wfu1 authority to convey thP s�.me; t:ndt th�y- are frAe fram Ancumbr�.nee except ;� <br /> i; <br /> �, <br /> �,11 t�xes wz�d s�eci�.l assessmants �g�inst s�.id lot and: doPs herAby �4venant to wdrrwnt �.nd de- ;� <br /> t�end thA $G�� '.� �J1�?T311.S�?f3 �ainst the lawful claims of a,ll pers�ns whomsoPvAr. �� <br /> ,; '� <br /> IN t"ITNFSS !"Ii�R:r,OF.t11a s�.i.� R�ulty Investm�nt Co.h�s nPr�unto caused its corp�ratA sewl to ;; <br /> i� <br /> be �.ffix�d a,r_d the�P �rps�nts to be signed by i.ts PresidPnt, the da,y �.nd y�ar first above writt��. <br /> i! <br /> Si�ned�se�led �.nd d�liverPd in presencp of �i <br /> ; E. G. Cou�h (CORP) Re�i.lty 'Invgstment Co. (� <br /> � �; <br /> ( �:EAL) <br /> Attpst E.I..GilbArt �gc 'y By I,. C.Gilbert President �� <br /> --- �� <br /> �� <br /> (�.50 I. R. Sturnps } I� <br /> (C�.nc A1 i ed ) "� <br /> Il <br /> StstA of TexG,s ) jl <br /> ) �s. �� <br /> �iidalgo Cotxnty ) On this 14th day cf �darch 1922�before me. the undArsi�ned�� Notary ;; <br /> R� <br /> Public in �:,nd for s�.id County,�?rsorially c�srn� Z. C.Gilbert,President of the Re�.lty Investment ,i <br /> i� <br /> Co. to me personally known to be the PrPsi dent und thp i denti cal p?rson whos.e name i$ a.ffix�d i� <br /> I(to th? :�bov? conveyance�and �.ckno�vledge:i thQ �xscution thr� rAof to be his voluntary act and <br /> i <br /> deed us such officer �nd tY� voluntary act ,;�nd de. pd of the suid Reu.lty Investm�nt Co. �.nd that �� <br /> ,, <br /> i <br /> the Cor�ox�t�4 sewl of thP su,id Realty InvPstment Co.�r�s thgreto affixed by it$ �.uthority. I� <br /> '� Witness my h�;r. d and ?Zota,5ria1 SA�1 dt in s�.id county the day and ye«r last above i <br /> wri tten. <br /> ( SEAL) E. C.Couch �, <br /> Nctary Public. �� <br /> ;� <br /> �y Cominissi on Pxpirps th� 31 �;�.�.;% of M�,S�� 1922, �idalgo Co. Taxas �i <br /> �� <br /> ' Fi l��i for rpco rd this 18 d�,.y of' M�rch 1922,r�.t 9 0'c lo ck A.�d. �; <br /> ' ��.��� � <br /> Regi stQr of DeAd� ��� <br /> -o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-�-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I O- <br /> �� <br /> �i '' <br /> , <br /> „ <br /> �� � <br /> ' I� <br /> � <br /> ;� <br /> ; <br /> �� <br /> , � <br /> �i ' <br /> (' 'i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f <br /> r �I <br />