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, ��44 <br /> L���c��l �.�c��oa�c� �] oo �`�o <br /> C"AR 1�AP?TY n1±;�13 ' <br /> ; <br /> KNOa' 1�LL 2�EN �3Y TH1+SF PRFS�NTS: <br /> That The Wood �iver Cem�tery Association,of the Vill�ge of �ood Ri.ver,.in the County of H�.11 <br /> wnd St�.ta �f Nebr�,sk�.,in considPr�tior� of the sum of Twenty five Dol (�2500. t3�), .,�fn, l��nd <br /> gaid doPS hPr?by �r�.nt� barg�,in,sell and corivAy unto Anr�: �.�ig�;ins of the County of Fi�.11,�nd <br /> St�.ta of Nebr,�r�,ntee� thp following described I,ot or I,ots of l�nd situa�$d in the �ovd River <br /> Cemetery,in thp Township of �Tood � Hall County�N�bruska,to-:�zt; Lot I�o 117 in N West <br /> �uurter of Cemetery �,nd �,11 thA estate, right. title und interPst v�h�.tsoener of the said �r�.ntor <br /> in �.nd to the s�np and ev�ry �drt ther�of. <br /> To havP �nd to hold the above descri.b�d 1ot or Lots unto the s�.id An� 1�.�'i�gi�s �;ro,ntee her <br /> �eirs and assigns forpver �.nd the s�ir� �r�ntor hereby covendnts wit� the s�.id �xantee that at <br /> ho1c�A said premises by �ood and �erfect titlP and hds go�d right and authoxi�y to sell s.nd convr�y <br /> thp samA dnd th�.t s�une are fr�� and clear af all claims and ineumbr�:nces whatso�ver ` dnd the �ai�d <br /> �?Tvod River CemPtpry Association hereby covpnantsto warr�nt and defAnd s�.id premis�s �a.inst th�!.; la�r- <br /> ful e laim of �.11 ;�ersons whomsoever. � , ; <br /> It is further •�xsPd and understood that the abone described property is sold �nd a�signed <br /> fer th� pur�o$P of int•�rmPnt only and to bA used fox no other �ur3aosp, subiPet,howsver�to`the <br /> �rovisions �nd xpstrictions c�f the I�aws of the st�t� of �ebx�ska r�l� to CPm�tery �ssociati�ons <br /> �:nd to �.11 dcts �.nd laws of ths Le�islature of th�s St�.t� of Nebra.ska which have been or may bd <br /> l�.wfully enacted res�ectin� CA�netAry tissocidtions �nd �lso sub�j�ct to th� conditions and limit- <br /> wtions �.nd with thQ �rivele��s and restzictions spPcified by thP rules �.nci re�ulations of said <br /> Wood River Cem�tFr;� kss�ciation now in forcP or tha,t may be hPrp�.ft�:r adoptgd by it not in <br /> �onflict with the laws of th° St+4ti�? of Nebr�ska �vhich rules v.nd rpgulations �8 herPbyJ spAcified <br /> �.re ma,de �. pa�Pt of this convAy�.nce. <br /> IN TFSTI?�ONY �hereof thP �ood RivAr C�metery �asociation has c�,used these Pr�senta <br /> t� be signPd by its PrPsidpnt dta.d countArsi�,ned ��i its s�cr�twry �.nd thP corpor�.tA sp�.l of said <br /> �,ssoci�ti on to bp he r�unto af fixed t:�is 16th day of b��.rch ,A.D. , 1922 <br /> Att�st- (CORP� �/OOD ??IVFR C.F'��TF;�`l 9S5UCIATION. <br /> . fcEAL) <br /> Tos T. �oss By �. Ham�?ton Pre�idAnt. <br /> SPcret�.ry. <br /> StatP of Nebr�.sk�i } <br /> 1 ss. <br /> Hall County 3 Be i t rememberpd tha.t on thi s lC�th d�.y of �dtu,rch,A. D. � 1922,bef or� me W.L. <br /> Spr�.guP, u Not�ry Pu'olic dul;� comrnis�ionQd u.nd qualifiAd in �.nd for Hall County�Nebr�.ska�per- <br /> � on�lly came A.Humpton,President�und Jas T.Ross, �eerptary of the �o�d River CemPtpry �ssocj�tiqn <br /> �,nd they �.re person�,lly known to me to b� the �urties signing the foregoing Deed as officers <br /> o� s�.id Associ4tion �.nd �wch sever�ll�r dcknowiedged tne execution of thp fore�oing instrument <br /> to be his volunt:�.ry wct �,.nd deQd p�:rs �n�.11y and �,s dn officer of s�.id Associ�:ti on for ths us�e <br /> and �urposes therPin exprsssAd. <br /> IN `�"�ITNF�r wh?rAof I h�►ve herpunto set my h�ind and I�ot�ri�.l Se�.l t?li.a 16th d�:� of �areh A. D.; <br /> 1922 �S�hL) �.L. Sprugue <br /> Not�.ry r�ublic. <br /> My commi s�i on Pxp i rps I;d�.rc h . 27, 1924 <br /> Filed for record this 17 auyT of �C�.rch 1922�at 9: 30 o'�lock A.I�. ���/��� <br /> _�____..��.._-_-_.�.,__���--�-_�-...:_�o_��. <br /> Re�ist?r of De�ds <br /> -e-e-Q-e-e�e-���-e-Q-e-�-e-c-o-Q-e-o-o-a-o-a-o-o-o-o�o-o-o-Q�-o-r�-�o-o-o-e-o�.o-o-�-o-a-o-o-o•o <br /> � <br /> � <br />