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643,� <br /> �� �a C�oa ���� [� c�[���� C��o <br /> �t'A:�RANTY I�EED�CORpORATI0IQ <br /> THIS INDFI�TURE.�ddA this Third d�.y of �:�.rch,A. D. 1922,betwepn Re�lty Investment Co. of Grand � <br /> I '+ <br /> � <br /> Islwnd � corpor�.tion or�anized dnd existing under �nd by virtue of the l::�rvs of the State of � <br /> � <br /> Nebraska p�rty of the first pdrt,and Frar.k J.Hruza of the County of Hwll,a.nd State of Nebraaka.�� <br /> ;, <br />' pdrty of thP sAeond ��,rt. � <br /> ' <br /> �'I ��.���'^.-FTH,That tn� sai d �arty of the fi r�t p�.rt,f or a.nd in c onsi derwti on of thP sum of � <br /> ;I <br /> TnrpQ hundred seventy-f`ivP & no/100 Do2lars in ha,nd �aid� rec�ipt �hereof is hereby acknowlQdged <br /> A <br /> ;� <br /> A p P P <br /> Y�,,s sold and b th_s . r_synt do. o �nd un P P � <br /> y p s a gr�,nt� c nvey confirm to th., sai.d p4rty of th� second �� <br /> purt, the follo�vin� deseribed premisAs,situated in Hall Caunty, and State of Nebraska�to-Ai�t: j� <br /> I� <br /> A13 of Lot SQven (7), in Block Ele�An (11) , of Gilbert� a uAcond Addition to the City of Grand <br /> . 1, <br /> i� <br /> I$l�.nd�as surv�yed,plat ted ;ar.d rPc orded. �i <br /> �� <br /> ,� <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premi��s r�bov� described, togeth�r v�ith all thp TPn�sntr�nts�HerAditr�men; s <br /> . � <br /> �nd Ap�urtPnu,nc�s thPreunt� belongin� unto th� sai.d Frank J.Hruz�► �� <br /> And the �Qid Re�.lty Investment Co. for itself or its successors, do h�r�bSr covenant �nd �gree !+ <br /> � <br /> to �nd with the s4i.d pwrty c� the seccnd p:;;,rt �.nd his heirs and assigns� that at thP tirae of the� <br /> �i . <br /> exe�ution �nd cielivery of the�e presents it ia lawfully seized of s�id premises; tha,t it hds �; <br /> I± <br /> good ri�nt and lawful a.uthority to convey ths s�.rr,e; tha.t t:�eyr �,re free fr�m Pncumbr�.nce Except ;i <br /> t�xes f or the �i <br /> ye�.r 1921 �.nd thpre�ftPr ::�nd 3ops hereby covenant to warr4nt and dePend t�e s�.id �� <br /> � ; <br /> premisps ug�.inst the lav�ful cl�;�i.rns of :.:11 persons whomsoever �x�ept :as above atat?d ii <br /> ii <br /> IN �ITN�SS �'�IiFREOF, th� swid -----hys nerRunto caused its corpor-ate seal to be affixed and �� <br /> . �i <br /> thpsp PY'P$@21�s to be si�ned ��� its President, the d�,yJ wnd Z�ew: first u.bove writtQn. �' <br /> . j� <br /> Sign Pd�sewled and deli.v prAd in p rss ence of i� <br /> �I <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> gttest E.L.Gilb�rt Secy Realty Inv�stment Co. ;; <br /> (CORP) ' <br /> �. S.Pikg (SF�L) By L. C.Gilbert Pr�ei�ent �' <br /> ii <br /> �-��-----------------� !i <br /> (�.5 0 I. R. St�:kmps ) �� <br /> (C�.nc el led ) <br /> St at e of Tex;:� ) , <br /> } �s. <br /> , Hidalgo County � On this 4th d�y of March� 1922,before me. the undersignAd�a Notary �ublic ! <br /> i� <br /> in dnd for said Caunt3T�persondlly c�ne L.C.GiZbert�Pre�id�nt of the Rea.lty Ir.vestm�:nt Co to me �i <br /> .� <br /> • pprsondlly known to be the Preeident dnd th� i:ier_tic�,l person whosg n�ne is a.f fix�cl to tha abov� <br /> , canveyance�r�.nd �.cknowledged the execution ther�oF to be his volunt�,ry act and deed as such off-�� <br /> icpr and the volunt�,ry act and dwed of the suid Rewity InvAstmNnt �Co,�nd that the Corporate �� <br /> j <br /> sg�.l of the said �ealty Inves�m�nt Co.wa$ thereto affixgd byp its wuthority. � <br /> i <br /> Witness rqy h�nd c►nd Not�.rial Sea.� ,a.t Wesldco in said county thP d�.y �,nd year last abov� � <br /> i� <br /> � wri�tt�=n. �� <br /> ° (SEAI,) A. S.Pike �, <br /> Notary Public. ! <br /> , �ty Commission Axpirea t:�e l� day of Jun� 1923 �i <br /> I' <br /> �iled for rPcord this 17 day of �[arch 1922,�t 9:30 o' elock A.�. 1� ' <br /> ; ������ � I� <br /> ' �i ster of I)e�ds i; <br /> I :I <br /> ' -0-0-0-fl-0-fl-fl-0-0-0-0-0-�-fl-U-fl-0-0-�-fl-0-0-0-fl-4-0-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-� <br /> ; ii <br /> I <br /> �, <br /> ! <br /> I <br /> 1f i, <br /> i !i � <br /> � '� I <br /> ; <br />� � �� <br /> � <br /> , , <br /> � <br /> , i ,I <br /> , <br /> �_�_ - --- _ _ <br />