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I - - - -___ <br /> �41 ,� <br /> [��Od C�oa �.���9 [�c�[���� ��o <br /> ----__'------------- y. <br /> (�.50 I.R. Str.m�s } <br /> (C anc el l ed�„_�,�._„�, ( <br /> ,� <br /> State of Texas j , <br /> � 8�. �Ii <br /> H�wdwl.go County ) On this 27" day o� Janu€�ry. 1922.before me,the undersi�ned,�. l�ot�.ry Publiq� <br /> in �nd for swid Count3*,personaliy came I.. C.Gilbert.President of the Re�.lty Inve�tment Co. to �! <br /> �, <br /> ; me person�.11y knaven to be the President �,nd the identical person whose name i$ sffixed to the �i <br /> � ;� <br /> �.bove conveyU.n.ce.and �.cknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary r�ct and deed a�t ;� <br /> ,, <br /> such of ficer �nd the volunt�,ry �►et r�.nd deed of the sriid Re�.lty Inv�stment Co,and th�t the Gor- �, <br /> �t <br /> ; por4te se�.l of thA said Re�.lty Investment Co.v�as thereto �iffixed by its authority. ;, <br /> �; <br /> Wi.tngss my hand �.nd Notdri�,l 5Aa1 a,t Weel�.co in said county the da� dnd ye�r l�,st above il <br /> ;i <br /> li <br /> v�ri tteA• ; <br /> �SEAL) L. H.Nix :! <br /> I�ot�.r`y �vblic. i� <br /> My Commission expires thg 1 day of 4TUne 1923 .� <br /> ,� <br /> . Fil�d for record this 11 ddy of 3d�rch 1922,at 3::�G o� clock P.�. :; <br /> � ����� � 'sl <br /> �_�.._._�_...-...�._��� <br /> �i Register of Degds �i <br /> �i -o-o-o-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o-Q-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-e-e-o-o-Q-o-o-o-►� <br /> '' Q.UI2 CLAI� DE� ;i <br /> ii <br /> �HIc INDENTURE.��de this First da.y of M�.rch,A. D. 1322.betr►een �red W.�disth a.nd Edn�. �ieth.Husband';i <br /> � �� <br /> ,� <br /> �.nd Wife and Frank A.Mieth,A Single Bd�.n� of th� first part,�nd �dary I,�dieth*Nathalie Rolofaon • iI <br /> il <br /> ' hverett S.�dieth r�nd Otto H.�dieth. of the second part� �� <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> ! WITNESSI�TH.��t thR �a.ld �i"�1 e8 of the fi rst p�.rt. in c onside ra�i on of the stun of One �.nd fi <br /> �i <br /> '! no/100 Dollars to us duly paid� the receipt whereof is hereby �.cknowledged have remised. releasedii <br /> !,' r�nd �,uit-cl�►imed G.nd by these pr�sents do for ourselves heirs,executors z�nd administr�.tora, rer�is��, <br /> ,� . <br /> i� ;� <br /> ; rele�se a.nd foreeer quit-cl�im �.nd convey unto the said parti�s of the second part and to thei x i� <br /> � � <br /> heirs tind t�si�ne fore�rer,all our ri.�ht, title.interest, estate.clafn� and demand both at law and ;� <br /> ,i <br /> � in equity� of.fn and to a11 The South Half of the North-weet °G�ur�rter and the North Half of the �� <br /> ��. <br /> i', <br /> `� �outh-�rest �Quartpr of Section Number Four (4 a �and also the North-ea�t -Qu�.rte� of the North-east :i <br /> • •� <br /> �. ' <br /> �� Q��rter �.nd the South H�,lf of the North-east Quarter of Section Number Bive�All in Township 3�lee n <br /> �. � <br />� di <br /> � <br /> o rt h o f R�s,n e T�e lv e i� t P <br /> � es of th. Sixth P.�. �lso the �€�et Half and th�,t art of th� South-w�st il <br /> P , <br /> , <br /> ' i <br /> �1'aF/raad <br /> ;; Quarter thr3.t lies South of the Burli ton Ri ht of W� in 5ecti on N N <br /> umb�r i ne 9 T <br /> � � ) ownehi Tw lv <br /> ,, A Y I p e � <br /> �� <br /> '� ATorth of Rz�n�e Twelve W�st of the SiXth P.M. f; <br /> � � <br /> ;; Togethsr �rith €�11 and singulsr the hereditr�ents thereunto belon�ing. � <br /> i <br /> i TO HAV.� ANI) TO HOLP the abc�e described premises unto �hs s�id grantees. their heirs and �.ssig s. <br /> i <br /> � so th�t raeither of tY�� �s�rd rdntors ar an �� <br /> g . y per�or� in hi � n«�ne a,nd behdlf, sh�x11 or will here�fte� <br /> � <br /> ; el�i�a or dema,nd a ri ht or title to the said ,�remises or � � <br /> �,Y � . ny part thsreof but thsy �.nd every i <br /> � one of th�m shall be these presents be exc3uded �nd forever barred. �� <br /> ; � <br /> ,� ' <br /> i I�N �'IITNi�SS �REOF.the said pr�rties of the first �;�rt hereunto set thsir hdnds and sQal !� <br /> ii thP day and ye�.r last a'�ong written. �( <br /> il �{ <br /> ;� SignAd�sgale3 �.nd dAlivered in prssenc� of �: <br /> Frsd W.Mieth i <br /> !� G. C.Rav en �dna �[i e th �� <br /> � <br /> i� Fra.nk A.Yi Qth ;; <br /> �� Stats of Nebr�.ska } - E� <br /> ' � ss. �, <br /> � Hall County } �n this 1N dz�y of ldarch,A. D. 1922,bePorg me the undersigned G. C. Raven j' <br /> ! a Notary Public,duly commission�d and qualified for and rg�iding in s�xid County�personally came 'i <br /> ' �i <br /> , ; TrPd 1P.Mieth,Edn�. Bti�th �.nd Frank A.Mieth, to me known to be the idsnticr�l peraons whoae n�e$ ar � <br /> ' affixed to the foregoing convey�nce as grwr_tors.�nd acknov�lgdg�sd the to be tY�efr volunt�ry � <br /> � act �nd deed for the purposes therAin set forth. I <br /> �Vi.tnPss my h�nd �ind Notarial Se�.l the day and yedr last above written. I` <br /> (SEAI,) G. C. Raven, �! <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ' Yy cammission expire$ tne 2?" day of July. 1922 j <br /> �'iled for recnrd this 13 day of �darch I0:.30 o�clock A.I�. . � <br /> ��� C�� �� <br /> Register of D+reds � <br /> �. <br /> ' -0-0-0-0-t?-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-fl-0-fl-0-t�- .. ' <br /> , 0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-t3-fl-0-fl-0-0-0 f� <br /> �� � <br /> � <br /> , . <br /> �, , . <br /> � _ <br />