<br /> G�� �� C�CoOa ���9 �1�� ��� C��o
<br /> ' ` i�
<br /> ' St�te of Texas }
<br /> i� � i
<br /> ;, as. !I
<br /> � �iidal�o County ) On this 4th day of R[arch, 1922, before me, the ander�fgngd,a Notdry Pablic j;
<br /> i
<br /> ;�
<br /> in �nd for $�.id County�personally c�me L. C.Gilbert�President of the Realty Investment Eo. to me '
<br /> �' personally known to be the Pre�iden� and the identical person �vhose name fs �.ffixed �o tha abovi�
<br /> i
<br /> !�
<br /> conveya.nce,and �cknorriedged the eaecution thereoF to be his 4oluntary �ct and dped �,s -�uch ;�
<br /> officer �nd the volunt�.ry act and depd c�f the said Reu.lty Investment Co��nd th�.t the Corporate !1
<br /> „
<br /> 5e41 of the s�.id Re�xlty Investment Co was thereto �.ffix�:d by� its ant�aosity. �'
<br /> �i
<br /> !;
<br /> Witness my� h�,n� and Notarial Seal at Weslaco in said county the day and year l�ast abovP ��
<br /> iE
<br /> .
<br /> �v ri�t en. ;;
<br /> , (SEAL) A. S.Pike
<br /> Notary Public. �;
<br /> Ddy Commission expir�s tffie 1M �dr�y of June 1923 �?
<br /> ; Filed f or xAc ord thi a 8 day of M�rc h i922,at 1 0'c lock P.�d. ���,��0� � i;
<br /> 'i
<br /> I�
<br /> �� Re�ister of �}3eeds �
<br /> I;
<br /> ��
<br /> -0-0-0-�-0-fl-�-�-0-0-0-0-a-4-0-0-0-�-�-0-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-�-0-E3-�-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-�-0
<br /> ; DEED � ' �;
<br /> �'s
<br /> THIS INDE�ITURE:�$de this 22nd d�y of December,l916.between John Henry Tihen�Bish�p of Lir.coln. ;;
<br /> � Nebr�.ska and Patrick A.McGovern T�ish�► t of Che Pnne W omin �.rti p8 of the fi rat art and �tost ��
<br /> � �i ► � • � Y � , Y S,P � P , �'
<br /> ; {
<br /> � Rev.Jeremir�h .�.Harty,Fiehop of OmaY�,,Nebraska�party of the sPcond part;�itnesseth: ;�
<br /> I�Whereas. on the 8th d�,y of Jd.nt�ary. 1916.Richard Scannell. then Bishop of Omaha.departed this �
<br /> i.
<br /> h
<br /> > life, le�.�in� a last will and test�unent�by whi.ch�after m�.king cprtain cash legacies. it was pro- ;
<br /> ,�
<br /> � vided �.s follows; �;
<br /> "I hereby give,d�vise and bequeath all the relst, residue und r�a.inder of r�y property, real !!
<br /> :i
<br /> �nd perscnal� of every ndme and nature.whereeer situ�t��and whethsr held by me in my individu.al ��
<br /> � capacity� or ir� n,y official capacity �$ such Bishop, to John Henry Tihen��ishop of Zincoln.Nebr- ��
<br /> ���� � � �;
<br /> i) ask�sand Patrick A.YeGovern��ishop of Cheyenne,Wyoming.or the survivor of th�:m,upon thg terms, I,i
<br /> I'
<br /> � condi.tions and trusts followin�, th�,t is to say: To dpply the s�me and all parts and parcelg the�e-
<br /> , �
<br /> �; of, to and for the several uses and purposes for which the same xespeotively sh�ll at my death i
<br /> � �;
<br /> i be held by mA �,nd to eonvey the sr�.me to my successor as Bishop of Omaha v�hen such successor shz�li� `
<br /> ;
<br /> '! Ant er up on hi s ciut i gs. M ��
<br /> ;; ��
<br /> I, And WherPas. on the 14th day of February�1916, thP sdid l�ist wi 11 and testamPnt was duly proved�l�
<br /> �' � roved robated allowed dnd recarded b the Connt � Court of Dou l�s Count �. Nebraeka and on i;
<br /> PF ,P . Y 3 8 y .' �1
<br /> . „
<br /> ; s�,id date letters testamentary were issued to the swid �TOhn Henry Tihen and Pa.trick A.�cGovPrn. !��
<br /> ;;
<br /> I! �nd Where�.s. on thP 21st driy of DPcember� 1916,LhR party of the second part�h�.ving 'thez�etofore jbeerr
<br /> ,
<br /> i'
<br /> I duly appointed th� suc eessor of s�id Richdrd Se�.nnell. dPce�sed,as sue h Bishop of Oma.ha. enterPd ��
<br /> upon ths dutie� of suid office �nd is now in the occupation of thp same� `�
<br /> ;�
<br /> �;
<br /> Now,Th�refore.In c onsideration of the premises�dnd of thP sum of One Dollar i.n hand �aaid �
<br /> bY I�
<br /> ;�
<br /> �!.
<br /> the sr�,id p�.rty of the second part to the parties of the first part�the rPcPipt whereof is hereby�'
<br /> ' �i acknowledged.and in r�ccorddnce with thP above provisic�n of said lt�.st wiYl and testampnt, ths said�)
<br /> � i
<br /> i' p�.rties of the fi rst part do hereby gr�.nt.�s 11 �.nd c onvey unto the soid partyr of th9 second I'
<br /> �,; p�,rt,his hPirs, su�cessors and assigns, thA fvllvwing deecribed real est�cte situated in the County��
<br /> i� ��
<br /> of Hall. in th� State of Nebr�sk�,, to�wit: Lots One (1}.Twv (2� Three (3) .Four (4) ,I'ive (5 ),Six ��
<br /> '� (6 ) ,Seven (7} ,Ei�ht (8a .Nine (9) Ten (10).Eleven (11) .& Twelve (12} in Block No. "C■ in First ��
<br /> ��)
<br /> I'
<br /> � � Addi.ti on t� 1�0 od Riv er.i.n the T own of Wo od Riv er; C ounty of H�,11 a,nd Stat e of Nebr�.ska as s�,id �i
<br /> ,
<br /> lots sr� la.aid down and described on thP plat of sa.id town� recorded in the officP of the County i�
<br /> ��
<br /> ' Clerk of sm�;-id County� ;r�lso Lot T�reive (12) in �31ock ldine (9� in �ood River.�.lso (38) fe�t Thirty-�;
<br /> �
<br /> �i�ht qff of the east side of I,ot No.�leven (11) in Block No.Nine (9} �,n t�,ie To�vn of i�ood River, l�
<br /> ij
<br /> Hall County.Nebr�.sk�.��.s sr�id 1 ct is no� laid down and described on Plat of said Town �.nd record-;�
<br /> ' �i
<br /> 'i ed in th�. offic� of the County Clerk of sdid County a�1d Stt�.te z�foz'escaid; sa.id thirty-�ight fest �;
<br /> i, being p�.rt of sr�id I,ot No.FlPven in Filock No. Nine in the To�n of Wood River.H�.11 County . !
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> � . , ._ ,
<br /> �; _
<br /> .
<br />