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- -- - <br /> � <br /> 632 � <br />, Dc��� ��c�c���r�� I� oo �`�o <br /> heirs an� �ssigns, th�.t he is lawfull;� the executor of the ldst will a.nd teetam�nt of s�.id Chris�in$. <br /> Eliz�beth Lorent�en�d�ce�.ssd und hz�.s power to convey a.s afare�did��,nd that he n�.in �,11 respec�s, <br /> actet� in m�king this convAy� pursu�.MC� to the �uth�rity gr�.nted in said lr�st wi.11 �nd tAst�r�- <br /> ment; ti�.t he hws notdone.��de oi suffpred �.n�� ��et�m�.tter or thing,wha�sapver�sinc� hp was exe- <br /> cutcr��.s �.for�suid�whereby thp aboee �r�.nted, or �.ny- p�,rt thQrPof��I,TPash�.11 or m�.y be <br /> i�geachAd, cha,r�ed� or incumbered� in �.ny m�nnar.wht�tsoevPr. <br />', IN !!'ITNE�r `r'�iFRFO�'.S�id ��.rty of thP first pwrt has hereunto sPt his h�nd the da,y �,nd yP�,r <br /> fi rs t �.b ove wri t ten. <br /> In PresAnce of <br /> ..__..___________________ ,'r�,cob J.Lorentzen <br /> R.R.�iorth (��26.50� I•R. Stdmps ) �,s executor of the l�.st wi11 �.nd ; <br /> ( �ncelled ) testrs��ent c�f Chxistin�, Eliza.bAth ' <br /> I,or�ntzen�deceased. <br /> The Statp of Nebr�.sk�� � <br /> � ss. <br /> Hall County . , � �3� IT R�73.F.�EP, th�t on this 28th d�.y� af Februury,A.D. 1922�before <br /> ' tY.� und�srsi�ned �, Not�.ry �ublic with z�nd for s�,id Caunty �.nd Stut�,persondlly �pp��red �7�cob <br /> J.Lorpntz�n. executor of the l�.st wi31 �.nd test�.ment of Christinr� Eli�abeth I,orentzen, dece�sed. <br /> peraon�.11y knovsm to m� to -�e the identical pereon who si�;ned the foregoing d�ed,and peraonally <br /> known to me to bA the 'executor of th� l�.st wiil and testt�rr!ent of Christin�s Eli�abeth I,orentzen� <br /> �eceased�an� acknowled�ed the execution of the sarne to be his voluntary act and deed. <br /> IN TF�TIR�OT��Y t�i�R_f+'OF. I have her�unto set my hand and �.ffix�d tt�y Notari�.l Sez�l, at Gr�.nd Iel�,nd, <br /> in said County �.nd St�.te, th? d�.y �,nd ye�.r last above xritten. � <br /> (��.y) R. R.Horth <br /> rvotary �?ublic. <br /> �� Comm,ission expires &i�.rch 29� 1923. <br /> . <br /> Filed for record this 1" d�,y of M�reh 1922,�.t 4 o'clock P.M. <br /> `�_ �'�`�� <br /> Register of DePds <br /> -G-G-Q-C-Q-�-Q-G-0-0-U-0-C-C-Q-C-C-C-0-Q-�-C-�-0-t?-Q-4-0-G-C-4-0-0-0-0-�-0-f7-0-0-0-4-q-0-Q-0-0-Q-C <br /> t��!A��ANTY T3F�D <br /> I{AIOt�► ALL R�EN BY THF�E ?'T�ESEr�T�: `That Siorz �3evpr�ge & Ice Co. ,� c orpor�,ti on duly org�.nized <br /> under the l�,ws of tlze Sta.te of rvebrusk�,,in consideration of One Thous�nd and no/100 Do11�.rs <br /> (�1,OGG• 00) in n�.Yi� l��id, do�s hAreby �;r4nt,barg�in, sell. convey Q.nd c onfi rm unto The ��.i .rmont <br /> CrR�.mery Com�Gny,� cox�orution du1S� or�Uniz�d under the l�.ws of the 5tate of Nebrusk4, tne <br /> following described rP�i,l �ro�erty , �ituate in the County of H�.11, in t�,� St�.te of rdAbraska, to-v�it, <br /> Lot Four (4) �B�ock Fifty (50)� in theorigin�.l torvn {now city) of �,r�.nd Islund� to�ether �vith �.11 <br /> t�za �'Anwrr,en�s,I:isrAdit�.:c�ents a.nd �ppurtenu,nces to tlie s�.rne belongin�, �,nd �,11 th� �st�,tp, Title, <br /> Cla,irn or Dem.u,n,d v�hutsoPvPr cf tnP s�id Stoxa BevQr�e & Ice Co. Uf,in or to th� . sr�me or any pa�rt <br /> �nerPof. <br /> TO HA��ANP TO ��bZr th� �aovA desc;rib�d premises�with the �.���urten�nc�$,unto the s�.id The <br /> Fairmont Crp�nPry� Com�iariysdnd to its successors �.nd dssa.�;ns forever. <br /> � � <br /> And the swid StorL Beveruge �C Ice Co. ,for its�lf and i ts succes�ors�does c ovenant with thp <br /> s�.id ThP Fai �rmcnt Cra�,.�rery Comr�ny� ,�.nd its succ;essora und �issi�.ns, th�.t it ha,s good ri�ht <br /> �.rd l�wful �.utr.orit5� to sA11 �.r�ci cortvey the sam�. Suid �r�.ntor �xpressly rPpresentjng t�r_d �r�rr- <br /> �.r.tirg thG.t it w�s origin�.Tly ir,corporwted,�;ursu�nt ta thP �t�.tutes of thP Stute �f Nebr�.sk�,under <br /> thp n�e of TMUrn�.n�. �rewin� ��ssoojati o:Zn; tr�t subsAquently to such incorporr�ti �n�by du� �xr,erdmeni�s <br /> cf its l�.rti�les of Ir!ccr�;orutiar.� its s�id carparute narnp v�s duly c;h�n�ed to "Storz �3rewin� Com�rany", <br /> wnd �:�win later duly ch�n�ed to •�Storz �3ev;;ra.�e dc Ice Co ",und�r which 1�.at mentior_ed name it h�.s <br /> Aver since dnd is n�v� trunse.ctin� its busines� �rd rr��.kes this deed of convp3��.nce; and it fur- <br /> tnAr covQnants 4nc� v,�wxr:�nts thu,t it evill, and its successors sh�,ll wurr�.nt 4nd defend th� title <br /> �.nd posses�i on of s�i d yaxer:�i sPs unt o thP s�id 'r'r�P Fu�xmant Cr�wxnery Comp�,ny� ��x:d i ts suc cesscr� <br /> und �;ssigns� forever��.��.inst the lawful cl�.ims and dem�.nds af' G.11 persons whomsoevPr. <br /> IN �"ITN�c t*'HER�±O,�,��Id �torz �et*Pr�e �: Ice Co. h�.s c�used these presents to b� signed by <br /> !�� �� � {� <br />