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�--� <br /> �30 <br /> � Dc�c��1 ��c�c�o�c� [� �o ��o � <br /> State of Nebrwsk� ) <br /> ); ss: <br /> Co�xnty of Hall ) <br /> On this 25th dwy of February,A. �J. 19�2 beforP the undersigned �, Not�,ry <br /> i�ublic in and for county� persanrzlly appe�.red Rudolph Durtschf.refPr�e in the �.bovs case <br /> wherPin George Rickert et. �.ls. ��.re pl�. intiffs und Berth�x Rickert ���.s. �r�re defend- <br /> ants, to mP known to be the identical �:�erson whos� name is eubscrib�d to the foregoin� deed �.nd <br /> he dcknowledged thP execution th�reaf to be hi� volunt�,r3r act anci deed �znd his volunt�.ry �et <br /> and deed. as xef�ree, for thP purpo$es ther?in expressed. <br /> V�itn?ss my h�.nd and se�.l the day �nd yeur l�,st �oove �►ritten. <br /> (aEAL) E.�s.Persson <br />, <br /> Not�.ry �ublic. ' <br /> �y C�mmission �xpi.res F�br.6 1926 <br /> Filed for xecord this 2�3 day of February 1922,�t 2 :4a o' clock p.�. . <br /> ���� ����� <br /> Register of Deeds : <br /> -Q-a-Q-U-C�-C-Q-0-0-C�-G_C_G,_G-Q=G-(?-0-0-C�-0-Q-0-C-C�-Q-f?-G-G-0-C}-0-C:-C�-f3-G�-�-C�0-�-Q-C�-O-U-�-0-O-Q- <br /> ��'ARRhNTY DEFD <br /> KNO�' A.I.L R�EN BY T?�+:rF PRF E�F'AITS: . <br /> Tha,t L.L. rrye �nd iiest�r A. Fxye�Hu�b�nd �.nd Wife. of upsncer,�3oyd County,und Stdte of Nebraska ir� <br /> con�id?ration c�f the sur� of EightpAn T�ous�nd Five Hundred and No/1�0 Doll�.rs in hand paid by <br /> Susan :E.�cGrath of Hdll�nd State of Sdebr�ska do YierAby sell �nd convey �znto the Sus�n <br /> � <br /> E. ?�:cGxath thP follovain� descri�e�i premises situ�.ted in thP County of Hall��.nc� Sta,tP of Nebr�sk�, <br /> E.:: <br /> to-:•�it:All of the Northv�est qua.rtsr of t�e Southadst Quarter (1�W� SE�, the North One�ialf of <br /> the Southwest Quarte z� (�� S1R'�) wnd a11 �f thu.t r�art of the Soratheast Quaxt?r of the Sauthv�pst <br /> � <br /> Quurt�r (SE� SW-4) uf S�ct�on Fourte?n (14),Township ElPven (11),Ran�e NinP (9),t�►est of the Sixt� <br /> P.�i. ,:�iall Cour.ty,l�ebr�.�ka,. lyin�; n�rth di the Chj c�.gv �3urlington z�nd Quincy Railro�,d �.s it is <br /> now constructPd �.nd runnin� throu�h swid l�nd,exce�ting a etrip . of 'ground one hundrRd (100) <br /> fP�t uvide across tne North OnP-H�.lf of the South�ae�t Qu�rter of s�.id Section, it being fifty fPP� <br /> wide on e�ch side of tne centPr line �f the Rwilro�+d o�' thP Chica�o �3urli.ngton �.nd Quincy Rdilrbad. <br /> Comp�.ny �.s sam.e i� now iocated �.ncfl constructad upon thP North 4ne -ha�lf of thP Sc,uthwest Qua,rter of <br />� said Section, Axce_�tin� �.lso w strip of �round commencin� at � �oint two rods south of �he Northy <br /> west corner of tne Southwest Quarter of s�id Sect� on xunnin�; t�pnce north t��vo rods to thP Northwsat <br /> corner of the Soutnwest Quu�rtAr of s�.id section�thsnce e�st Pi�:hty (8U) rods to the ATortheast <br /> corner of t11� Zdorth�rest �uartPr of the 5nuti�rovest Quarter �f s�.id section, t�ence in �. westPrly <br /> dir�ctivn to the pl�ce of beginnin�, the s�unQ bein� a T'ri�.n�u1�.r tr�.�t o� l�.nd ����ty (80) rod$ � <br /> ¢�n the north by t�vo (2) r�ds c�n th e west dnd containin� c�ne-half acre,all of the said land beir�g <br /> in Section Fourtepn (14) 'I'own$�hip Elpven (11) ,R�.n�;e Nine (9),Weat of the Sixth t�.�d. �Ha,ll County,; <br /> Nebr�.ska. Suid premises �re sur�.�ect to u mort��e for �10� �GU. UU, in f�.vor of �. C.�Qnck�a�hich <br /> mo rt�age, to�?t�er wi�n interPst thereon from Mr�rch 1� 1922,at six per cent per �nnum,gr�ntQe �.:: <br /> � <br />� �:.s�umes �.nd a�;rees to pdy as a �art flf thA �urch�se �rioe of s�id �r�mises. ��nd �s part of the ` <br /> Ei�;hteen thau�and five hundred doll�,rs consider�tion as above mentioned. <br /> Togeth�r with �,11 the `1Anpm?nts,H�r�ditaxnPnts and Appuxten�.nces to the sam� belon�ing.and all tY�e <br /> Estdtp� ?�ight. Ti tls. InterPst.Clt�im �r Demu�nd Wh�tsoevsr of tne s�id I,.I,.Frye and Hester K. Frye o�', <br />� in, ox t o the or �.ny y��rt therPOf. , <br />, , <br />� <br />� TO IIA�.� ANn TO F30Ln the �.bnv? describ�d ��rPmises �vith th�; apg�urtenu.ric�s,unta the s�aid Susdn E. ' `' , <br /> ��Grr�th �.nd to hPr hPirs �.nd �.ssi�ns f3rAv�r. <br /> knd we herPby covenunt with the said Susr�n E.McGr�.th th�xt we hold said �remises by� good and rer� <br /> i ec t ti t le; that OJe h�ve �o od rig�t �.n c� l�.wful �.utho rity t� sel 1 and e onvey the same; thr�t they � <br /> �rP freA �:nd clear �f G.1.1 liens �nd encumbr�.nces whdtsoevex. <br /> �nd �Pe c�nen�nt to wdr��.nt u,nd defend the saj.d premises dg�.inst the l�v�Pul cl�ims of a11 p�srson� ' <br /> � � � �i�. <br />