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,�. -- <br /> ���� <br /> �� oo �oa ���9 r� �a��� ��o <br /> ; �. munici�a.l corpor�tion� to mA known to bp thp P�a��or and the identical person whosP r_�.,r.z� is � <br /> 1 <br /> �.ffixe:i to tn.e above instrument dnd �cknowlPdged thp pxecution thereof to be his voluntdry act �I <br /> ;: <br /> � ° � ��� <br /> an� de �d �.� su�n �fficer,wnd the volur.tary �.et �.nd depd of the City of Gr�.nd Islwnd� and th�.t t�;p <br /> _ '! <br /> corpor�.tP sewl of s�.i.d City of Grund Ssl�:.nd tivas thereto affixsd by its authority. li <br /> ij <br /> �Pitn�ss my h�.nd and notdriv.l gQ�.l at Gr:ind Isla,nd in swid County the ��3= dnd yAa.r la$t ;; <br /> f <br /> I <br /> a.b ov e wri t t��n. �I <br /> n ;� <br /> (4�FAI�) S.B. S i�ri.�te ;; <br /> ;Vot�,ry Public a, <br /> , <br /> �Gy c,cmrni s�i on �x;�i re�,gPbruary 24tn 19Q2 ;� <br /> ,� <br /> FilPd for rACOrd this 23 du5� of Feqruary 1922,at 2 o' ClOCk P.R�. ji <br /> � ��%���� O� '� <br /> �����( <br /> RegistAr of DPeds i� <br /> -0-0-0-G-0-0-0-G-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-0-C-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-G-0-0-G-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-±� <br /> ��D OF RFFEREB: '` <br /> ;� <br /> �i <br /> KNOE4 ALI, MFN � THESF PRES�'NTS= Tl��.wherAr�� in �,n action of partition pending in the Dietri;� t <br /> .'i� <br /> Court of Ha11 County��debroska,whersin George Rickert�Amu.nda R�.ckert Kink�,Tohn Kink�Fred Riaker��. <br /> Cl�r� Rickert,Ch�.rles H. R�ckert��nd Nora Rickert�are plaintiffs and Bertha Rickert Schroeder.Ot��to <br /> SchroPder�Christina. Rickert Schwartz and HEn2y A. Schwarta �.rP defendants. for ths portition of !� <br /> �, the pr�ises h�sxein�fter descrioPd, the undersi�ned re�'eree,�ppointed by thP sdi d court to m�ke ;; <br /> . i <br /> �artition of s�i d real est4te,made rep art in wri ting�duly signed setting forth tha.t parti ti on �j <br /> �; <br /> of s�.i d l�nds c ould not be made without �� <br /> �re�t pre,judice to the ownexe thereof,which report wa� ;' <br />�, , <br /> du2y Ax�.mined by the said court. und the swid ceurt being s�.tisfied therewith,canfirmed the s�me�� <br /> (i <br /> and thereupon raade an �rder �.nd c�.used the sama to be entered, directing me.r�s sdid refPres to i <br /> ; <br /> �� <br /> sell a�id pr�misee� on the following tPrm�s, Lo-wit: that s�id premises be aold to thP highest '! <br /> �, <br /> bidder; th�.t 2pj� of the purchr�aae price be �.,aid in c�sh on d�y of sale��ind the balance to be p�id�! <br /> _ �� <br /> on dr�te of c�.ti on of s�.le. �� <br /> i <br /> � And in purauance of s�.id order.I cau�ed �. notice to be publi�hed in the �flood River Sti�be�im, ii <br /> °I <br /> of Wood Ri�e.r,Nebr�.ska,� Weekly leg�,l Ne�vsp�,per printed and in gener�l circulation in Hall jj <br /> County,N�brask�.,that I �ould offer s�xid lr�nds for s�.le at the north and door of the c curt �; <br /> �; <br /> i <br /> huuse in the City of Grand Islund�Tvebrwsku, on the 31st d�+y of October�1921,at one o' clock P.�. � <br /> of s�si'd day and at the time r�nd pl�iee stated in s�.id notice and after sai3 notice had been pub-�! <br /> ' i� <br />� lished for more th�n thi rty c1�,ys,I i�ffered sr�id 1�,nds,to-xit: The East Half of the Northwest � <br /> � � <br /> � j� <br /> ; Qurxrter (�� NW4) of 8ee ti an rourt pen {14) in T owna.�#p Ten (10) North of Rang e Twelve (12)�,'p�at jl <br /> � f <br /> of the 6th P.B�. in Hb.11 County ,Nebrdska�for sale at public auCtion,a�nd sold the same to Otto � <br /> ; Sch�r�eder for th� sum of �leven Thousund Two Hundred Dollars ($11�200. 00) l�e being the hi�;hest j <br /> , <br /> bidciPr therefor.a.nd afterwa�rds vn the 25th .day of 3�'ebru�►ry.ly2�,said caurt approved and confi i d <br /> �i s�.id s41e,r�nd by dn order dir�et�d r� r�feree to execute to the said Otto Schroeder,a deed <br /> ( <br /> conveyin,� the s� land to him in fe� simple. ( ' <br /> � <br /> Now Therefore, I.Rudolph Durtschi� referee, in c onsider�ti on of the prsmi ses�and of the swn of 'i <br /> � �11,20U. 00 so bid and p�.id by the s�.id Otto Schrosder.�.nd by virtue of the power� veeted in me ' <br /> � <br /> ; ; , <br /> by law�do by the$e presents,gr�nt,b�rgain. sell and convey to the a�.id Otto Sehroeder and to � ' <br /> 1 <br />'� � his heirs and �signs� the sa't d real eatate described as follows:The Er�et Half of the Northwest �� <br /> � � <br /> Quarte r (�� NW�) of Seeti on Ii ourte en (14) in T ownship Ten ( 10) N orth R�.nge Tw�lee t 12) in H�,11 � <br /> � � <br /> County,Nebr�sk�,� �3i.1 �.pp�ten�nces therexo belon�ing. to have �,nd to hold the s�,,aie to him, � '� <br /> I <br /> the suid Otto Sehroeder.�.nd t� hi� heirs und assi�ns forever. j <br /> � il <br /> � IN Q"IThTFSS �H3!�REOF I Y�ve hereunto set my hand and sea�l this 25th dr�,y of Febru�.ry,A.D. 1922. (! i <br /> i II <br /> I <br /> Witness; `� <br /> ; <br /> �.T,.Hod��s Rudolph Durtschi i l <br /> � . � Ref ere`e i� <br /> -------- <br /> ' ; <br /> ' (�11.50wI. �?. Stampg ) <br /> ; <br /> ;� (C anc e 11 ed _�,�,,,� i! , <br /> 1 If <br /> i� �� <br /> I ___Ij - = <br /> _ _. _ . .. ___._ � <br />