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�� <br /> �624 � , � �� <br /> � Dc���l ��c����r��l � [� c�o ��70 <br /> S�iFRIFF' S DE�D ON FOR�CLOSLIRF OF AAORTGAGE. <br /> �_...�..v._, ....�..._....� -- _ ...__.�...._,��.._.... <br /> . KAIOt�7 A�,L 17FN nY-T� +,SF FRFSFNTS: <br /> Tha.t WherPas, in an �.cti on in the District Court of the Eleventh Judici�l District of Nebraska, � <br /> , <br /> within ancl for H�.11 County�whsrPin �'ames R.�'ilkin w�.s Plaint�iff�r�.nd l�illi�n t9. ri3kin,Esther Filk�in, <br /> Roycwalien Bilkin,a minor�and .�,sther Filkin��.s gudrdi�.n for Royce�.li�en Filkin,a minor were De- ' <br /> fend�nte .it was by s�.id Court �.t the November Term therPof�A.D. 1921, to-r�it; on the 22nc� day of • <br /> November A, D. 1921;c onsid�rPd,a.d�judged, and decreed th�,t in d�:f�.uit of thA payment to the Cierk �, <br /> � of thP District Court of thP costs of s�.fd action� and to J�.mps R. �ilkin,pl�,intiff, the sura of <br /> , <br /> ��11�25p. 00 evith interAst therPor� a.t the rdte of 5j� Fer �nnwn from the date thereof� so found due ' ' <br /> � � <br /> the s�.id pl�.intiff, within t�rent� 3�.ys from the dat� of such ,fud�ment �.nd decree� tha.t thP equity <br /> of rPdPmption of a�ch �.nd u,ll of s�id defend�.nts �n a�d �o thP lands and tPn�ments her�ir±�,ftPr - <br /> described be foreclosed �,nd forev�r br�rr�d,and th�.t the Sheriff oF �:aid H�,11 County cause thP ia;t�ds ' <br /> and tenempnts herein�f'tsr described to b� �dvertiseti,�.nd so�d aecordin� to law;�.Md wM.erPas the s�id <br /> . , <br /> r <br /> dPfpndant h�ivin�; made dAfault therein� J..,T.I,orentzen. a� Sheriff of s�id County�und�r and by virtn�s <br /> of thQ order of s�.id Court to him dirPctec�, c�id, on the 24th da� of Ja,nut�ry A. �. ?�22,�,t thg �a�in � ' <br /> door of the Court house in the City of Grand I$l�.nd,in said Cc�unty of Halls (the aamP being the <br /> pl�.ce wherAin the District Cou.rt was lwst held in $4i.d County ),havin� first given due and legal � <br /> notice of the tim? a.nd place of said sale, for not le�s than thi.rty days prinr ther�to,in the A <br /> Grand Isl�.nd Semi-v�eekly Independent a leg�.l nexspaper printed and in general circu�ation inA saiid <br /> CountyT of H�.11� sell the said premises at public duction to James R.Eilkin (he beirig th�P high�at <br /> a,nd best bidder therPfor} for the �um of Eleven thovs�nd. two hundrQd (�11,2�p.Op� Doilars,whieh ��.le ' <br /> w�s dit Prwards a,t thP Febru�.ry Term of said Court,A.D. 1922 axrxra.ined and confi rmed,z�.nd the said <br /> . <br /> J..T.Lor�ntLen,�,s Shpriff of sdid County,v��.s orderPd to execute a deed of' said pr�mi�es to the <br /> , <br /> s�id .T�.mes R. Fi lkin • <br /> Npti� THF±;REFORF� �. the s�.id J.�7.I,orRntzen,as �heriff of H�11 County,N�br�.ska, i.n pursu�.nce oF'the` � <br /> . <br /> ordpr of sdid Gvurt,as �.forPs�.id�in consideration of the pr�mises;�nd by virtue of the powers ixi <br /> me vQsted by law�do herQby,gr�nt.r�rvd canvey unto' th� satd J�es R.riikfn his heirs;�idmi.nis- ` <br /> tr�.tors and assigns, thp pr�mises eo�cL as aforesaid, to-wit; All of The north-�rest guarter FRW�j <br /> of section six (6� in to�vnship ten (10 ) north, r�.nge el�vP� (11) �rest of the sixtl�-P. �. in Hall <br /> � County ,Nebr�.ska with all and singular the �ppurt�n�inces therPunto belor�ing,to h�,ve and �o hold <br /> unto him the s�id �7�nes R.Fiikfn,his heirs� �dministrators and �.asigns forevpr. ' <br /> IN �'ITNFSS VpHFRFOF. I have�as such Sheriff of Hal1 County���ebrask�.,herPun�o se�• my~ hand this � � <br /> 1Gth d�.y of F�bru�.ry A. D. 1922 <br /> . � <br /> Execut�d a.nd delivered in PresancP of <br />; '; <br />' W�.lter H.Rauert -_..�.•.._-.-�__________.. J.J.7�o�en�zen <br /> I (�11.5 C I. R.St$mps } � Sheri�'f df H�,.21 Cvunty. <br /> I��.rtha. Suess (Cancelled R��__,____ j , <br /> ; . <br /> The Stat� nf Nebr�.ska, ) <br /> � ss. <br /> H�.11 �ounty. } On this lOth da.y of Febru�iry A. D. 1922,bePorP me W�.lter ' H. Rauert a , ', <br /> C1erk of the District Court duly elected and qualiFied for ez�id Cour�^ty,perac�nally appe�red .T,�7. ,. � <br /> , <br />� Zo�entzen, Sheriff of s�.id County+ to me known to be the identicdl person°`descr�bcd ir� r�d who <br /> executPd the for�oing instrument �.s gr�.ntor.�nd acknowledged $�,�.d �instr�mer�t t� be °his volun�ar� <br /> �ct dnd deed as such Shea�iff. <br /> IN t�IITNErS WHFRFOF. I hav� her=unto set �y h�nd and offi ci�,l ser�l ut G='and Isl�.nd� �.n° sai d Caun�y � <br /> thp day and ye�r last above writtQn. - � <br /> {SEAI,1 �Pdl t�r H. F�.0 e rt <br /> Cle rk of the �ie trie L° �ourt <br /> Fil�d for record this 14 day of February 2:�0 o'ciock P.�. <br /> ..��..'�..G_.,._..-v����C- �J d-�-���f <br /> Re�ister of Deeda <br /> ; <br /> ' i; <br /> . � � � ' i� . <br />