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6�3,� <br /> C�� 00 C�o� r�.���9 �lc��a��� [��o <br /> ,� <br /> � WARRANTY �FD ij <br /> !.i .�..�___.... i <br /> 's KW01+��A�,�� I�EA BY TH�;�E�'fi�TS,�'�t N.p. Dodge Jr. and Iaurs !i. Dodge,husband rxnd °wife fn con- �, <br /> � <br /> • � <br /> '! siderution of One Thousand Bort �-five and no 100 (�1045 } Dol2ara in 2�,.nd aid do her�b � <br /> � <br /> S / P . Y `8�'�nt, ;i <br /> b�,rgr�in,�ell,c onvey and confirm unto Wilhelm R.Jensen the following described =rea.l�estate;�f t- �i <br /> ,� <br /> �' u�.te in the County of Hall and State of Nebr�ska,to�wit: Lot$ Thirty��one (31��T�irty�two (32}. �; <br /> ; � �� <br /> ,� <br /> Thirty-three (33},Thirty-four �34} and Thirty-five (35 ) .Belmont Addttion to� the City of Grrxnd " <br /> �� <br /> ��: Island�aa s�Za�veyed�platted r�.nd recorded. �� <br /> - Sub�ect to any liens or encumbrance assumed or created by purchaser under contr�ct dated •l�ay 4t�� <br /> I <br /> 1914,or his �si�na. 'i <br /> Together v�ith all the ten�nente.hereditaments �nd �,ppurten�.nces to the s�.me belon�ing,and all t��e � <br /> estate title,dowsr, right of homestead,claf.m or de�and �rhatsogver of the N.P. Lodge Jr.�nd ;i <br /> 'i <br /> Laura W.Dodge, or to the s�me� or a,ny part thereof; i; <br /> :� <br /> TO HAVF ANP TO HOLD the above described premises.wit�i the appurtenr�nces.unto the said Wilhel� <br /> i <br /> R.Jensen and to his heir$ and aesi�ns forever,�nd w�� the said N.P. Dodge Jr.r�nd I,r�ur�i 1►.Dodge, fo�ir <br /> ,� <br /> ours�lves and our hpi rs, exgcuLor$ and administr� c oven�nt with the said l�i lhelm R.,�enser�� <br /> � <br /> �.nd with his hPirs and z�ssi�na, th�,t we ar� l�.vr8ully eeized of said premf sgs,tha.t they are free i� <br /> � <br /> ,, <br /> from encumbr�.nce except the r�ular taace$ for the yPar 1921 and subsequent taxPs and all specir�f� <br /> � <br /> �? t�xes levied or assessed on or after May 4th 1914; th�t we have good right ra.nd lawfui anthority i� <br /> ,, <br /> to sell th� s�ime��nd th�;.t we will �,nd our hPirs, executors and administrator$ shtzl3 �varaant �nd !I <br /> defPnd the° aa,me untv thP a�.id tl�ilhelm R. �Te�!sen �.nd his hei�s and assi�ne forever,againet ` the 1�- <br /> '� � i� <br /> ful cic�i�a of a.l l pe rs ons �rhoms oever. ';i <br /> ; <br /> This lot is sold �,nd deed given on thP express covenunt that no dwelling sha.11 at any time �! <br /> ;j �� <br /> be placed thereon of less th�,n four rooms, shingl? ro�fin�,drop �iding,painted�plastered or ceil�jed. <br /> �� <br /> or of brick,cemsnt or stone,and that said pre�ises sha.11 never be oecupied by a colored person.�� <br /> � <br /> , <br /> It is understood �.nd r�greed thz�.t the�e restrictions sh�11 run with the land.and any vibl�tion � <br /> � <br /> thereof shull c�.use thP title herAin conveyed to revest in the grantors. �i <br /> J� <br /> IN �ITNESS �RFOF.�e have hsr�unt o $et our hFinds thi s Twenty-siaLh day of Jr�nuar� A• D.1922 i: <br /> ; <br /> In p resenc e of _ ! <br /> -----------------•--- <br /> N.p.Ledg� Jr. �' <br /> C.1�.Kelley (�. 2,50 I.R.Sttxmpa } �i <br /> �!! ( neelled � , Laurr� 11.Dodgs �� <br /> !,� <br /> �� <br /> St�.t e of Atebruska, ) ' <br /> ) s a. <br /> _ Ii C ounty of Dou�lr;�a. ) On thi s 26 th d�►.y o f Janu�.ry A. D. 1Q22 bef ore me a N otr�ry Pub li.c f n and �! <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> 4 for s�.fd CountZ��person�lly c�ne ths above named N.P.Dodge Jr.and Lanrr� iN.Dodge�who are person- i <br /> ; ally known to m� to be the identical psrsons �hos� num�ss are �►ffixed to the above instrament a� <br /> ,� <br /> �� �r4ntors�t�nd tY�ey �ckno�rledged said in$trument to be theiir volunts,ry act and deed. j <br /> �� i! <br /> ; Witness my hand dnd Not�ri�,l Sedl the d�.te last aforesaid. ;� <br /> ; �I <br /> `� (S�AL) C.�.Kelley � � <br /> � `; Not�ry Public . <br /> � My commis�ion eapires on the 4th d�.y' of Sep A.D. 1924 <br /> �� I <br /> I'iled for record this 11 day of Febri�,ry 1922,�►t 4 o' clock P.Y• � <br /> ��=�� �����_�_,_ <br /> ,� Re�ister of �eeds <br /> ! -o-o-e-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-e-o-e-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-e-o <br /> � <br /> . i il <br /> �� <br /> „ <br /> ; ;! <br /> � . �� <br /> �� <br /> ;, <br /> ; , <br /> ;� <br /> � �; <br /> ; � <br /> ,; <br /> ,i <br /> i � <br /> � , <br /> .; �, <br /> , i <br /> �� � <br /> � " I <br /> , <br /> -_ -�____ �-- _ _ __ _ _ _ .___ � <br />