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� <br /> V�� <br /> � �C�C��I Gt�C��O�� � 000 � 7�0 <br /> WARnANTY T)P'FD CORPORATIO?�I <br /> �.:_._J.r._......_.�.______��_.____�_�-__.- � <br /> � THI� ItinFT1TURE.�Qae this 27th d�.y of S�.nuary�.�.D. 1922,bet�een Re�lt3� Inveatment Co. of Grand ' <br /> Isl�.nd Nebrask� � corpor�tion organi2ed and existing under �nnd by virtue of tY�e l��s of the <br /> StatR of Nebr�sk�i party of the first part,and Irene J.Rob�rson of the CountS� of Hall, and Stdte ; <br />� af Nebr�.ska,party of the �econd p�rt. <br /> �"ITSIESSFTH.2nat the said partyr of the first part�for and in consideration of th� �um of Fi4e <br /> hundred £� no/144 Dol2ars in hand� receipt w�erpof is hereby dcknowledged,htYS sold �.nd by th�se <br />' presents does gr�,nt, convAy �,nd c onfi rm unto the said party of the second part, the followin� des�- <br /> cribec� pr�mises,si.tua,t�d in Hall Count3�.�nd Stat� of rtebr�ska, t o-�it: All of Lot �'ive (5 ) in <br /> Block Fourt«�en (14) in Gilberts Addation to the City of Grand Zsland as surveyed pl�.tted and r�«� <br /> corded <br /> TO HAVF ANT TO HOZ,n t�� premises above de�cribed� t.O�PtiY1pT Wjt'i�7 ti,I.I �Y1B Ter:e�ents,FierRditdments <br /> � <br /> �nd Appurt�no.ncee therQunto belongjng unto the $�id Irene J.I�ob�rson <br /> And thA s�.id Re�.lty Inveatment Co for itself or its succESSOr,do hereby covRn�nt �.nd agree <br /> to and with the s�.id party� of th�: secor�d part �,nd her heirs and �saigns,tha,t c�t the time of t2�e <br /> execution and deliver�,T of th�se presents it is lawfully seized of said premi�es;th�.t it ha$ govd <br /> ri�ht and 14wfu1 authority to convey tih�: s�.zne; thc.t they are fr�e Except T�,.xes. - (as stated i�n ' <br /> contract for sale of saici Lot� fram encumbrance and does hereby coven�nt to warra.nt rxnd defcnd �h� <br /> s�.id gremises ��.inst the l�wful cl�.ims of a.11 persons whomsoever,Exce�rt us above st�,ted. <br /> IN �IT1�IF:�:� �!'HFR�'OF.the said has hereunto c�.used ita corpor�te seal to be affixed �nd these <br />; <br /> presents to be signed b3� its President thP day and ye�.r first dbwe writt�n. <br /> e - <br /> �igned, se�.led und delivArPd in presence of <br /> I.. �i.Nix (CORP} Re�ilty Investr�ent Co. <br /> EsEaL) <br /> ► , <br /> tp t E. ,Giibert Sec � B I,. C.Gilbert P <br /> At �s L y S resic�ent <br /> --------------------- <br /> (�.50 I. It.St�uaps } <br /> (Car.�c ell ed ,,,�_,�,�_�,�„� <br /> State of Texrss ) <br /> } s s. <br /> Hidalgo County j On this 27 day of Januar3r, 1922 before me, the undersigned�a Notary Publie ! <br /> in and for s�.id County,pQrsonally L. C.Gilbert�Presicient af the------t� me person�.11y known <br /> �. <br /> to bE the Pr�sident �,nd the identicdl person �rhose na,r�e is affixed to the mbove con��yancw.;and ,'� <br /> ackno�ledged the executivn thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such offfcer �.nd thg <br /> voluntary act and deed of tY�s said Re�lt3� Irn►e�tment Co�und th�t th� Corpor�ite se�l of thP s�.id _ <br /> Rerilty� Investment Co v��s thereto dffixed by its authori.ty. <br /> Witness my h�n� and Not�ri�l Se�l at Weslaco in said county the d�.y and ye�.r last above �ri.tten.. <br /> �SEAL} L.H.N ia <br /> Not�.r3� Public. <br /> 1�ST Ccmmission expires the 1 d�.y of June 1923 <br /> Filed for rec ord this 10 d�.yr of February 1922,at 3 0' ciock P.�d. <br /> / � � � <br /> �l -��/ <br /> . Reg i s t r f Da Pd� a ���� '� <br /> , i <br /> -G-0-Q-G-0-(3-�-0-0-�-�-�-0-Q-0-e-Q-C?-G-0-0-0-(}-0-0-(7-(3-C-L'-�-t?-('3-E-Q-Q-0-�-G-�-0-Q-0-0-0-0-C�-G-�?_ <br /> � <br /> i, . <br />