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� <br /> ����P <br /> DC����l [���c��c�c��l � C°�o �`�a <br /> hprPin�.fter descri.bed to_advertised,�.nd sold accordi.n�; to l�w; unc� �rher�as th� sra.i c� d�f�nd�.nts <br /> ng m�.dA dpf�.ult therPin, I s J. *.L�rprtzen��.� a"heY'j f�' of swid County}under and by qi rtue of thei <br /> ordPr of s�.id C�urt ta him directed,ciid�on the Fourth d�.y uf February A. D. 1�22,�,t the main door <br /> of tha Court Ho� in thN city of Gr�,nd Isl�.nd, in s�id County of Hall, (the s�.me bein� the place <br /> whPrPin the District Court �as last held in County)*hr�vir..�; firs� given duP and lsg�l r.otice' <br /> cf thP time and place of s�.i� sal�, for not less thU.n thirty d�.ys pri or thereto,in t�.e Gr�c.nd Is14z�d <br /> Ser�i-weekly Ir.c3ependpnt, a l�g�.l ne�►sp�.per pri.nted u,nd in gener�l circul�.tion in said Coun.�;y of <br /> �iall� sell the sai c� �rPmi ses u,t public uuction to Occident«,1 Eui.ldin� �C Lorrstn hssoci�.tinn c�f Orn�,hr�, <br /> Nebx�.sk�. it bein�-; the hi�nest �.nd b��t bidder therefor) for the sum of thirteen hundrpd a.nd nfl/1�1Q <br /> Dollaxs�which sul� rsr�,s �.ftex�Qrds �t the Febru�.ry Term of s�id Court,A. D. 1922 ex�r.�nined �,,nd conf��nPd+ <br /> �nd thP said J. J. Lorentzen,ws Shpri ff of s�.id County���ras nrderPd to execute �. deed of s�.i d ?�x�zriises <br /> to thA said Occidentul �3uildir� dc Lo�n Associ�tion of Orr�.hhu..�Nebruska <br /> �q��� ��r���c�p�, I, the s�.i d J.J.Lorentzen,as �h�riff' �f Hall County.Nebrask�., in �ursuance of the <br /> ordPr of s4id Court,as a.forPsaid, in e onsider�ti on c�f thp �r?rr�i ses,�,nd by vi rtue of the powers in <br /> me ve�t�d by Ia,w,do h�rpb3- �;�gr.�nt,�xnd convey unto the said Occidental Buildin� & I,oan A��oci�.- <br /> tion of Orr,�ha.Nebr�.sk�c �.nd assi�ns. thp ,,r�rr;ises sold as �.fvr'Asaid, to-wit: All of Lot SF3VF327 (7?. <br /> in Block Four (4 };� in Rollin' s Addition to Gra.n� I�lund�H�.11 Cour,ty�Nebr�ska,ae s�rvpyed,platt�d <br /> an�. .recorded with all �.n�i sin�;ul�.r ths ��a,�urten�.nces th�srPunto b�longing, to have and to hold <br /> unto i.t the s�iid UccidPntG:.]. 13uilding & Laan Associ�ti vn of nma.h�.,l�ebr�.sk�. �,nci tc� its succesaors <br /> und �,ssi�;ns f orever. <br /> Itv ��ITNES� ��R?�'O�. I hav��as �uch Sheriff of H�.11 County.Nebr�.�ka,her�:tanta sPt my h�.r_d this 7th <br /> d�.y of Febru�ry A. D. 19�:�; � <br /> Exscuted a.nd �e2ivc�red in Pre�pnce of <br /> J.J.Lorentzen <br /> Wa1tPr H. R�uert ---------------------- Sheriff of Hts,ll County. <br /> (��2. flG I.Ft. ;�tWmp� ) <br /> �1r�rth�. Suess ( �.r.celled_�_.��,� <br /> The St�,t� of Nebr�skd. ) ' <br /> } ss. <br /> Ha.11 County . } <br /> Cn thi.s 7th ddy of February A. D. 1�22.before me W�.1tPr H. RauPrt � <br /> Clsrk of thP Di.stri.ct Court �uly electPd und qu�.lified for �aid County ,p�raon�slly appeared �7. �T. , <br />' LorAnt�en�Sheri.ff of said County � to me known to be th.P�identical person desc ribed in s�red �vho <br /> execut�d the forP�oir� instxu�,pnt as �;rwr,L�r;and a.cknowled�ed eaid instrument to be his volunta.r�; <br /> aet a.nd depd �,$ sucn uheriff. <br /> IN �'�ITN�'�r �HF�EOF. I have hexAunt o set m,y hand �.n r� seal �it Gran�� Island; in s�.j d County, the , <br /> �ay ::nd ye�.r l�.st aornre written. <br /> (SFAL) ��.ltsr H. ��.uert <br /> Cler� of the District Court. <br /> Filp:3 fo.r rPcord this 7 day of �'ebruury 1g2�,�.t 2: 3d �'c iock P.B�. <br /> ���� � <br />� Re�istQr �of pgAd�.__. <br /> -fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-�-0-C�-4-0-�-0-fl-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-fl-G-0-J-0-0-Q-0-�--0-0-0-fl-a-3-�D- <br /> ;, <br /> .� i <br />